
Fake Love at First Crash


(Okay, so I thought I’d just use POV and chat mode to go with the story. It’s much faster that way xDD)

J= Janna


JJ= Jonghyun


M= Minho

K= Key

O= Onew

~There might also be others, and in that case, their name will be typed out ^ ^


=knock knock=

J: Come in!

JJ & T: *walks in* Heyyy.

J: Why are you guys here?

T: We just wanted to visit. Anything wrong? Are we interrupting something?

C: Not really, but we’d appreciate it if you told us you were coming.

T: Sorry, noona! *hugs Camille*

C: Okay whatever.

*phone chimes*

C: Ooh, I got a text.

From: Mr. Fresh

Hi, Camille! Kakarating lang namin dito sa Korea. Kasama ko ngayon si Robi. Mag-coconcert kami in two days. 

[TRANSLATION: Hi Camille! We just arrived in Korea. I'm with Robbie right now. We're going to have  a concert here in two days.]

And then, Camille’s phone rings.

C: Hello? *pause* Hey! Welcome to Korea! *pause* Oh? *pause* Uh huh *pause* Okay punta ka sa hotel and just go to the third floor, room number 0316. *pause* Alright! See you! *hangs up*

[TRANSLATION: Okay just go to our hotel and go to the third floor, room number 0316.]

C: *sqeeeal, runs to the bathroom to fix herself*

J: Whoa, what’s going on?

JJ: Yeah what’s happening?


J: Who?

C: Check my phone, look for Mr. Fresh.

J: *does exactly what Camille told her*

C: *out of the bathroom*

T: Who’s that?

J: AAAAHHHHH OMGGG OMGG OMGGG! *runs to the bathroom*

JJ: Who’s coming?

C: Oh, you’ll know.

J: *out of the bathroom* Do I look okay? *nervous*

JJ: You look fine. Now WHO is coming?

=knock knock=

C: Okay whoa that was fast. It’s probably them! *runs to the door, slams into someone*

J: *eyes wide, blushing*

C: Ouch.. *looks up* KUYAAA!!! *hugs him really tight, and they do their handshake*

[TRANSLATION: "Kuya" is Filipino for "big brother", or can be used for older guys who are your close friends/relatives]

J: *silently: OMQ it’s Sam Concepcion….and Robi Domingo…  *

JJ & T: *in their heads: What the….*

SAM: Hey, nice to see you! Kamusta ka na? [How are you?]

ROBI: Musta na? [How are you?]

C: Okay naman. *motions for Janna to get over here* Ito nga pala si Janna, yung kinukwento ko sa inyo. [I'm fine, and by the way, this is my friend Janna, the one I've been telling you about.]

J: Hi *shakes their hand nervously, giggles*

C: Doon tayo sa balcony, para may privacy. [Let's go to the balcony so there's privacy.] *leads SAM, ROBI, and JANNA to the balcony, ignoring Taemin and Jonghyun’s confused expressions*

J: *at the balcony* So…bakit kayo nandito? [Why are you guys here?] *nervous*

SAM: Ah, may concert kasi kami and pwede daw kami mag invite. So ini-invite ko kayong dalawa. Front row, seats ha. [We have a concert, and we are inviting you. Front row seats.]

C: Ahh, okay sounds good. What time?

ROBI: Maaga kayong dumating, para ma-avoid nyo yung gulo. [Come early, so you don't have to wait in chaos.]

SAM: Ewan…mga 4, siguro. Concert is at 7. [Dunno...'round 4?]

C: Sige, we’ll be there. [All right, we'll be there.]

J: Uh yeah what Camille said. *laughs nervously*

SAM: By the way, sino yung mga yun? *points to Taemin and Jonghyun* [Who are they?]

ROBI: Oo nga, sino yun? [Yeah, who are they?]

J: Oh, them? That’s———

C: Nobody. Ai nako. Basta. Malalaman nyo rin. [Nobody. Well you'll know soon enough.]

J: Teka, pwede ba silang sumama? [Can they come along?]

