
Fake Love at First Crash

=Camille POV=

After lunch at the cafe, Taemin took me and Sulli to the mall to go shopping which he's paying for by the way. 

I was already done choosing the cloths that I want. Sulli is taking forever! Someone shoot me, please, you will be doing me a huge favor. 

"Is she done yet?" I tried not to sound annoyed.

Sulli: Oppa, tell me how it looks.

Sulli came out of the dressing room.

T: It looks great on you.

He said that for like the millionth time already! Just choose one already! 

Sulli: Hm, I don't know oppa. It looks kind of childish.

Oh dear lord!

T: Then let's go check for another dress. Noona did you see something you like?

"Yeah I did." Like about an hour ago! Calm down Camille, just put on a fake smile and pretend you're having a great time with Sulli. No matter how much you want to punch her in the face. 

After like the 100th dress, she finally choose one. Thank goodness! As Taemin took our cloths and went to go pay for them, me and Sulli just waited outside.

"Did you know, you take FOREVER to pick one simple dress."

Sulli: Well sorry for caring about my apprence and having a sense for style unlike you.

"Really now, do you even know what brand that dress is from?"

Sulli: .....

"That's what I thought. If you want to know, that brand was Blue Rose, and you say I don't have a sense of style.

(A/N Blue Rose is not a real brand name)

Sulli: Whatever,at least I look good in it. 

I rolled my eyes. Gosh, can this girl be anymore concided? 

Taemin came back handing us our cloths. 

Sulli: Thanks oppa! I need to go now, F(x) has practice later. Bye.

Wow! He bought you a dress and you just leave? That's so nice of her.

"Thanks Taemin." I took the bag.

Sulli: Bye Camille, I had a great time. Maybe we can do this again.

"Me too. It was fun hanging out with you today. Bye."

Once Taemin looked away, I rolled my eyes and Sulli had a disgusted look on her face. 

Sulli started to walk toward the exit and me and Taemin walked the opposite direction. 

T: Well it looks like you and Sulli did get to be friends.

He had a smile on his face and I just nodded my head. We went ahead and had dinner together since Janna and the Dino should still be on their date and the other hyungs had schedueles. 

T: You know noona, you're a really good singer.

"Really, I think I . I'm more into dancing."

T: Really noona? You should dance with me sometime. 

"Yeah, I bet that would be fun." I smiled

T: How about Janna noona? Does she dance?

"She does, but she's more into singing than dancing. We used to be in this dance group in middle school, I was the leader and Janna was second leader."

T: What happened to your dance group?

"We went our seperate ways once we got in high school. I was in once school and Janna was in another. Some went to America and some went with me, but it wasn't the same without Janna. I'm just glad that me and Janna's friendship stayed strong."

T: Oh, well let's go, it's getting late. Come on, I'll drop you to the hotel.

=at the hotel=

" I had a nice time today Taemin."  Yeah, a nice time once Sulli left.

I opened the door to see Janna standing in front of us.

J: So there you are. Where did you two go?

Janna had a grin on her face. "Oh, don't make me bite you." I said as I entered the room.

T: What noona bites Janna noona?

J: Not just me.

T: What, noona is a cannibal?

I laughed at what Taemin said. "No, vampire." I said as I got a soda from the mini fridge.

I saw Taemin's face and it lookes like this O.O.

"Well, to Janna I'm a vampire. I don't like the sunlight. I stay up way to late, and I like to bite people. Hey, I'm not a real vampire okay? To Janna I just seem like one." I laughed again. 

T: Okay noona. Janna noona does Camille noona bite hard?

"Want to find out?" I walked closer to him.

T: N-no noona, it's okay. I should be going now. I bet the hyungs are wondering where I am. Bye Janna noona! Bye Vampire noona.

"Bye" me and Janna said.

J: Well, that was awkward.

I just bursted out laughing.


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vironica #1
this is realy cool i like jj character.. i'm jj bias but i'm not jealous i like his chemistry with j ;)
keke cool story! :)
Dear author, <br />
You lazy bum! You don't go on anymore!<br />
<br />
You're truly, <br />
You're damn co-author
hehe~ I look forward~ I shall go read the sequel~
ambzchan #5
update soon!
Cosette #6
oh my god gf stealing??!?!?! can be this next chapter a J&JJ chappie??<br />
<br />
ambzchan #7
update soon!!
Cosette #8
oh eemm geee... update!!!
I completely forgot about Sulli.
It's those cheesy punch linesss XDDD I love you Camille :b