Hit 3




"Kyuhyun... oh come on... you need to shower..." Hyukjae said, trying to persuaded the taller that turned to four years old boy. He had locked himself in the room, and there's no way Hyukjae could barged in.


"No... I don't smell stink. Thus, I don't need shower." The boy inside reply, sniffing himself, trying to convinced himself that he don't smell bad.


"Oh, you smelly, Kyuhyun. I could sniff you from here. Eww... smelly boy is a bad boy. Mummy won't like you." Hyukjae said.


The door open abruptly by the boy inside. "Now, there you ..... Kyuhyun, why are you crying?" He asked in panic once he saw the taller boy was wiping his tears with his hand, crying and sobbing loudly.


"You said mummy hate me." He said, cries get louder every second.


"Err.. Kyuhyun..." Hyukjae panicked. "I... I just kidding.." Though he had said that, the crying didn't subdue even second. Feeling guilty, Hyukjae too started to cry.


"Why are you crying?" The taller boy asked, his cries has slow down and watched the older crying endlessly.


"Because..." the older sobbed. "Because you're crying. I couldn't stand..hik..when someone is crying." He hiccupped during speaking.


"Sushh... it's okay." The taller said, sweet talking tried to coaxed the older one.


"I want so many bubbles." The taller said while the older was preparing bath for him.


The older just sighed and add more shampoo inside the tub. He heard a ruffling sound, sounded like a zip being tugged down. When he turned around, he immediately screamed.


"Kyuhyun!!!! What are you doing?" He asked, placing his hand on his eyes. "Wear it back."


"But you ask me to shower." The now four year old kid stomped his feet childishly.


"But not when I'm inside." He said. "Wait till I go out from this room first, then you can shower." he said and sighed in relief when the now four years old kid followed his instruction, even though he could heard the taller saying incoherent things. Oh he care less.


Hyukjae sighed once he was out from the bathroom, listening to the taller that was singing inside while bathing. "Let's wait for tomorrow, Hyukjae. Sungmin will know what to do." he said, convincing himself.


"Hyukkie... I'm done. Can I go out?" The taller inside suddenly asked.


"Wait, wait!" He panicked. "Did you wrapped yourself with towel?"


"Yesshh..." The one inside answered lazily.


Hyukjae let out sigh of relief. "Okay, you may come out." He said and the door quickly being opened by the taller. "I put your pajama on the bed." he said, looking at everywhere except Kyuhyun.


"Done!" The taller said when he done with his clothing. He yawned, feeling drowsy and walking to his own bed. "Hyukkie..." He said when he saw that the older was ready to make his escape.


Hyukjae turned and walked to the sleeping one. "What?"


"Sing me lullaby." the taller asked and make the older's eyes bulged out.


"I don't sing.' He said in annoyance.


The four years old boy sighed. "Pat me to sleep then."


Hyukjae was reluctant at first. But after thinking that if he able to make him fall asleep fast and he can have his rest later, he agreed.


After few minutes, which he had success in putting the taller to sleep, Hyukjae stretched his tired body, sleeping next to the sleeping boy, feeling so tired today. He prayed for tomorrow will turned out better, hopefully. 


"He was glaring at me." The fishy boy said, making both Hyukjae and Sungmin rolled their eyes to them.


"He always like that, Hae." His boyfriend assured him.


"No, Minnie. He was practically glaring at me." The fish whined. "And look, now he wanted to kill me." He said, hiding behind Hyukjae because of scared. "Hyukkie... he's going to kill me."


"Oh he will if you keep annoyed him, Hae. Stop asking him questions. He just four years old." Hyukjae said, annoyed, because he himself was tired with this stupid friend of him.


Donghae keep asking question like 'why did you turned out to be four back?' or 'did Hyukjae hit you that bad?' and worse 'did you assult my poor friend yesterday?' to the four years old kid. Of course he would get a glare in return.


"But, Hyukkie..."


"Shut up, Hae." Before Donghae could finish, Sungmin already scolded him. "I don't know why I couple with you really." He said and the fish started to pester on him, telling how they were practically fall in love with each other.


