(6) Fireworks

When Love Is Always Return

What to wear? I don't want to embarass Appa later.

I'm going back and forth inside the closet looking for something to wear. I'm actually have a good taste of fashion, but it's kinda my own fashion, so that I can't really apply it anytime. I usually wear something casual, comfortable, and simple, not something sweet, y, or chic. It doesn't mean I don't like to wear something like that. I just prefer wearing those for some special event. But now I'm wondering when did the last time I dress 'prettily'.

Aaah, I'm troubled..


"Excuse me, miss Dara.", someone's calling me after some knocks on my door.

"Yes. Oh, Who.. are you?", I open the door and see a girl around my age standing in front of the door with a big trunk beside her.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm a style coordinator, my name is Hyemi. Please, take care of me well.", she bows and greets cheerfully.


"Mr. Jang hired me to help you dressing for some special event, So I think today is my first day working for you, miss."

"Aah, you may come in.", I open the door wider so the trunk can gets inside too.

"What's in that trunk? It seems heavy."

"This? I bring a dress and pair of shoes that Mr. Jang ordered, some accessories, some purses you may choose to be brought later, these make up tools, etc..", She says as she opens the trunk. 

"My dad ordered?"

"Yes, miss. Mr. Jang ask me to buy these items for you.", she gives me the huge shopping bag. Just seeing the bag I know that it's a well known brand.

"It's pretty..", I take out the dress and shoes.



"Doesn't it match your style, miss? Mr. Jang explained your style to me in detail before, I think it will suit you well."

"I think so, too. Ah, by the way, how old are you?"

"I'll turn 21 this year."

"Stop calling me miss and just call me Dara, I'll call you eonni, okay?"

"Yes? Are you sure, miss?"

"Of course. Just call me dara, eonni.."

"Okay, Dara."


I enter the closet to change into the dress and put in some dress I took out before Hyemi eonni came. I like this dress since it's quite simple but has a good pattern. After I finish changing, I leave the closet and approch Hyemi Eonni who's preparing her make up box and hairstyling box. She asks me to sit in front of the dressing table. We chats as she start styling my hair. She tells me that she learnt fashion styling since she's in high school and she was a quite famous fashion blogger. After she graduated, she decided to learn cosmetology formally in an academy. Up until now, she's been working as a style coordinator with few young celebrities. She also works in JHTV, one of my dad's business, as one of style coordinator for a fashion program. I like the way she's styling me because she listens to my opinion. I remembered once I had to go to beauty shop for the prom party, the staff put a heavy make up and heavy hairstyle on me that I had to redo all things at home before the prom started.


"Jjan, it's done, dara. You can open your eyes."

"Woah.", I simply say as I look at myself in the mirror. Hyemi put the natural make up prettily on me. My hair is simply adorable since Hyemi apply some foam on it and fix my messy wave short hair.

"Good job, eonni!", I give her 2 thumbs up. She smiles at me. She cleans up her tools before she leaves.


I look at my iPhone and it shows 10 AM. I quickly grab a purse and go to the 1st floor. My dad's already waiting for me. He sits on the couch watching some sport program. I poke his back as I stand behind him.


"Jjan! How do I look, dad?"

"Woah, So pretty, Dara. You also wear the shoes, is it comfortable?", He turns his back looking at me from head to toe.

"Yes. I had practice before with Hyemi eonni. I think it's pretty comfortable.."

"Aah, I see. Good! Let's go now."


We walk outside and there I see our chauffeur is already standing beside Appa's range rover. He opens the door for us the he drives the car in medium speed.



"Appa, what kind of questions they possibly ask me?"

"Maybe about your college, your life when you were in LA, and maybe something about my business. Since I'll be there with you, they won't ask something too personal carelessly."

"Ah, really? It's a relief then."

"Don't worry, just answer honestly, Dara."

"Arasseo, appa."


This morning Appa told me about what we're gonna do today. It turned out that I'll doing a company tour and also a live broadcast interview. He said since I haven't shown up before, many people are wondering how do I look. There were so many calls from some TV programs that want to interview me with my dad, but in the end he only chosed one to do the interview with.


"Are you nervous, Dara?"

"Hmm, just a little bit? Hehe. Since you're with me I'm not that worry anymore."

"We're going to the studio first to do the interview and you'll look around the company later."



We're walking together to the studio. Appa's secretary is joinning us. He holds a tablet PC and informs some important things for Appa. Appa seems to be busy today. He has 2 meetings and a CEO-get-together later in the evening. Appa's secretary's waiting for us inside the studio, sitting on the corner. Appa and I sit on the couch in the middle of the studio. There are 5 standby cameras around us. I keep looking around reducing my nervousness. The MC comes and sits on a chair beside the couch. He greets us politely. Then the interview starts.


