Chapter 4 - Enter SM Entertainment Building

Hunting For Answers

No one’s P.O.V

When SHINee finally got to SM Headquarters they were starting to feel mentally drawn and depressed. They were all hoping that their manager would just magically turn up here but knew that the possibility of that happening anytime soon was very slim due to the state of his apartment.
As the members piled out of the car they were all surveying the area for anything out of place but so far they hadn’t found anything out of the ordinary, cars were lined up in there usually spaces but the only thing out of place was there was nobody piling out of them; late comers running to make sure they aren't late so as not to get into trouble with the boss
Seeing this they exchanged looks of nervousness before pulling out their weapons, still making sure that there weren't any stray fan-girls lurking about with cameras trying to get a good shot of 'their' oppas, then stealthily walking in a line towards the front entrance of headquarters.
Minho opened the front door and the others made sure the coast was clear. The hallways were also strangly empty and the reception area which was normally busy with ty looking secretary's that loved to flirt with just about anyone and managers frantically hunting down paperwork for their groups that were waiting on the sidelines looking bored and tired, were completely silent but not the calm serene silence that you go home to, it was the eerie horror movie type silence where at every corner you are waiting for something to jump out and massacure you.

Onews P.O.V

When we had made sure that the Reception area was clear of any danger I brought the rest of SHINee together into a circle to discuss what we were going to do next. I decided that we should split up and check seperate rooms for any people but I didn't want my members to be seperated on there own incase anthing bad happensand we can't get to them in time, so I made the masculine (muscle) members go with the feminine members, not that I told them this because that would just end up with two smug members in the corner flexing there muscles while the other two either kill me for saying and thinking that they are feminine or them for being smug and idiotic.
so anyway I split them into two's Keroro Minho with Maknae Taemin and Puppsaurous Jonghyun with Kitty Key while I Leader Dubo Ontokki go searching on my own.
"Fine Hyung if we are doing this then how do we keep in contact with each other to know when others are in trouble?" asked Jonghyun.
"Well we can use our mobile phones I guess" Key said.
"Yeah thats a good idea we could always speed dial each other and update on what has happened and where to meet" I replied.
we then decided that Taemin and Minho would check the bottom floors of SM and Key and Jonghyun would check the middle floors and i would check the top floors and the roof.
We then split into the twos and me , key and Jonghyun caught the lift up to the floors that we had designated for each other, hopefully one of the groups would find someone preferably Manager Hyung i'm starting to really worry about that guy.


Thank you for reading 

sorry still no Manager Hyung but hopefully SHINee will find someone soon so they won't be lonely :)

also a great BIG Thank you to JuicyZombieBrains for subscribing :D

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Dre4mg1rl #1
Chapter 7: Noooo your story is really good. You had a unique idea, I love the group you wrote about and the plotline is interesting ^^ what's not to love.