
everybody but us
"Hello? Earth to Key?" Sooyoung waved her hand in front of the speechless male's face as he stammered and stuttered, trying to stall time.
"What was the question?"
"Do you like me."
"Uh, sure I do. We're best fr-"
"We're best friends, I know. Do you like me? As more than a friend?" She repeated, stressing on the word 'like'. Key sighed softly, his shoulders slumping as he did.
"Do you want me to be honest?"
"Of course."
The word rang through Sooyoung's ears as she bit on her tongue, nodding with her expression still serious. She tried to read his face for any signs of insincerity but didn't find any and cleared .
"Alright, well I'm gonna get ready for bed. Night Key." She had started walking out when he held onto her hand, tugging her back through the doorway. Glancing down at her wrist, she tilted her head and tugged it away. "What're you doing?"
"Can I ask you something this time?" The male of the two started hesitantly, awaiting her response. 
"Fire away."
"Why are you making me hug you and hold you and all this? I thought you didn't like me."
"Remember I've told you about Donghae? How he used to give me that weird feeling in my stomach and he'd make me act like an idiot all the time?"
"Uh huh."
"Even though he was my first kiss, Eunhyuk doesn't give me that feeling."
"He doesn't...?"
The two stood in silence, staring at the floor as they expected the other to say something. Key awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, about to do the right thing in his mind and give her friendly advice when she spoke before him.
"You do."
"What?" He widened his eyes, his mouth slightly open in shock. Stammering yet again to form a proper sentence, she turned away from him in embarrassment as he tried to get his thoughts in order. 
"I said you give me that feeling," she mumbled, still facing the door. "Doesn't matter anyways. We've established the fact that we only want to stay best friends and I'm cool with that." Masking her disappointment behind a bright smile, she turned back to him with a half-hearted shrug. "Must just be normal stupid things with us, huh?"
"I think there's only one way to find out, really." Key finally recovered from his shock and managed to speak.
His own heart pounding in his chest, he reached for her hand again and pulled her so that the distance between them would be dangerously closer than usual. Voluntarily wrapping his arm around her waist, he tilted her chin a bit so that she would meet his gaze. He used the split second as a chance to relish in how beautiful her eyes were before closing his own and pressing his lips to hers.
Sooyoung thought her own heart was about to explode, caught between surprise at his action and the euphoric feeling that overwhelmed her. She happily draped her arms around his neck, moving her own lips against his as his hand left her face and moved to grip the sides of her waist. Stumbling back a bit they broke apart for a short moment to breathe, not quite ready to speak as their lips met again. Hands still on her waist, he backed her up to against the free space on his wall, one of her hands trailing down the side of his neck to his chest. His tongue brushed across her lower lip and she opened her eyes, poking his chest gently so that he would back up and they could both get oxygen back into their lungs.
"That was..." Sooyoung raised her eyebrows, still avoiding his gaze as she brushed her hair away from her face.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be your first kiss."
"I'm sorry, too."
"So did you get that feeling you were talking about?"
"It feels nothing like when I kissed Hyuk."
"Is that good or bad?" Key widened his eyes.
"Way, way better."
"Oh." He muttered, finally letting it sink in as a huge smile spread across his face. "Oh..."
"Where are we going from here?" She sighed, dropping onto the edge of his bed.
"I don't think we can keep fighting," he chuckled, taking a seat next to her and draping his arm over her shoulder. She leaned against his chest, an action that made him smile even more.
"And I don't think we can still be best friends." The tall brunette yawned, glancing up at him. "Jessica mentioned something earlier."
"What was that?"
"She said I'm not obliged to be with Hyuk because I kissed him, but also wouldn't that mean I'm not obliged to be with you?"
" have a point...okay, try to work things out with Hyuk because I don't want to stand in the way of that and make you feel guilty."
"Good point...but I'm going to bed, okay? Whatever happened tonight stays between us until we figure out what we're really doing." Rising from next to him, Sooyoung patted his cheek and laughed before walking out. "Good night, Key."
"Night," he called softly, resting a hand on the cheek she just touched with a goofy smile.
- - - - - - -
"I need to tell Hyuk I don't like him." Sooyoung muttered to all of the girls as they gathered in the small booth at their favorite cafe. She stabbed the ice in her latte with her straw, a pout forming on her face.
The other four's jaws dropped in shock, knowing she had been thinking about dating him for weeks. None of them could speak, until Taeyeon, who had recently been with the group more thanks to her interest in Onew, blinked and nudged the younger girl.
