
Just let me love you

After Taemin left, we all got up to get lunch and came back to the table then began to eat.

"Hey!" L.joe said suddenly and we all looked up from our food. "It is Friday today, right?" He asked. We all nodded and he grinned. "We should all go to the bowling alley tonight!' He said. The guys and Minji smiled at the idea and nodded. I looked at L.Joe. "But why tonight, why not after school?" I asked. They all looked at me with a face saying 'killjoy'. 

"Because it's Glow-in-the-Dark bowling! It's starts at sunset." Changjo said. "Come on, noona!" Niel begged. I thought for a few seconds while they stared at me. "We'll have to ask mom and dad, Niel." They all groaned and I just shook my head. I ate my salad and I felt someone behind me. I turned around and saw Niel. He was hovering over me and giving me the puppy-dog face.

"It's not going to work, Niel." I said and turned around and ate my salad once again. He sat on the chair next to me and put his hands together.

"Please, noona!" He begged. I turned my head. "We have to ask first." I said. He groaned and he stood up. He walked back to his seat and we all carried along with normal conversation. I went to throw away my lunch, which was all the way on the other side of the lunch room. I turned around and saw Taemin. He pinned my wrists down on the wall and leaned in. I tried to get away from his grip but he was to strong.

"Taemin stop." I said and moved my head the other way. I looked at him again and he kissed me. I tried to move away but that made him kiss harder.

"Stop." I heard Chunji's voice. Taemin pulled away and I shook my wrists off his grip. I looked at him and wiped my lips. I slapped him and stepped on his foot. He groaned and fell to the ground. Then, I turned around and looked at Chunji.

"Thanks." I said. He walked closer to me and he went behind me. He put his hands on my shoulders and leaned into my ear. "No problem." I felt him push me a little bit and I began to walk back to the table.

"What took you guys so long?" Minji asked. "Taemin accident." I said. I saw Taemin walk back at his table and he winked at me. I ignored him and put my head on the table. The bell rang and we all got up.


Soon, school was over and I walked back to my locker. I scanned the crowd for Minji and I grinned when I saw her. She wasn't alone. L.Joe was walking right next to her and his hands in his pockets. Minji walked up to me smiling like crazy.

"I won't be walking with you today!" She said, happily. I looked at her like she was a weirdo. "Why do you sound so happy that you won't be walking with me?" I asked while I took my things out of my locker. "Because L.joe is walking me!" She said. I smiled and stuffed my things in my backpack. I patted her back. "Go have fun! Don't be embarrassing!" I said. She nodded and waved. I waved at him and closed my locker. I walked to Niel's locker and saw the guys there.

"Ready?" I asked. He closed his locker and he nodded. He waved goodbye to the guys and C.A.P pointed at us. "Bowling tonight!" He yelled. "We'll try!" I screamed. He gave us a thumbs up and kept walking the other direction.

"Come on, noona! How come we can't just go?" Niel whined. I looked at him. "Okay, first, stop calling me noona, you can call me noona sometimes but not all the time. And second, we need to have permission. Who knows, umma and appa can be working late tonight and we can just go." I said. He nodded and we continued our walk home.

When we got home there was a sticky note on the table. It read:

Niel and Sora!

We'll be working late tonight and tomorrow also.

I cooked your dinner tonight. It's in the fridge, just reheat it.

Love you guys, 

xoxo Umma

"Niel!" I yelled. "You got lucky!" He ran ran upstairs into the kitchen. "We can go!?" He asked. I nodded and he pumped his fists in the air. He got on his phone.

"Hyung!" He said. "We can go!" He ran away into his room and I laughed at him. I grabbed a snack and walked to the living room. I sat on the couch and got out my homework. Once I got done, I turned off the TV, took my things, and walked to my room.

"I feel so dirty!" I said. I walked towards my mirror and turned sideways. "Yup, I need to work-out." I walked to my closet and took my gym clothes. I set them in the bathroom and I walked to Niel's room.

"Niel~" I chanted. He looked away from his computer and looked at me. "What?" He asked. I grinned. "Let's go work out!" I said. He shrugged and got up. "Fine, let me change." He said and closed the door. I walked back to my room and changed also.

