Hit 9




Three years later...


"Three.. four.. to the right, turn around." Hyukjae said instructing his students with the correct choreography. "All right. We will stop here for today, and please practice this move if you wish to enter the competition." He said, earning a relief clapped from his students.


"Teaching is killing you?" Shindong, the owner of the dance company asked. Hyukjae had been worked at his company as one of dance instructor, along with Donghae. They did not further their study to Uni because its too tiring for them. Study is tiring for small brains like them; Donghae said.


"No, I love doing it." Hyukjae said, gladly drank 100 plus. Isotonic drink after sweating a lot is totally refreshing.


"You know that you don't have to get all serious about the competition, didn't you?" Shindong asked, taking place next to him.


"I want to. Don't worry." Hyukjae said reassured.


Shindong sighed. "I don't know what had happened between you and the tall guy yesterday,but you know... you can't run away forever." Shindong adviced. 


Hyukjae just sighed. "But I'm not running away, hyung. He's the one who run away from me." Hyukjae said, almost teary. "Instead of talking to me directly, he send his cousin." He mumbled, pouted sadly.


Shindong patted his back, reassuring that everything will be fine.


"Hyukkie...." Chipped Donghae at the door. He just ended up his classes, and now couldn't stay still because he has incoming date with his bunny boyfriend. "I'm gonna date with Sungmin, wanna tag along?"


Hyukjae threw the towel to Donghae's direction. "Yah, why on earth should I tag along during your date? Both of you will ignore me after all." 


Donghae scoffed at his best friend. "Its your loss then." He said and turned his heels away. "Ah, before I forgot, Siwon asked you to come to the restaurant near your apartment. He said its important." Donghae said, reminding.


"What for?"


"I don't know. He said I just the deliver boy. So I shouldn't asked much." Donghae said and pouted. "Anyhow, I'm going first. I have a hot date with Sungmin~~" He sang and skipped away, happily.


"Siwon is..." Shindong asked.


"The tall guy from yesterday." Hyukjae explained. "He's someone cousin."


"And that someone is..."


"He is the most stupidest person I ever met. Probably freaking genius in academic but very idiot in life making decision." Hyukjae said, gritting his teeth.


"O...kay." Shindong said unsure. "You sure you gonna be fine meeting this Siwon guy?"


Hyukjae let out sighs. "I think I will. Not that he will appear. Probably just Siwon wanted to check on my life. That's all." Hyukjae said and throwing all his belonging inside his bagpack. "I'm going first. Are you gonna stay, hyung?"


Shindong shook his head. "I guess I will close after you left. Take care and don't kill anyone."


Hyukjae laughed. "I wish, hyung. I wish." He said and walked to his apartment for shower and anything he needed to do before meeting Siwon.




"Hey Siwon." Hyukjae greeted soon as he reached.


"Hey. Anything you would like to order?" Siwon asked while raising his hand, calling for the waiter.


"Can I have something heavy? I'm freaking hungry right now?" Hyukjae asked, eyes pleading.


"Sure you can." Siwon said and the waiter held out the menu.


"I'll go with lamb thanks." Hyukjae said, not even eyeing the menu.


"Chicken for me." Siwon said politely and handed back the menu to the waitress.


"So, why am I here?" Hyukjae asked soon the waitress go away.


Siwon let out sighs. "Can we discuss after meal?"


"No." Hyukjae said monotone. "Seriously Siwon, you won't be suddenly so kind and visit me two days in row. Spill."


Siwon let out sighs again. "Kyuhyun is back."


Hyukjae's body slumped to the chair, his throat felt dried. "He's... back?"


Siwon nodded and held Hyukjae's hand, assuring everything will be fine. "You two need to talk."


"But he didn't want to, Siwon." Hyukjae whined. "He even refused to see me after that day."


"Hyuk..." Siwon called, gently caressing Hyukjae's hand. "I know its hard for you. But know that it was harder for Kyuhyun too. He had been hiding his past ever since before. And to know that someone who is very important for him, which is you to know about it, of course he got freak out."


"But its all in past, Siwon. All I wanted is his present and future. I don't give a damn about his past. I told him that." Hyukjae whined.


"Probably that's the reason why, Hyuk." Siwon stated.


"Huh? What do you mean?"


"To tell him that his past wasn't important. Maybe that the reason why he walked away from you."


"I... I don't understand."


"For Kyuhyun, though  his past was ugly, its matter. Because his past is the only thing that keeping him alive. The only reason why he had wanted to be successfull. So that people will stop laughing at him." Siwon explained.


"I don't get you, Siwon."


Siwon sighed. "Kyuhyun's past, its contained his family. Though he coming from that kind of family, its still called family to him. The mother who had pregnant him for nine months, the father who had taken care of him since he was small. Its all matter. And having someone like you saying to him that those people wasn't important to him anymore, it hurted him. Because no matter how worse they were, they are still Kyuhyun's parents. One he had loved so dearly, no matter how long had they changed, Kyuhyun still loved them. Because they're his parents."