"Annyeonghaseyo, 15 minutes from now on, together with me, Jeon Hyunmoo, on Business Weekly! This morning I'm accompanied by a handsome and well known businessman, Mr. Jang Ok Joo. And, his beautiful and talented daughter, Ms. Jang Da Ra. Annyeonghaseyo, Mr. Jang and Ms. Jang."

"Annyeonghaseyo.", we answer together.

"Mr. Jang, I remembered when I interviewed you last time, you talked about your daughter who was living in LA. I was wondering how does your daughter look yesterday, but it turns out that she's so pretty, I'm a bit surprise."

"Thank you, she's my one and only daughter, Dara. And yes, as I told you before, she was living in LA with my family there. She just arrived in Seoul yesterday."

"Ah, I see.. But, Since we haven't seen her even once, Is there any special reason she's coming now?"

"Actually, she'll be attending college here. So for years ahead, she'll staying with me."

"Oh, you continue your study here, Ms. Jang? Where?"

"Yes, I'm accepted in Business Department of Seoul National University."

"Wah, you must be really good at studying then. Your korean is really good too. Mr. Jang, you must be so proud of her."

"Yes, of course. She always makes me proud."

"I keep looking to both of you and you seem to have a really good relationship. I say this because I thought there will be some awkwardness since the 2 of you haven't seen each other for a while. But it looks pretty okay actually."

"We maintained or communication well these years. I also visited her on national holiday."

"Ms. Jang?"

"Yeah, actually we talk to each other a lot. I feel really comfortable talking with him about anything."

"What kind of topics you usually talk about to your dad?"

"School stuffs, hobbies.. Well, anything.."

"Ah, I'm sorry Mr. Jang, but have your daughter told you about her boyfriend or something?"

"I was the first person she called after she broke up with her ex-boyfriend last time."

"Hahaha, as expected Mr. Jang has sense. I'm sorry again, but, Ms. Jang, may I know your ideal type then?"


"What kind of guy you prefer to date? Should you get Mr. Jang permission to date?"

"Hmm, I think I have no specific type, but I like someone with good humor and someone who can lead me well."

"I'm quite cool about my daughter's relationship. She's the type who can take care of herself very well, I trust her."

"Ooh, I see. Now you're attending the business department of SNU, may I know what do you plan for your future, Ms. Jang?"

"I'm taking the major because I have interest in business, but I don't think I'll build a huge business like my dad owns now. I like cooking and playing guitar. So, I kinda have a plan to own live-music-cafe and restaurant franchise under my creation."

"Wow, It's pretty good plan, Ms. Jang. I hope you can make it happen soon."



***Daehyun POV***


I run towards Taekwoon hyung who's lying on the couch and watching MTV. I just opened my tablet PC and there's an email of recommended news of Business Weekly which broadcasted live today.


"Hyung, Hyung, I've seen someone similar on Business Weekly preview. Turn to channel 21, Hyung! Fast!"

"Aish..", Taekwoon is mad as I disturb him. 

"Ah, watch this, hyung. It's really daebak.", I sit beside him.


I was right. Dara is on live broadcast now, interviewed together with Mr. Jang. She's totally pretty wearing those dress. Her make up is natural and beautiful, her wavy short hair is just irresistable. I nearly drop my jaw on the rug. The last time I saw her, she's wearing her cap and denim with her sneakers, I already like her so much. Now she's dressing like this, I probably falling for her more.


What do you want me to do now, Dara?


"School stuffs, hobbies.. Well, anything.."

"Ah, I'm sorry Mr. Jang, but have your daughter told you about her boyfriend or something?"

"I was the first person she called after she broke up with her ex-boyfriend last time."


Ah, she's single now. It's great.


"Hahaha, as expected Mr. Jang has sense. I'm sorry again, but, Ms. Jang, may I know your ideal type then?"



I don't know why but my heart's beating rapidly. It's no difference when I see her in real life. I put more focus on her next answer. Unknowingly my right feet's shaking. I stop when Taekwoon slaps my leg.


"Hmm, I think I have no specific type, but I like someone with good humor and someone who can lead me well."


I feel fireworks inside my heart. I'm so happy that I smile widely like a crazy person. I hug a pillow that Taekwoon used before. Feel disgusted of my behaviour, Taekwoon slaps my head. Weirdly it doesn't sting a little bit.

Assa! I'm included in her ideal type: humorist.. Now how can I learn leadership..


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