(7) College

When Love Is Always Return

"Good morning, Dear", Appa kisses top of my head and joins me for breakfast.

"Hm, mowrning"

"Eat slowly, you'll choke.. I may drop you off to college before I go to work.", Appa says as he pushes a glass of water in front of me.

"Thanks, Appa. But no, I planned on taking bus."

"You really don't want a car, Dara?"

"Yes, Appa. I prefer on taking public transport. I leave first, Appa. Bye!", I finish my sandwich then I give him a back hug before I leave.

"Take care, Dara!"


I take a look at my phone as I walking outside my house's gate. It's already 7 and my first class will begin 45 minutes later. I fasten my pace. I glance to The Jung's house. They probably already left minutes ago, the gate is still open but no car seen on my sight. I continue walking the bus stop. I look at my self and just realize that I didn't wear my best outfit for today. I always overslept before an important day. Since I was in rush I just grab anything and quickly wore it.

Slightly disapponting.. But it's not that bad either. Thank god I didn't forget to bring my cap, kkk.



I already waited for 10 minutes. I have bad feeling if I keep waiting for the bus I'll miss my first class. I decide to catch a taxi, but all of them are reserved. I think I'm going crazy in my first day being a college student. Not long later, a red car stops in front of me. The car owner turns down the window. 


"Dara-yah, get on!"




"Get on quickly, we might be late."

"Arasseo.", I quickly get on his car and put the seatbelt on. Daehyun drives his car about 90 km/hour.

"I thought you're already left.", I hold on to the seatbelt around me tightly.

"I was. Were you expecting me to not leave yet?", he grins at me.

"Tch, I saw your gate open but no cars left inside, so I assumed that all of you are already leave."

"Ooh..", he replies with his teasing face.

"You're getting weirder, Daehyun-ah."

"W-what's weird?", he turns to me seriously.

"Just.. All.", I simply teasing him.

"Yah! Tsk, anyway I watched your interview 2 days ago."

"Really? How do you know?"

"I just happened to know. Your dad is a famous person you know, you and Mr. Jang is made a headline on one of national portal website."

"Really? Ooh.."

"I was surprised that you were wearing a dress, since I haven't seen you like that before."

"Like that? Like what?"

"Like.. Like.."

"See, you're weird. I only wear dress for some events since I don't like to wear it much.", I cut him off.

"I'm not weird! Look, yesterday you wore something pretty but now you look like a highschooler who runs away from home"

"Tch, look at you wearing something pinky", I say as I fold my arm.



"Yah! What's wrong with pink? Nowadays pink is fit for men's wear you know?!"

"Then What's wrong on wearing these?! I'm 165cm tall and going to SNU, there's no people would think of me as a highschooler. And at least I'm not acting childish.."

"YAH! ARE YOU CRAZY? WHY ARE YOU SUDDENLY STEP ON THE BRAKES?", I explode because Daehyun's suddenly stop his car at the curb.

"Mianhae, Dara-yah. I don't know if you're gonna be this scared. I just want to apologize for my weirdness and teasing to you. We'll meet each other often, so I don't want to start this day with such quabbling. I'm really sorry, Dara."

"Arasseo, I'm sorry too, Daehyun-ah. Now drive safely, we'll be late.", I say after I sighed deeply.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Dara. I won't do it anymore."

"Yes, Daehyun."


Eventhough I'm not mad at daehyun anymore but it's hard to chase the awkwardness between us now. We're already on the parking lot, walking to our first class, Principle of Management. I permit myself to go to the toilet first, so he walks alone to class now. After I finish my business, I walk to find my class. Lucky me who's bad at remembering direction, I now lost my way. Then I ask a student who's passing by about the location of a class I should attend. He offers himself to take me there, I agree because he looks sincere and kind. 


"Here's your first class, your name is?"

"Dara, I'm Jang Dara. You are?"

"I'm Kim Himchan, Head of Business Department Student Council"

"Ah, Thank you, sunbaenim."

"You're welcome."


