Chapter 13 Mission:Apologize to Kris

Unexpected Love

Sorry for not updating yesterday. Had Net problem. Meyan!!! ^_-


Everyone was getting along with Exo members (though they haven’t debuted yet, I will still use their group name). Even Taewang was getting cozy with suho oppa.


I am feeling guilty because of Kris. Now that I know the truth I have to apologize to him. But why was he keeping an eye on me? I glared at him and he just laughed. Does he think I am a clown? Stupid! But still, I have to apologize to that jerk if not he will haunt me all my life. Though it was my fault and not his, that doesn’t mean I changed my view about him.


When the day came for apology, I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t do it! When Kris was alone in the cafeteria,

(Imagine him wearing school uniform)

I thought it was my chance. As I walked through the hallway I took a deep breath as if I was going to confess to the one I like, though I’m not, especially not to Kris.

Anyway I walked towards him but then I noticed that everything moved in slow motion. I shook myself and walked and walked, but the next thing I knew, all his friends were sitting next to him.


“Oh man, not now please” God! Why is it that all bad lucks on my side? Just give some to Kris too. Anyway for now I better head back to class. Our afternoon class started and I still didn’t get the chance to apologize. Though I can just apologize to him right now during class, he seemed to be giving too much concentration in this class.


I saw Kris alone and I hid behind the pillar. “Ok, now I am going to do it, Fighting!!!” I encouraged myself but to my surprise “What are you going to do?” I heard a voice behind me. I anticipated who it was because I can never forget the voice of my sole enemy, damn Kris.Ok, this is my chance so I should just say it,” Uh uh uh Uh um I- I- I was- um I was going to advice a friend of mine”. WHAT!!!!??? What was that???? IDIOT!!! STUPID!!!


“Okie, but what’s that got anything to do with you hiding behind the pillar??” Kris seemed suspicious. “None of your business” I said sounding pissed but what the hell? This was my chance but now it’s all ruined. Instead I stomped away from him.


“Childish Huh” I heard Kris say in a grumpy way. I can’t believe this guy, OMG please god drag him to hell. But I still have to apologize. The day ended and I am still devastated.


The next morning, I woke up and got dressed for school. Back in school, I waited anxiously for Kris. Wait! Did I just say ‘anxiously’? I waited for him, grumbling. I didn’t have my breakfast. The guilt doesn’t allow me to eat properly but still, I had to apologize because I was in wrong. But unfortunately he missed his class means he was sick. Guess he got a little of the bad luck after all. But Really!? How hard is it going to get? Guess I have to wait for the time he gets back.


I was just about to leave when Xiumin oppa, lay oppa, Lulu oppa, and all Exo from other classes rushed in and was talking desperately with Chanyeol and Baekhyun oppa. I think something was wrong, they all seemed worried.


“Is something wrong?” I asked them, worried at how troubled they looked.


“We have got a problem here. We are supposed to go back to the dorms for today but suddenly they are calling use at the studio” Lulu oppa said looking at the ground and pouting.

“But why is it a problem?” I didn’t quite understand why they were so troubled. They just need to go right and I don’t think they have any plans.


“No but Kris hyung has a fever and on top of it, if we all go to the studio, Kris Hyung will be left alone” Chanyeol said desperately. “He even doesn’t have any medicine with him and he refuses to go to hospital” Tao seemed even more worried.


“If only there was someone…” Lay oppa said and the next thing I knew, all of them looked at me. “WHAT!?” I asked, confused. “Jinpa, can you please take a look at Kris if he is doing ok? And also get him medicine” Lulu oppa seemed desperate too.

Even so, I had to refuse, “No, I can’t. You guys know that we don’t get along and…” “Don’t you also have something to say?” Xiumin oppa seemed calm yet worried.


I couldn’t say no to him. He knew everything about what has happened between me and Kris. “Ok, I will check on him until you all get back”. “Thanks a loads!” “You are such a good friend” “Thank you” “Thanks” they all seemed relieved.


But here I was, worrying if I can stay calm and not hurt him when we are going to be all alone. “Don’t worry. Everything is going to be just fine” Xiumin oppa comforted and encouraged me.


Yes! Everything is going to be ok. Everything’s going to be fine. Just act as you usually do. Wait! If I act like my usual self that means I have to be cold. Is it ok for me to be cold to a sick person? WELL YEAH! He deserves to get sick, making me look bad, hohohohoho… Sorry! That was a nasty laugh. On My Way to STUPID KRIS! That sounded like a title of a book. LOL >___<


So whats going to happen when these two trouble maker are together??? Will they be the same as always? Quarreling and hating eachother??? Or will it take a little turn. To know more keep reading.

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Amaiko #1
Chapter 27: It's so cute and exciting story.... Keep writing author nim.. Update soon...
kdramafan #2
Chapter 25: I love this story... Keep writing author nim ..... Please update ..... And hwaiting
lovememin #3
Chapter 25: I love this story ^^ Please update :)
kdramafan #4
Chapter 24: This was a good update.... Can't wait your next one,.... Aish kris' new hairstyle for his comeback... And everyone in exon has bud hair styles... Suho Xiumin tao kai. = blonde hair ...... Chen cut his hair ...... Chanyeol red hair .... Aish
kdramafan #5
Chapter 23: Please update soon
kdramafan #6
Chapter 10: Aargh....k - on picture...... Kris aaatgh feels!!
kdramafan #7
Chapter 10: waaha this is so good .. i luv the pics u use keep updating
Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS! update please. JEBAL UNNI?????!!!!~~~~