False Name

Eternal Flame

That day, Hyunjoong couldn't fall asleep and even though he knew that it was bad for him, he sat at the window where the morning sunlight poured in, gazing out and watching the leaves fall.

"Hyunjoong? Why are you still awake?" Nicole asked sleepily, sitting up and rubbing her eyes when she saw the boy at the window.

Hyunjoong smiled softly. "Nothing much... I just felt like it. Can't sleep."

"You know it's bad for you. Hurry and get away from there."

The older boy sighed and took one more glance outside and suddenly stopped when he saw a cute boy downstairs looking up at him before turning away and walking back to the school. His heart skipped a beat as he watched the human boy walk into the school, his caramel hair flowing in the wind as his eyes twinkled in the sunlight behind his red-framed glasses. The cross earrings he wore added to the looks.

Nicole cocked her head when she saw that Hyunjoong was staring at the window again. "What are you looking at so intently?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, the latter grinned and closed the curtains, watching as the boy's back disappeared into the school before he walked away from the window and went over to the bed. "Nothing much."


One night, Hyunjoong went outside for a walk for some fresh air. Usually, Nicole would be with him and they would talk but tonight, the vampire girl wasn't feeling fell so he went out on his own.

Taking a deep breath, he enjoyed the cool night breeze and somehow, his heart ached for a warmth. A warmth that Nicole never gave him. He believed that he was with Nicole the whole time but there was another familiar warmth that he couldn't find. He exited the campus and out into the streets. Immediately, he was showered with colorful lights and the bright flashing of the cars. To his surprise, there were no demons around. Usually, when he went out, he had to encounter multiple demons before being able to enter a store, where he had to fight a few more before finally being able to buy something.

Smiling, he thought to himself. Wow, the exorcists really have been doing well.

He strolled calmly through the streets, not knowing why when he constantly looked beside him as if expecting someone there but there was never anyone. His side was empty. From the ground, he looked up and his eyes widened when he suddenly saw someone step onto the streets, a car driving fast towards him. Without hesitation, Hyunjoong sped forward and reached out, zipping the boy out of the way of the car so fast that the driver didn't even see and simply kept on driving.

The two landed in a heap against a tree at the side of a park and Hyunjoong quickly got up, shaking the boy to see if he was alright. He recognized him and realized that the boy was the one he had seen a few days ago, looking up at him. The glasses weren't there but he noticed the cross earrings and the round cheeks.

The one of the bottom seemed quite startled when he saw Hyunjoong and moved away a bit. Hyunjoong smiled awkwardly. "Sorry if I hurt you... You were about to get by the car so..."

The latter smiled sweetly back. "Oh, it's okay."

Hyunjoong's heart began to thump faster, cheeks turning rosy. This voice seemed familiar and he didn't know why. This feeling of him on top of this boy, he knew from somewhere. As if it was at the back of his head with something blocking it, he just couldn't remember. Somehow, even though he knew perfectly what he was going to say, his words came out in stutters, infatuated with the cute boy. "A-are you hu-hurt any-anywhere?"

The latter paused for a few seconds before answering. "No, thank you very much for saving me." He stood up and bowed politely. "I owe you my life. Thank you."

Hyunjoong flashed a crooked smile. "No, it was nothing. You don't owe me anything."

The boy stayed silent. Yes, I do... I owe you so much...

"What's your name?" asked Hyunjoong. The latter looked up in surprise. "M-my name?"

He was reluctant to give his name and he smiled. "Kyuyoung."

"Kyuyoung...?" echoed the vampire and nodded. "I see..." This name meant the same as the word carved on the ring but it was different. They both meant 'eternal life' but he wasn't the one.

"Thank you very much. I'll be taking my leave now," the stranger said gently as he bowed and turned. He suddenly felt a hand grab his wrist and froze, his eyes wide.

Hyunjoong gasped and quickly pulled his hand away. "I'm sorry, I did that without thought."

The latter smiled slightly and turned, nodding his head before walking away. Hyunjoong watched him go, the moment in which his heart felt full melting back into a hole. His heart was pounding, his cheeks red. It was dark so the latter didn't see but he already knew what he looked like.

Even though he felt like this, he knew that Nicole was still his girlfriend, even his fiancé. But at least he knew that this boy attended his school. He would watch him go into and out the school every morning if he wanted from his window. Once the boy was far away enough that he had disappeared into the crowd, Hyunjoong decided to return to the C.E.A. Once he entered the gates, everything was quiet again. The sound of the cars disappeared and so did the dancing lights. Only the cold wind blew, rustling the leaves into a silent lullaby.

He returned to his dorm, his mind full of that boy he had just met on the streets of the city.

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Chapter 78: so emotional :'( why you have to kill them :'( why you didn't keep them alive :'(
shaini501 #2
Chapter 79: Wow ur fic soo nice n emotinal i cried a lt bt its nice this the 2nd time i cried aftr reading a fic but ur fic is the sadness one
thanKyu for writing this fiction ^^
although i dropped this fic for a short time,because i hate waiting for every single chapter (keke sorry for this)
I have just finished reading all the rested chapters yesterday.
I blamed you for making me cry, cry for the fate, their destiny.
i like the plot of this fic but there are some repeated ideas from chapter to chapter.
In general it is okie, the fic is emotional,funny, heartaching with many twists and guts.
it has sad ending but it is needed for this fic.
The sacrifice of YS showed the unlimited love of him toward HJ.
The waiting for thousand years of HJ demonstrated the eternal love for YS ^^
Poor little HyunSaeng for not having a happy life with both appa n umma.
of course HyunSaeng will have a happy life in the heaven.
Thank you again for this ^^
Looking for the update of Fated to meey you, Snow Prince n others.
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 78: Beautiful Story!
Chapter 79: A sad and happy ending:) and thank you for writing this story. I remember when I found it with a few chapters and now its finished:D
ysprince #6
Chapter 79: As a reader, yup...the ending made me tear up too..
finally, Hyun Joong and Young Saeng together.. i can smile even though still crying now...thankyu for your lovely story:)
Waah.. Such a great story.. But cant read tis anymore.. Already completed.. Waiting for voice of the angel.. Update soon.. Fighting..
LovelyYS #8
Chapter 77: OHhhh it hurt me!! Oh stop it crying but can't control. Can't wait for next chapter!
ysprince #9
Chapter 77: but you made a great story..and i respect what you'd planned...can't wait for the epilogue.but still...can you hug me *cries*
ysprince #10
Chapter 77: i beg you before... i don't wanna see young saeng die...
ottokeeee now i'm crying...this is so sad.my heart can't take this ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