"Is it because of a certain other little fellow?"
"Who goes by the name of-"
"Kim Kibum?" They all cried out in unison, making her laugh and throw a balled up napkin at them.
"Not really, I just want to get everything straight in my love life. I mean, I broke up with Donghae, Hyuk kissed me and I didn't really feel anything in return, Key and I keep fighting and I want to fix our problems."
"That's good, get it off your chest." Yoona grinned, clapping happily for her older friend. The tables her as they fired questions at her instead.
"When is Taemin going to ask you out?"
"Why won't you two get together?"
"You guys are so cute!"
Meanwhile, Jessica pinched Sooyoung's leg and she pinched right back. After Sooyoung and Key's incident last night, she had only told Jessica considering she was too happy to sleep and she knew the older girl would've been with Jonghyun on the phone or something at the time.
"When are you going to tell Hyuk?"
"Today, maybe?"
"I've heard about when Hyoyeon broke up with him. Apparently he didn't take it too well."
"She told me he started yelling at her and threatened her current boyfriend."
"But Hyuk's a sweetheart, he--"
"For now, he is. Just be careful, especially because he knows you and Key are close."
"Hello? We're going shopping, both of you hurry up!" They perked up to find the other three impatiently gathered near the exit and laughed, throwing their garbage away as they ran after the others.
- - - - - - -
"What happened when you went home?" Jonghyun fell back onto his bed with Taemin and Key on the available chairs and Minho and Onew on the floor.
"Soo and I worked everything out."
"Did you do the thing?" The others burst out laughing at his immaturity, making Key roll his eyes and throw a pillow at him.
"No. But she's dumping Hyuk today."
"She's what?"
"Wait, wait, wait." Jonghyun sat up, a serious expression forming on his face as he raised an eyebrow at the younger male. "She's breaking up with Hyuk and you're letting her do it alone?"
"Um, yeah...?"
"Dude, didn't he snap on Hyoyeon when she left him and wanted to fight her boyfriend?" Minho widened his eyes as Taemin nodded.
"I heard that! Hyoyeon told me in Dance he was really upset and he started yelling and shoving her."
"Do you want him to do that to Sooyoung?" All of them focused on Key as his hands balled into fists, a frown on his face.
"I told Soo he wasn't a good guy," he scowled to himself, loud enough for the others to hear.
"Get ahold of her and see where she is, stop her!"
Key fumbled to pull his phone out, trying to dial her number as he put it on speaker. The others remained silent as they heard her voice from the other end.
"Soo, where are you?"
"With Hyuk. Why?" Those were the last words any of them wanted to hear as they grumbled to themselves, listening again.
"I need to know where you-"
"Uh, Key I need to go. Hyuk's waiting. I'll get a hold of you later, okay?"
And the line went dead.
- - - - - - - - - - -
{ A/N } double update yay!! i'm gonna go sleep, happy reading!!
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Chapter 15: wow sequel nice one!!
bananadubumilk #3
annyeong author-nim ! new
reader here ^^
..hehe having read your foreword..i
just felt glad to know i share the
same feelings with you about soo ..
y'know about her being my
ultimate bias and the shipping
thingy...haha..just thought to share
it..but the point is..i do love your
story ! ..haha..mianhe for the huge
space i've taken in your comment
box..i'll stop now..ppyong ~
KamiliaBBC #4
Chapter 14: u NEED to make a sequel.....Eunhyuk had moved next to their house..great..just great..
go to hell,Eunhyuk!!(im sooooo sorry for saying tht to Eunhyuk T.T)
Chapter 14: ya ohh my goshhh sequel! sequel! ^^
Everlotte #6
Chapter 14: WHOA EUNHYUK THAT IS NOT COOL B| omg o how you're making a sequel to this >u<
Chapter 14: What? aww man you left me hanging...wasn't the ending i thought but overall it was a good fanfic SOOKEY ;)
Everlotte #8
Chapter 13: KEY, DON'T TRUST NICOLE B| omg sookey is like freaking adorable, I can't stop squealing >u< soo's dad is acting like a total like srsly how can u kick out ur own daughter?
KamiliaBBC #9
Chapter 12: that was a sad chapter..
ugh!hate EunHyuk n Nicole..them n their stupid plans..
Noo!!dnt tell me Soo gonna break up with!!she cnt..!!!
Everlotte #10
Oh my God, author-nim, you made me believe in love again ; u ;