Chapter 12 Conflicts

Unexpected Love

Nonas POV


Everyone keeps on complementing me about how hot i am. I have the height, the figure and the beauty.

They say i am lucky but i don't think that way at all. Lots of guys approach me of how they have fallen in love with me but then, after getting what they want, they leave me as if i never excited in their life.


I am also a human, i also want to fall in love for real and always want be together with the one i love but this perfection of mine is what keeps me apart from happiness. Sometimes i wish i was just an average girl with a simple love story. Thats where i am jealous of those who find happiness even in the slightest things.


The first time i came to this town, a guy eventually asked me out and yeah, i agreed to go out with him. His name was Kyungsu. He was one of the popular guys in town and was very kind to me. He treated me nicely and bought me gifts but i couldn't fall in love with him. Yeah, i liked him but it was not love but soon i fell in love with a guy who was my first guy friend at school and was very friendly, Taesun, so i came up with the idea to break up with my current boyfriend. I couldn't keep on dating him while i think of some other guy. I didn't want to hurt him anymore so i broke up with him. Soon, after a lot of courage, i confessed to Taesun "I like you. Please go out with me" and it was also my very first time confessing to someone. "Can i reply tomorrow?" he asked me for a day to think and i did.


That night i couldn't sleep. I kept on thinking what his answer would be. What if he rejects me? I will be heart broken but i will still be happy because i was able to tell him what i wanted. But what if he says yeas??? Thinking he would say yes, i couldn't control my heart. I wanted to scream, so i snuggled my face into the pillow and screamed to lower my scream. And somehow i fell asleep.


The next morning i waited for him at school in the cafe. He also arrived  a few minutes later. As he stood in front of me, i clenched my hands because i was nervous. I waited for his answer, nervous at the same time happy but what he said made all my happiness disappear, "I am sorry, i cant go out with you. The girl i liked said she likes me too and now we are going out."


I didn't know what to do. My eyes were being filled with tears, i felt my heart tearing apart but i couldnt show my pathetic side to the one i love. "Oh!!! Really??? I am happy for you", i said with a smile. "I'm really sorry" he seemed troubled. "Don't worry about me. If i couldnt get the one i love it doesnt matter because you got yours. Ok then, congrats and good luck" i said it smiling and walked away but what i couldnt understand was my tears kept on flowing as i walked further away from him. And soon my voice came out and i started crying out loud.


But i knew crying over a love which was never meant for me is of no use and soon my old life was back. Soon after getting my heart broken, a guy, Rinzin said he liked me and asked me out and yeah, i agreed, AGAIN. But afterwards i came to know that he was friend of Kyungsu, my ex-boyfriend with whom i broke up for Taesun. I felt like i betrayed him, again.


My current boyfriend was not so tall but he was still cool for me and also, he resembled my favorite singer Taeyang from Bigbang. We were from different school so we couldnt meet much but every weekend, he would come to visit me and we would go for a walk and sometimes i would go to meet at his place. Our relationship was going very well but until, my ex. Kyungsu contacted me. And after that we always chatted on our cell phones behind Rinzins back. It wasn't that i wanted to betray Rinzin but i couldn't stop myself from having contact with Kyungsu. And soon, without me realizing it, our friendship turned back to a relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend.


We kept our relationship a secret from Rinzin but one day Kyungsu said, "Nona, you have to now choose between me and Rinzin. I can't keep on dating you secretly and i feel worse each day thinking i am betraying my own friend and dating his girlfriend behind his back." I decided to talk to Rinzin but i didn't know how so i just texted him saying, "I'm sorry. Lets break up." I know it was cowardly of me but i didn't know how to tell him.


After few days of our break up, Kyungso called me and said, "Nona! You still didn't break up with him, so are you telling me you choose him?"

"What!!?? Wait!" i was surprised and confused "I did break up with him"

"But he said you two are still ok" he said pissed.

"I sent him a text message telling him that i'm breaking up with him" i said really confussed.

"Really? But i don't think he received the text"

"But i did send him. Wait! I will talk to him" i said hanging up then i called Rinzin.

"Hey! Whats up?" Rinzin said cheerfully.

"Umm.... i sent you a message few days ago, didn't you get it?" i asked calmly.

"What text??? I didnt get one" he said, confused.

"Baby, is everything all right?" he asked worriedly.

I didnt know how i should tell him. He sounded worried but still, i have to tell him. I cant betray him anymore. I have to tell him.

"Rinzin, lets break up" i said, trying to sound normal. What is his response going to be? I waited thinking.

But to my surprise he said, "Oh!!!  Ok" he agreed without asking me anything. But his answer hurt me a little. I thought 'So he never did care about me?' but thinking that didnt matter anymore.


So i was now, officially dating Kyungso and little by little, i started falling for him.

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Amaiko #1
Chapter 27: It's so cute and exciting story.... Keep writing author nim.. Update soon...
kdramafan #2
Chapter 25: I love this story... Keep writing author nim ..... Please update ..... And hwaiting
lovememin #3
Chapter 25: I love this story ^^ Please update :)
kdramafan #4
Chapter 24: This was a good update.... Can't wait your next one,.... Aish kris' new hairstyle for his comeback... And everyone in exon has bud hair styles... Suho Xiumin tao kai. = blonde hair ...... Chen cut his hair ...... Chanyeol red hair .... Aish
kdramafan #5
Chapter 23: Please update soon
kdramafan #6
Chapter 10: Aargh....k - on picture...... Kris aaatgh feels!!
kdramafan #7
Chapter 10: waaha this is so good .. i luv the pics u use keep updating
Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS! update please. JEBAL UNNI?????!!!!~~~~