Chapter 2 - No mission,Where's Manager Hyung? 0.0

Hunting For Answers


Key P.O.V
I woke myself up, showered, changed, cooked breakfast then dragged Onew hyung ~ a few times -.- ~ and Jonghyun hyung out of bed, Minho and Taebaby were already up. We ate in silence then dragged ourselves outside to warm up for todays “mission”.
When we got back to the apartment the “manager” still hadn’t got in touch with us and Onew hyung was starting to worry that something awful had happened to him so we rang his mobile phone number. We all crowded around Onew hyung’s tiny phone to hear if he would pick up or not. It rang out three times before we all heard the dial tone. We then decided that we needed to call headquarters but we got the same result.
“What do we do now hyung’s” Taebaby whimpered
I softly hugged Taebaby when Onew hyung looked at us slowly, sighed and said “we go in person to check on manager hyung and then headquarters”.


Onew’s P.O.V
I looked at my impressionable dongsaeng’s faces and said in the best leader tone of voice that I could manage “we go in person to check on manager hyung and then headquarters”
We then split off to get weapons, clothes, food etc. everything we would need in case of an emergency, I then ushered them out of the dorm and into Minho’s car (the one he won on dream team). I drove because Minho still hasn’t legally passed his test and we didn’t really need pulling over by the police at this specific time. Jonghyun jumped into the back closely followed by key and then taemin. As everyone was in the car we started our journey to manager hyung’s house which was across the other side of town.
When we were halfway across town Jonghyun said “guys don’t you think it’s a tad bit quiet outside compared to normal" as he stared absentmindedly out of the car window.
We all proceeded to stare out of the window and what Jonghyun said was true there was nobody walking the streets, no children playing in the park and no shops open to the public.
Today is just getting weirder and weirder as the minutes clock on.


Jonghyun’s P.O.V
I got in the backseat of Minho’s car but I didn’t expect key to sit next to me and so close too I swear I was perspiring so heavily that it could make global warming ten times as worse as it already is, but I didn’t want to act like I was panicking cause that would look weird me being the king of skin ship and all so I casually looked out of the car window acting interested. About 10 minutes past in the car and I started to notice that the streets were empty, even the early birds weren’t hanging around opening their shop doors or playing in the park with the other children.


HEEEYYY :) thanks for reading :) 

whats happened to manager hyung :P you'll have to wait sorry lol XD

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Dre4mg1rl #1
Chapter 7: Noooo your story is really good. You had a unique idea, I love the group you wrote about and the plotline is interesting ^^ what's not to love.