My outfit -> http://www.polyvore.com/work_out/set?id=89192286

When I got, I went to our gym and started the music. I stretched and waited for Niel to come. He finally came and we both stretched. Soon, we both started.

It's been an hour and a half and we were both sweating/panting like crazy. 

"I'm so tired!" He said and laid down. I drank my water. "I'm done for today, I'm going to get ready." I said and walked out with my stuff. I went to my room and placed my things down. I got my towel and other things and walked to my bathroom. I peeled of my clothes and got into the shower.

I after I was done cleaning myself, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and went to my closet. I picked out my outfit and changed into it.

My outfit --> http://www.polyvore.com/random/set?id=89193735

I fixed my hair and make-up and when I was done, I took my stuff and went downstairs. I saw the time it was only 6, almost 7. 

"Niel!" I yelled. "I'm going to Minji's! I'll meet up with you at the bowling alley." I waited for an answer. "Alright! Bye!" He yelled. "Bye!" I yelled and walked outside. I locked the door and turned around then walked to Minji's. I saw Taemin walking behind me and I walked faster.

"Sora!" He yelled and grabbed my shoulder. He turned me around and I saw he had a bouquet of roses. I pretended to like them. I smiled and he handed me the flowers. "For me?" I asked and took them. He nodded and then my face turned serious. "I hate them." I said and threw them to the ground. I stomped on them and turned around. I walked away but he stopped me.

"Sora! Please!" He yelled. He turned me around and pressed his lips on mine. I pushed him away and I backed away.

"Just-just," I said. "Just leave me alone." I ran away, towards Minji's house. I knocked and she answered. "Sora, you're here~" She said. i came in and I went into her room. I saw L.joe sitting on her bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He smiled and stood up. "We just did our homework together, Sora. Don't worry." He said. Minji came into the room and smiled. "Study buddies!" She said and walked towards him. I sat at her desk and they both put away their stuff. Then L.joe got up with his things.

"Are you leaving?" Minji asked. He nodded. "Sora's here so I thou-" Minji cut him off. "No it's fine!" She said. I laughed at her.

"Desperate~" I chanted and she threw a pillow at me. L,joe and I laughed. "I gotta go though, I'll come back later." He said and waved. Minji fake smiled and followed him out. After I heard the door close, she stomped up the stairs into her room.

"Sora!" She yelled and threw a bunch of pillows at me. "You really had to say it!?" She yelled. I laughed and calmed down. "I just had too! I mean you pretty much made it that you desperate for him to stay." I said spinning on the chair. She plopped down on her bed and sighed.

"I did?" She asked. "Yup." I replied. She sighed and rubbed her face. I laughed and we chatted.



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Chapter 18: ir's sooo cuteee! ^.^ sequel!!!
Chapter 18: ir's sooo cuteee! ^.^ sequel!!!
Chapter 18: Author-nim!!!! The Ending is Soooo cute!!!!!^^ I Love this story just as much as your other stories! Sorry I haven't commented or kept in touch with you in a while..V_V But always remember that you are my favorite Author and that even though I don't comment as often as before I'm ALWAYS going to be here Supporting you!!! I CAN'T WAIT until your future stories!!!!^^ Saranghamnida!<3-SaranghaeyoKpop
Chapter 17: update soon I love this
Chapter 17: update soon please!!!!
Chapter 17: i knew it...but wait... teen top knew about this?!?!?! ughh update soon!!! ^.^
Chapter 11: i think chunji is just ... trying to make her jealous ..i dont know. LoL UPDATEE SOON!
Chapter 10: fml ... im done ... i cant.... chunji ... i cant ... just nooo... honedtly. someone stab me. wtf chunji???? ughhhh
Chapter 9: omo what cap did was horrible .. but hes losing his friends ... :'( hes not the bad type! well ... i wonder where chunji was in this chapter ... Lol hehe .. i love Chunji :$
Chapter 8: omfg. thats it. sora, i hope you really realize your feeling for chunji.. fck you cap! how could you?! i hope l.joe finds out and protects minji