Chapter 16 Searching for you

Unexpected Love

Kris POV


Man!! I can't free my self form this girls. Where's Jinpa anyway?? I think i just saw him talking to a guy(he was the cute type i guess). No wonder she must have gone with him. Wait!!! Is she an idiot? How cute a guy may ba, guys are guys. Tagging along with some unknown guy, whats she thinking? She must be flirting with him.


"Someone!" i heard someone shouting and running helplessly. Oh! Thats the guy who was with Jinpa sometime ago. But why is he alone? Where's Jinpa? "Yo-You are with Jinpa, right?" he said, breathing hard from running. "Yeah! But why are you asking?" i don't know why but the guy seemed pale. "Jinpa-She-she..." the guy was stammering. "Hey hey hey! Talk slowly, its not that you are in a hurry right?" really! The guy was in no condition to talk but he still did, so stuborn. "Jinpa! She, we went to see water fall but...." he stoped. Now i am getting worried. "Whats it? Where is she? What happened?" i asked, i sounded worried now. "She fell in the river and..." now the guy was almost filled with tears. "What did you just say?"


After hearing it, i felt my heart stop beating, i felt suffocated, my heart throbbing. I hurriedly asked where th waterwall was and ran to search for Jinpa.

"!!! Really??? What was she thinking?"

"Please!!! PLEASE JINPA!! BE SAFE" i don't know why but i kept on praying while searching for her. I don't know why that girl makes me so insecure and concerned. I know she hates me, she is always glaring and ignoring me but when she talks, she is always rude. But still, why do i act this way??


Two hours have already passed and i still haven't found her. Oww!!! I didn't notice i hurt myself while searching for her. Why is it only forest in here? Its dangerous than i thought. What if something happened to her? She fell, what if she.... No, what am i thinking? I know she is safe, she has to be safe. She is a strong girl, she is even stronger than me. She isn't a girl, she is too strong to be a girl(smiles to himself) She hates me and always glares and scolds me. She is... She is..a strong girl. Her life can't end here. I can't lose her here "Why am i panicking?" She.. she... God damn it!! I am already teary. I'm so pathetic. ! ! !!! Wh-whats this feeling?


Jinpa, Please please, come back... (He hears a rustling sound) "Huh!!?? Hey!!! Kris!!??" God!! Thank you god!!! (He stands up and starts hugging her) "Thank god! Thank god you are safe, Jinpa" She is safe, she is back to me. She is alright.


Jinpas POV


So cold!! Whats this?? Am i really dead??? I mean i did get washed away in a waterfall.... I opened my eyes, WOW!!!!! I couldn't believe what i had just seen. "This place is so beautiful"

i couldn't believe my eyes, it was full of beautiful flowers "Am i really dead? Is this heaven?" If its really heaven then i don't mind if i am dead! hehehe Just kidding. Really!?? Where am i??


I really liked the place so i went on exploring. I found many different flowers that i hadn't seen or heard of before. And there were so many beautiful animals and trees.. Really!!! I want to explor more. "Wow!! I found even more unique flowers. Kris loo-" Wait! What was that?? Did i just call out-" hahaha... it was just a slip of tongue..hahaha-ha-hah-ha.. Now that i think about it, Whats he up to right now? Oh yeah, he must be enjoying with those girs. He wouldn't have even noticed i was gone.


Even if he finds out i have gone missing, he wouldn't look for me. I always say i hate him, glare at him and i am always rude. I even slaped him eventhough it wasn't his fault but mine and i didn't even apologize. He hates me so i'm sure he doesn't care. But why? Why is my chest paining? Its throbbing.... I can't breath.... It hurts... My heart, it hurts but i don't know why? (TEARS FLOWING) Why!!??? They won't stop. So i wasn't dead yet.


After sometime, i went on searching for the right path. It was already late but i didn't know where to go and which one was the right path. When i saw someone, i went to that person so i could ask for help, "Huh!!?? Hey!!! Kris!!??"...

It was Kris. What was he doing sitting at a place like that? He suddenlt stood up and hugged me and started murmuring "Thank god! Thank god you are safe, Jinpa". WAIT!!! Whats this??? (THUMP THUMP THUMP) His heart is beating so fast. Was he worried about me?? Now that i look at him properly, he is a mess.


"Hey!! You are bleeding" Kris had a lots of skratch marks and his left leg was bleeding. "Its nothing" he said in pain. "Shut up and sit down. Let me tend it" i suggested. I could see he was in pain and of course, it would, the wound wasn't just a mere skratch but a big cut. I found herb near by (i kind of learned about herbs from Taewang, she likes plants) and applied on his wound.


"Oww!!! Be a little gentle" he complained in pain. This time i couldn't get angry because he was in this condition because of me. "I'm sorry" i really was. I wanted to cry again "I'm sorry" i repeated again. "He-Hey.. whats-why are you apologizing and crying?" Kris said worried and scared at the same time ( cuz she was acting not her usual self). "You searched for me and got hurt but i thought you would leave me like-" "Like??" He seemed confussed. Like! Like who? What was i talking about? "Who are you talking about?" Kris suddenly asked, he seemed a bit different... angry??? upset?? i can't explain it right?


"Ah!!!! Ow!!!" my head suddenly hurt.

"What happened!?" he was worried.

"My head, it hurts" "Did you hit your head?" he asked "No"

"Anyway, lets move back to ajuma. She must be worried.

"And thank you for searching me" i finally said

He seemed surprised, "What!?" i glared. "No nothing! I was just wondering how you can be kind to me too" that really irritated me but i kept quite, i am enduring but "Oh, and i wasn't searching for you because i was worried, i just thought that without you around, me alone, i'm going to be in trouble.


I couldn't believe, how i trusted this guy? Really!!!??? He gets on my nerves, "I take back what i just said". "What did you say?" Is he trying to irritate me? God, i want to kill him.


After an hour we got back to where everyone was after lots of troubles. Hansu cried when he saw me and kept on apologizing me. He really was worried about me unlike someone(looks at Kris). Still flirting with girls(Kris is surrounded by girls asking if he was alright and if they could treat his wound and he was rejecting him politely saying, "I couldn't let cute girls like you to tend me. You will get dirty too"). The hell??? He let me tend his wounds cuz he thinks i'm not cute... JERK!!! (Meets eyes with Kris, glares at him and turns away from him, Kris just smiles and thinks "She is cute").




CR FOR KRIS PIC: Facebook admin of EXO Kris


Guys! I won't be able to update for some time T_T. I hope you will wait for the next update calmly. THANK YOU ALWAYS FOR READING MY FANFIC ^___^

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Amaiko #1
Chapter 27: It's so cute and exciting story.... Keep writing author nim.. Update soon...
kdramafan #2
Chapter 25: I love this story... Keep writing author nim ..... Please update ..... And hwaiting
lovememin #3
Chapter 25: I love this story ^^ Please update :)
kdramafan #4
Chapter 24: This was a good update.... Can't wait your next one,.... Aish kris' new hairstyle for his comeback... And everyone in exon has bud hair styles... Suho Xiumin tao kai. = blonde hair ...... Chen cut his hair ...... Chanyeol red hair .... Aish
kdramafan #5
Chapter 23: Please update soon
kdramafan #6
Chapter 10: Aargh....k - on picture...... Kris aaatgh feels!!
kdramafan #7
Chapter 10: waaha this is so good .. i luv the pics u use keep updating
Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS! update please. JEBAL UNNI?????!!!!~~~~