Sports War-Part 2

I can fix your heart


-Your POV-

Then hell broke loose between us.The balls were flying everywhere uncontrollably and we were both dodging the attacks.I saw my chance just then,he was holding his side and was going to grab a ball.Nuh-uh...I am SO not giving him this chance.

I aimed it straight at his legs and JUST when he almost touched the ball he wanted,I flexed and threw the ball I held with so much force.And it...missed.

"DARN IT!" I shrieked.My fellow chanters also hissed in fury,was it just me?Or did I only hear guys?

Sungkyu picked up the ball and winked at me.Disgusting I'd say.

"Nice move Kim _____-ah,THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!You caught me off guard I admit,such a pity that it missed JUST by THIS MUCH" Sungkyu made a 1cm distance between his fingers.I hate to admit it,but he was right.I hate that boy,I HATE HIM! When HE flexed,I dodged it with little effort.It wasn't as if I didn't see this coming.

-end of POV-

-Sungkyu POV-

Honestly,I swear I was telling the truth.She really did catch me off guard.I felt the air whoosh! just a centimetre away from my legs.And when I heard her shriek,it was almost terrifying.It was that shriek of a witch who just got her hair pulled. When I taunted her, she started to cry with angry eyes.Tears of anger?

"Well this is a side of you I have not seen,it seems you aren't COMPLETELY harmful at all." I said with an emotionless face.

"I may hate you Kim Sungkyu,but I'm still human,I have a heart!I have feelings at the very least!Unlike YOU!" she hissed back at me.Me?Heartless?No feelings?Not human?If I was heartless,I would not let you live this long.If I had no feelings,then why would I treat you this way?If I was not human,why is my heart slowly beating for you?Wait-WHAT?!WHAT AM I THINKING?!?!?!

I threw the ball and it hit her stomach.She moaned in pain before collapsing to the ground.One hand clutching her stomach,the other on the ground,holding her up for support.She was kneeling.I was actually surprised that L was the first one to run up to her.

"Are you okay??!!" I heard him ask._____-ah shook her head and said two words.'Sick room'.L nodded and looked at the teacher.

"Yes Mr.Myungsoo,you make take her.MR.SUNGKYU!!!MAY I HAVE A WORD WITH YOU RIGHT NOW?" I flinched before shuffling to his side.

"Myungsoo,you may go now." the teacher said,before turning back to me.From the corner of my eye,I saw L helping ______-ah up.They talked shortly and then L picked her up bridal style.She was still clutching her stomach and her eyes were closed,squeezed shut.

"Now boy,what do you have to say for yourself?!"

"Sir...she did it first..."I objected.

"Oh.Then where did she hit you?"

"The crotch."I said without embarassment.

"Well at least she followed the rules young man!"



"Above the waist..."I murmured.

"Sorry,I didn't hear you right.Can you say that again?"


"Exactly!Now THAT is breaking the rules."


"No buts.You'll have detention and I'll call your mother."Oh no...not omma,she'll kill me.

"Okay,Okay.I'll have detention...but please don't call my mother."I begged.


-end of POV-

-_____ POV-

The Sick Room was white.It could have been a hospital for all I knew.

"'ve woken up.How do you feel?"A soft voice asked beside me.I noticed it was one of Sungkyu's friends.

"Who are you?Don't you hang out with Sungkyu?Why did you help me?"

"I won't tell you until you answer my question first." he smiled cheekily.

"Fine,fine.I feel better...sort of.At least...compared to when it happened."

"So my part of the deal now?Okay.So my name is Myungsoo.KIM Myungsoo,other wise known as 'L'.Yeah I hang out with Sungkyu and...I helped you because....I don't know really.I probably see something in you."

I stared at him in shock."How can you see something in me when you hang out with Sungkyu?"

"I'll answer on the way.No doubt he has detention now."L lightly chuckled.

"-Ms.Jang,we'll be leaving now." he called out.A distant voice replied 'Alright,stay safe now."

On the way,I answered her question and asked my own.

"So what happened between Sungkyu and you?It seemed as if you both expected to be the last ones standing..."

"You understand well.However,it turned out bad for me didn't it?I broke the rules."

"Technically not.He did.Not you.You hit his crotch which was BELOW the waist.He hit your stomach which was ABOVE the waist."

"Okay..."which was all I could say.I lost this round which was no doubt.

-end of POV-


How can he hate a girl like her when I've fallen for her at first sight?

-end of POV-


I rushed this because I'm getting sleepy.But comments please!^-^

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I choose A and C. I just really want SHINee to come in!
I choose A & C!!!! hehehe
I go for B & C! LOL. I kinda don't wanna know about Dongjun. It might add more flame to the fire in this story. BUT, I really wanna see SHINee. Hahaha.
lametardedx33 #4
Hmmmm.... I go for C! There must have been a reason why you put that specific option! :D
on chapter 11,please scroll back up to Hoya's point of view and after the 'komawo oppa' it's supposed to be 'end of flashabck' LOLOL sorry about that!don't forget to comment!WHY ARE MY READERS SO SILENT ALL OF A SUDDEN?TT_TT
myonly15 #6
Haha! I hope Hoya, Sujong and ____ will be friends. :)) Update soon! :D