Chapter 1 - Sleepy SHINee

Hunting For Answers


Minho’s P.O.V

Things have been getting harder to handle lately as if it wasn’t hard enough already even though we have Superhuman stamina and powers it doesn't mean we can work constantly we need breaks to rest too. We perform till late at night and then hunt evil monsters of Darkness till nearly sunrise but more and more monsters have been popping up out of nowhere lately and soon it will be too much to handle, I don’t know how key hyung is still standing he’s the umma in our group and is always looking after us dongsaeng’s and hyung’s; He gets up earlier than us cooks, cleans and then goes to sleep later than us and Onew Hyung is always filling in paperwork and having hour long tediously boring update meetings with the “Manager”; if i were them i would be dead by now even though i am the most energetic and have the most stamina.

It’s now 8pm and we are driving back to the dorm where I am sure the “manager” would like to lecture us about our mission for tonight, especially when we’re trying to have a shower or trying to get ready for sleep two or three hours then get up to do the said “mission”, When really all I want to do is crawl into my comfortable bed and sleep for 12 hours.

When we arrived at the apartment complex we all trudged into the elevator and Jonghyun hyung pressed the number 4 button on the number panel. I swear I must has slept standing up with taemin leaning on my shoulder because about 5 minutes later taemin was shaking my arm and then dragging me across the hallway to our dorm door. Onew hyung put the key in the door and we all fell into the hallway while taking our shoes and coats off I started planning what I had to do and how long I had to do it. I think the others were probably thinking the same thing except key hyung he’s probably thinking how he can get us all ready for bed and what he has to do tomorrow.

When I got into the dorm properly I noticed how quiet it was and noticed our “manager” wasn’t there which meant he would probably ring one of us later probably Onew hyung since he’s the leader.

Jonghyun hyung plodded over to the sofa and threw himself face first into the pillows, I saw key hyung scowl but leave him as he pushed taemin into a bathroom to get him ready for bed. I walk into my room that I share with Onew hyung and Jonghyun hyung grabbed my PJ’s and toothbrush and headed to the bathroom I share with Jonghyun hyung.

I showered and put my dirty clothes in the hamper otherwise key hyung would kill me like he does to Jonghyun hyung – I still don’t get how he isn’t physically dead yet – grabbed a glass of water and headed to bed.


Keys P.O.V

Today was hell first we had a photo shoot at 7.30am which took like.... ages cause the stupid photographer couldn’t get the right angle “apparently” and then we drove two hours and a half to get to an interview that lasted 3 hours and then we were on star golden bell till 6 pm then we drove all the way back home to the dorm. I made sure my Taebaby washed and ate then pushed him into his bedroom so he would at least have about 3 hours sleep before we have to wake up again later. I then went back into the living room where I woke Jonghyun from where he was still lying on the sofa face first drooling like a dog (eww) and made him shower and go to bed. I then checked up on Onew hyung who was sitting in the kitchen munching on chicken who said he would go to bed when he had finished eating and finished filling in todays report and then I showered, jumped into my warm fluffy kitty PJ's and slid under the duvet cover to hide myself from morning sunlight so i could get some beauty sleep (he doesn't need it -.-)


hey thanks for reading this hope you liked it :) sorry for making them sound depressed and y but thats how i imagined them to be when they are tired :)

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Dre4mg1rl #1
Chapter 7: Noooo your story is really good. You had a unique idea, I love the group you wrote about and the plotline is interesting ^^ what's not to love.