Chapter 5 - seeking for others

Hunting For Answers


After we decided what we were going to do and how we would get hold of the other members if anything bad happened good or bad so that we could update them and agree on a meeting area. We watched Taemin and Minho leave to check the bottom levels and then we walked to the posh gold looking elevators, Key pressed the up button and we waited in silence. I found it strange because I like the loud hustle and bustle of SM but today it was eerie and it made my skin crawl. We don't usually get to go in the elevators because it is usually packed full of higher up people for example the CEO's and Receptionists of the higher ups so that was also strange but also a relief because we wouldn't have to walk up loads of flights of stairs.

When the elevator finally arrived we got inside and I pressed the number 28 on the side panel and Onew Hyung pressed the number 36, that would give me and Key 10 floors to check and Taemin, Minho and Onew Hyung would check the others. We then stood in silence for at least 10 minutes while we watched the number clock on at the top of the elevator door.

When we got to floor 28 the door dinged and the elevator ground to a halt, we turned to Onew Hyung hugged him and wished him well before exiting the elevator.

Me and Key then proceeded to watch the doors close to make sure that Onew Hyung got upstairs safely before continuing to look for survivors or a reason for the sudden disappearance of everyone.


Onew 's P.O.V

Key and Jonghyun left the elevator on the 28th floor and I hugged them and wished them safety and as the elevator trudged upwards I warned myself for what could be up on the top floors and to make sure I was on my guard but when the elevator stopped again and the elevator doors opened I knew I couldn't have prepared myself for this. There was blood everywhere, on the floor , the walls and the the ceiling and the reception desk was toppled over on its side with everything that was once piled on top of it scattered or smashed on the floor. Paper was scattered and crumpled up on the floor and a mug that was once full was smashed and spread along the floor with tea or coffee surrounding it. Behind the desk a manicured hand covered in bangles was peeping out, I raced to see if the receptionist was still alive but when I pressed my fingers to her neck to check for a pulse I knew she was dead before I couldn't feel a pulse her body was too cold for her to be alive. I sighed and got up to go see if there were any survivors or at least an answer to what has been happening lately.

I walked to the closest door to me and just as I was going to put my hand on the door nob the lights started to flicker before they went out completely I started to panic because everything was pitch black and all I could see was the door nob in front of me, but It was okay because It was only off for about 2 minutes before it flickered on again.

I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding but just as I went to breathe back in again I heard a gutteral moan from behind me and I froze like a statue.



As Onew walked to open the closest door to him, the lights above him flickered before going out completely, everything in the room is pitch black and there is no light streaming through windows or technology but several minutes later the lights flicker and come back on but Onew is not alone any more. The receptionist who he thought was dead is hobbling towards him with her arms outstretched ready to grab hold of him and he doesn't know it because he is in his own state of panic. Just before she grabs him though she lets out a groan of agony and despair and he freezes in his intake of breath.


sorry it took so long for this chapter :/

Thanks for reading :D 

The Main picture got me thinking seen as Key has Jong and Tae has Minho who should Onew be with? i don't like to see forever alone onew :/ so who do you think Onew should be with? please comment your answer :3 

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Dre4mg1rl #1
Chapter 7: Noooo your story is really good. You had a unique idea, I love the group you wrote about and the plotline is interesting ^^ what's not to love.