"Oh lord! That's why he say that." Hyukjae moaned, regret.


"Hyuk... Kyuhyun is my dearest cousin. He didn't know how to express himself properly because of his past. You're the only person I have seen Kyuhyun showed his interest at." Siwon said and paused when the waitress come and served their meal. He continued once the waitress go away.


"I'm not forcing you to it, but if, just in case you're still not attaching to anyone, just in case you have the same feeling to him, can you show him his escape? He had been trapped for long, and he was waiting for someone to save him." Siwon stopped.


"But I had say thing that hurt him. I don't think he will forgive me." Hyukjae said sadly.


"Hyuk... I don't how and why. But Kyuhyun was fond to you. Very fond to you. I don't think he could make himself staying mad at you." Siwon said, smiling. "Let dig in. You need a lot of energy to actually confront with my cousin." 


Hyukjae just grinned at the supportive cousin Kyuhyun have.


"Woah, I'm very full." Hyukjae said, patted his tummy. He had refused Siwon to send him back home because he wanted to walk to his apartment. Its a windy night, very comfortable for Hyukjae to walk.


"Kyuhyun is coming back." He mumbled. "Should I seen him?" He asked himself. "Siwon said I should." He confirmed his inner self. "But I don't know how to." He whined. "Oh lord, why am I having this hard life?" He asked to God and frozen, as the time stop working for him.


"Kyu...." He called the one who had waiting in front of his apartment building.


But the guy didn't hear. just staring at the floor Hyukjae's lived in.


The guy let out sighs and walked away from the building. Few minutes passed and Hyukjae still frozen. 


"Wait... wait... Kyuhyun... wait." He shouted and started to ran after the one who had left.


But Hyukjae did not see a car approaching him and just crossed the road.




His body turned around, safe from the hit.


"Watch you way, idiot!" The driver shouted at him.


Hyukjae who was still in dazed, and not knowing that he just second losing his life turned to the road.


"What?" He mumbled and tried to move his body, but he couldn't. Instead, he could heard harsh breath, and hard heart beating. Someone had hugged him and now has his head on Hyukjae's shoulder.


Its not someone. He's not just someone. He's not a stranger. Hyukjae knew this scent. Hyukjae knew this figure.


It was Kyuhyun.


"Kyu..." He called softly.


The said man lifted his face, anger and fear could be traced on his facial expression.


"Are you crazy? Why you want to kill yourself?" He shouted at him, making Hyukjae flinched. "Did you know what will happen if I didn't pull you away at the exact moment? You might die, Hyukjae! Die!" He stopped to regulate his breath.


"Kyu? Its you? Its really you?" Hyukjae asked, checking Kyuhyun. "Oh lord! Its really you!" He said happily.


"What the... Hyukjae, you almost dead! And know you're jumping happily just because you seen me?" Kyuhyun asked, half angry half relief. There's small smile Hyukjae noticed on his handsome face.


"I'm glad you're coming back, Kyu. I'm just happy." Hyukjae said before launching himself to hugged the handsome man, tightly.


Kyuhyun who was startled at first, slowly melt under Hyukjae's hug, hugging the latter tighter.


"Don't leave anymore, Kyu." Hyukjae mumbled between their hug. "Just don't leave me anymore."



Only one (or if I'm lazy; two) chapter(s) left and this story will be completed.


p/s: Before you actually bombed me with questions, please take note of the three years gap. And I will fill you in with what had happened between the three years gap on the next update. Thanks for understanding.


Enjoy everyone.    

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wildrose88 #1
Chapter 13: This is happiness aaaaa kyuhyuk heaven
Chapter 4: owww....i really fall for you trick!!!!!
I thought he lost his memory for true...
ShadowChild #3
Aww it was so sweet^.^
Stupid Donghae-hyung... xD
At least he gave Eunhyuk-hyung the pic xD
AnImEmAnGaFrEaK73 #4
Chapter 13: Aww it ended
The ending was a bit rushed but I still enjoyed it ^^
That stupid donghae ^^

Thanks for sharing this with us ^^
Chapter 13: finish already? why? why so fast T^T
I'm gonna miss this story.
that stupid donghae. i think he did that on purpose to punish kyu. hahah. negative thought. kkkk

it's ended T^T
I really enjoy the story. thanks for sharing dear ^^
HaeMyBananaHyukie #6
Chapter 13: Muah author-nim you really did make up for kyuhyun now all I gotta say is ima beat the crap out of some fish
heyitstheduff #7
Chapter 13: Rushed a bit, but i love it!^^ just like always!;) i love the story soooo much! Thank you for sharing your awesome imagination...
loverlovereunhae #8
Chapter 13: finish already....kyuhyuk 4 ever..
kina_kirana #9
Chapter 13: yea....a happy ending. i'm loving it. donghae stupidity is indeed his charm.