"Hyukkie... are you sure he really had lost his mind?" The fish asked, doubted again. 


"Yes, Hae. The doctor already confirm it." Hyukjae said, feeling tired because Donghae keep asking the same question over and over again.


"Hyukkie...." The now four years old boy called cutely. "I want orange juiccee..."


Hyukjae just sighed and went to the kitchen, leaving Kyuhyun alone with Donghae. Sungmin had been outside tried to called Kyuhyun's mother ever since before. Because his mother was a good friend with Kyuhyun's mother.


Donghae just looked at everywhere boringly, because Sungmin asked him to stay inside, watching over Hyukjae and Kyuhyun as he tried his best to reach Kyuhyun's family, at least.


The now four years old boy slowly walked to the fish, hugging his body on the smaller.


"What are you doing?" Donghae asked shocked when he found Kyuhyun suddenly hugged him.


"Say anything to Hyukjae and I'll kill you, fish."


Donghae's doe eyes went bigger of that threat. He pushed Kyuhyun away from him, earning a hiss from the taller.


"Donghae!" Hyukjae scolded because he saw Donghae pushed away Kyuhyun when the taller hanging on him.


Donghae's face turned pale, he quickly gather his things and pulled his boyfriend out from the house.


"Hey, Hae. Minnie!" Hyukjae shouted, tried to caught those couple before they could make escaped. But Kyuhyun was there to blocked Hyukjae first.


"Hyukkie... I'm hungry." The taller said pouting to Hyukjae. "Let's eat ice cream." He said and pulled the older's hand, going out from their house.


"Hae... Hae.. stop. Gosh... what happened to you?" Sungmin said when Donghae finally stop.


"Minnie... he... president.. alive..." Donghae stuttered, looking at the back to check whether someone was following them or not.


"Hae.. Hae... relax. Breathe." His boyfriend asked him and the fish one followed."Did he scare you?" 


Donghae's eyes went bigger. "You know?" He asked his boyfriend. 


Sungmin netherless nodded. "He treated me too.."


"You mean... Kyuhyun wasn't...." Donghae cupped his mouth, couldn't believe what he was going to say. "Gosh, what will happen to Hyukkie?"


"He said it as lesson because Hyukjae always make him mad." Sungmin explain, feeling pity at his clueless friend fate.


"But how about the doctor?" Donghae asked.


"You mean Choi Siwon? He was Kyuhyun's acquaintance." Sungmin explain.


"What will happen to Hyukkie, then?" 


"Let's pray that Kyuhyun will show him some mercy." Sungmin said, sighing because of his friend bad luck. 



I'm lack of ideas and don't want to write this anymore, so I'm going to finish this soon.     








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wildrose88 #1
Chapter 13: This is happiness aaaaa kyuhyuk heaven
Chapter 4: owww....i really fall for you trick!!!!!
I thought he lost his memory for true...
ShadowChild #3
Aww it was so sweet^.^
Stupid Donghae-hyung... xD
At least he gave Eunhyuk-hyung the pic xD
AnImEmAnGaFrEaK73 #4
Chapter 13: Aww it ended
The ending was a bit rushed but I still enjoyed it ^^
That stupid donghae ^^

Thanks for sharing this with us ^^
Chapter 13: finish already? why? why so fast T^T
I'm gonna miss this story.
that stupid donghae. i think he did that on purpose to punish kyu. hahah. negative thought. kkkk

it's ended T^T
I really enjoy the story. thanks for sharing dear ^^
HaeMyBananaHyukie #6
Chapter 13: Muah author-nim you really did make up for kyuhyun now all I gotta say is ima beat the crap out of some fish
heyitstheduff #7
Chapter 13: Rushed a bit, but i love it!^^ just like always!;) i love the story soooo much! Thank you for sharing your awesome imagination...
loverlovereunhae #8
Chapter 13: finish already....kyuhyuk 4 ever..
kina_kirana #9
Chapter 13: yea....a happy ending. i'm loving it. donghae stupidity is indeed his charm.