ROBI: Eh, sino nga sila? [WHO are they?]

C: Ehhh…basta! Di ko pwede sabihin.[Ehhh, I can't tell you...]

SAM: Why not?

C: Kasi….[Because...]

SAM: Okay whatever. Sige, pwede sila sumama. Pero kailangan mo sabihin sa amin kung sino sila. Kung di pwede ngayon, anytime. [Fine, they can go, but you're going to tell us who they are sooner or later.]

J: *happy* Okay! Promise. Right Camille?

C: Maybe.


C: Fine ><

J: Then it’s settled. And just in case, baka may tatlo pang dadating, ha. [There's probably three more coming along with them.]

ROBI: Grabe naman kayo! Bakit ang dami? [Sheesh, you guys. Why so much?]

J: Eh kasi…ganun sila… ['Cause..they're like that..]

C: Don’t worry, you’ll know soon enough.

SAM: Alright. Well we have to go, may pupuntahan pa kami. [We have to go somewhere.]

C: Kay, see you nalang in two days. [See you in two days.]

J: Bye bye!

*SAM, ROBI, JANNA, and CAMILLE get back in the room, SAM and ROBI leave*

JJ: Uh, hi? And you totally ignored us.

T: *pretending to be sad*

C: Oh they’re just some good friends. Well anyway they invited us to their concert  in two days, and we asked if you guys could come along. You can even bring your hyungs, if you want.

T: *lightens up* Really?

J: Yes, and you’re welcome.

JJ: I still want to know who they are.

J: Aigoo, why are you so keen on finding out?

JJ: Because.

C: I already said they were friends.

JJ: You guys talked in the balcony. And in a foreign language.

C: We’re Filipinos it’s what we do.

T: *in his head: So that’s what they are…*

J: Yeah, can’t we speak in our native tongue?

JJ: I guess. But you didn’t bother to introduce us.

C: They were in a rush! They had to leave right away, didn’t you see?

JJ: *in his head: I’m running out of reasons here!*

T: But it would have been nice if you could have at least said our names..

JJ: *in his head: Thank you, Taemin!*


C: Do we need to make it clear enough?

J: Besides, why do you guys seem so…tense?

C: It’s not like they were our boyfriends or anything.

J: *lightbulb moment* OHHHHHH, so that’s why you guys are so cranky, hmmm?

JJ: What nonsense are you saying?

J: You guys are jeaalous! *pokes Jjong* Right? Am I right?

C: Haha yeah! You guys are jeeealous! Admit it! *points to Taemin and Jjong*

T: *stuttering* W-w-what? Psssh, we’re not jealous. We just wanted to know. They could be bad guys…pssh…jealous…

J: *in her head: Nice going, Taemin. We wouldn’t let bad guys in anyway.*

C: Nice excuse. We know  you’re jealous.

JJ: Shut up! We were just wondering, okay? *checks watch* Oh look at the time. Taemin, don’t we have to meet manager-hyung at the studio?

T: *realizes what Jjong is doing* Oh yeah! Right, we have to go now! *gets up and runs out the door*

JJ: *follows Taemin*

*Camille and Janna look at each other, nod*

J: Yep, they’re jealous.


Author's Note:

Just Google those guys' names and you'll know who they are ^ ^ SAM CONCEPCION & ROBI DOMINGO.

And please comment! It's the only way to improve my story! Kamsa ^ ^ 

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vironica #1
this is realy cool i like jj character.. i'm jj bias but i'm not jealous i like his chemistry with j ;)
keke cool story! :)
Dear author, <br />
You lazy bum! You don't go on anymore!<br />
<br />
You're truly, <br />
You're damn co-author
hehe~ I look forward~ I shall go read the sequel~
ambzchan #5
update soon!
Cosette #6
oh my god gf stealing??!?!?! can be this next chapter a J&JJ chappie??<br />
<br />
ambzchan #7
update soon!!
Cosette #8
oh eemm geee... update!!!
I completely forgot about Sulli.
It's those cheesy punch linesss XDDD I love you Camille :b