I knock the door after Himchan leaves. As I enter the class, everyone's staring at me including the lecturer. I just smile lightly to them. The lecturer looks young, I guess she's below 40's, she's also fashionable and friendly. She asks me where did I go then she allows me to find my seat. There's only one seat left at the very back of the class. I sighed deeply because I hate back-sitting. When I sit down, some students seem to recognize me. They greet me stealthily since the lecturer still explaining some things.

The interview things surely spread quickly. I hope the feedback will be positive.

I try to focus on the lecturer's explaination again, but then I see Daehyun looking back at me and making those hand gestures. I guess it's kinda "let's talk later". The lecturer gives a group project and tells us to go to the library to find more refererences.

What an awesome first-day-at-college.. I haven't even found any (real) friend here.

I lazily walk to the library. The students who greet me before ask me to go with them but I don't feel like I wanna go with them because I sense insincerity. I just send them off politely. Daehyun is already walking (far) ahead me. As expected, there are some girls swarm around him. I laugh by myself soundlessly.

He's not lying about his popularity. Eventhough he's an annoying-over-confident guy, he's not a liar.


The library is freaking huge. And my jaw dropped as I arrive at the 'Management & Business' section. It's as large as my highschool's library and almost every books are as thick as a pillow. How am I suppose to do to find any specific data on those books. I admit that I might be smart, but once again, my head is always refusing too much recitation. I suddenly awake from this 'horror' reality when someone is calling my name.


"Jang Dara?"



"Nae?", I look at her sitting by the bookshelf behind me.

"Are you really from LA?"

"Yes, why?"

"I'm Yoo Ri Ah, but you can call me Yoori. I lived in Sunnyside, San Fransisco since I was born. I still have much to learn about korean. Can I be your friend?", she asks in english. I thought she's cute and innocent.

"Of course.", I reply in english

"Actually, I know that you're from LA from the others. You're kinda big topic since this morning."

"Really? Ah, let's not talking about it then. So you live here alone?"

"No, I live in my cousin's house now, but he's not really helping me. His english is just so-so. Sometimes when I'm getting frustrated speaking in korean, I can only swear by myself. It's okay since no one understands."

"Hahaha, but you should learn korean quickly. It must be hard living in seoul when your korean vocabulary is still not good enough."

"Yes, of course, that's why I always bring this electronic dictionary. You may speak in korean, I'll try to speak in korean too. I'm just relieved that there's at least a person who can understand me later when others can't"

"Me too, I'm relieved that you're not asking to befriend with me because of my background"

"Your background? But you're really from LA, right?"

"Hahaha, it's true, Yoori. You're cute"

"What? Why am I cute?"

"Hahaha, nothing.. forget it."


"Dara, you're here? I look for you since I arrived at this library.. You meet a new friend here?", Daehyun suddenly popped beside me. Now he's hanging his arm on my shoulder.

"Oh, Daehyun-ah. Yes, this is Yoori."

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Yoo Ri Ah, but just call me Yoori."

"No need of honorifics, Yoori. I'm Daehyun, Jung Daehyun."

"Yah, Daehyun, let's go outside, I have headache just looking at these books.", said a guy who's approaching us.

"Yoo Youngjae!", Yoori is half shouting at him.

"Yah, you, Yoori, I looked up the words you keep saying at me and I found out that you were swearing. Don't swear at me again! I already know them."

"This garrulous bad jerk"

"What? that's new. Yah, don't swear at me anymore!"

"Yah, Yoo Youngjae, stop shouting. We might kicked out because of you. Dara, this is Youngjae, he's a friend of mine from the middle school."

"Ah, yes, hello, I'm Dara. So, you're Yoori's cousin", I reply as I try holding my laughter.

"Yes, it happened that way. I've heard much about you, anyway. Daehyun always tells me that.."

"Let's form a group! me and Youngjae are still need 2 people. You two seem not forming your group yet.", Daehyun says as he cuts Youngjae off and hits Youngjae back.

"Yah, it hurts!", Youngjae complains.

"Keep your voices down, dude", Daehyun replies.

"Okay, call. The four of us will be 1 group, right? Is it okay, Yoori?", I grab Yoori's hand swinging it left and right.

"Hm, It's not a bad choice. I'm in."




pretty boring? .-.

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