After Party (Part Two)

Fake Love at First Crash

=Taemin POV='s getting hot in here. I think I'll step out for a bit....there's a piano outside, I think I'll play something for a bit.


*playing River Flows In You*

SAM: Wow, you're good!

"M-mianhae! I....oh. It's you.." I said as I truned around and saw the face of one of Camille's Filipino friends. When did he get here?

SAM: Can I sit with you for a bit? It's getting stuffy in there.

"Um sure." I scoot over a bit and let him sit on my right side.

SAM: You're one of Camille's friends, right? Hi, my name is Sam. *extends hand*

I shake his hand, and say, "Yeah I'm one of her friends."

SAM: I wonder why Camille doesn't want us to meet. I mean, formally. We don't have anything against each other...right?

I laugh. "No, I believe we don't..."

SAM: Then I wonder why she won't introduce us to you...Normally she'd tell me eveything. This is the first time she's hidden something.

"Yeah I noticed that you two are close. I hope you won't get mad, but at first I though you were her boyfriend."

SAM: *laugh* What? Boyfriend? No. She's like my little sister. She tells me everything. Literally.

"Ahh. Glad to have cleared that up."

SAM: I was the first to find out when she got obsessed over this Korean group called SHINee! *laugh* She was so jittery while talking.

Ehhh?! Camille-noona is a Shawol?! Interesting. . . .

SAM: SHINee's the reason she came to Korea anyway. She heard they were having  a concert, and she just HAD to see it. 

"Ohh, yeah they're pretty famous here. Do you know who's her favorite?" (A/N: Hahaha Taemin being conceited XD)

SAM: Don't tell her I told you, okay? 

"Promise." Hmm. Wonder who it could be...maybe....

SAM: She likes the one named Taemin.

WHAT?!?!? ME?! Noona likes me?

SAM: I feel silly for telling you all these things, and I don't know your name. 

"Oh. Um my name is Lee Taemin..."

Sam's eyes were wide in shock. I guess I shouldn't have said that...

SAM: *gasp* Y-you're...THE Taemin? The one I was just talking about?

"Uhh..yeah..actually..I am. And the guys I'm with are the other members of SHINee."

SAM: Oh no! What have I done! 

"No no, it's okay, I won't say word to ANYONE. I promise!" Well, maybe the hyungs. . . . . 

SAM: You better! Oh snap here she comes! Act normal.

C: *walks to the piano* What...are the both of you doing here..?

"Um nothing, noona! We were just talking and playing random songs on the piano!"

SAM: Yeah there's nothing to worry about *fake smile*

"Mmhmm! But we were both wondering why you wouldn't introduce us to each other in the first place."

C: Oh. Yeah, Um...well that's not really important anymore right? Since you guys already introduced yourselves to each other? Haha. Well I'm going back in... *hurries back in*

SAM: Whew! That was close.


SAM: Speaking of introductions, who is the guy that was with you when we visited the hotel two days ago?

"Oh. That's Jonghyun-hyung. He's four years older than me."

SAM: Ohh. I'm guessing he was there to see.....Janna?

"Uh yeah, how'd you know?"

SAM: Well you're there for Camille, so I'm just assuming that Jonghyun was there for Janna.

"Well yeah, I guess you're right."

ROBI: *opens the door, shouts to Sam* HOY! HALIKA NGA! THEY WANT TO DO DANCE HERE!

SAM: *to Robi* COMING! *to me* Well I guess that's my cue. 

"Hey I'll go in with you."

=Jonghyun POV=

Normally, I'd be drunk by now. But I refuse every glass of beer that comes my way. I don't feel like drinking lately. What if I get really drunk, and something happens to Janna? She'd hate me forever. Murder me, even. Not to mention Camille. 

Key, on the other hand.....oh dear. He's had a lot of beer already. He keeps dancing and singing Tik Tok! Sheesh, he looks like an airhead right now. So I'm guessing Onew will be driving us home. 

A while later, Minho comes up to me, dragging Key.

M: He's really, really out of his mind. We have to go. NOW. Onew went ahead and said he'll meet us in the car.

"Alright I'll round up the others."

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

=Janna POV=

=in the car=

Oh gosh. Key is so drunk. Yuucckk. Good thing Jonghyun is between me and Key. Key can puke on Jonghyun. Ahahahaha that would be so funny!

O: *looks back to Key* *talks to me and Camille* You know what, I think Minho, Key and I better head to the condo first. Jonghyun and Taemin can take you guys to your hotel.

M: But it's late (1:30 AM), why don't you just stay at the condo for the night.

"Umm...I don't think that's a good idea..."

C: don'

M: Jonghyun, Taemin, is it okay with you?

JJ: Like it's going to matter if we say no, right?

M: Good point. It's settled, then. 

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

=at the condo=

"Umm, where exactly are we sleeping?"

O: Janna,  you can sleep in Jonghyun's room-------DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK! Jonghyun nothing better happen in there! And Camille you can sleep in Taemin's room. You're pretty safe with him.

I was about to open my mouth in refusal, but I yawned instead. Rubbing my eyes, I followed Jonghyun to his room.

JJ: You can sleep on the bed, I'll just take the floor. 

"Isn't that a bit uncomfortable?" 

JJ: It is, but I can deal with it. Or you can sleep on the floor and I'll  take the bed.

"Oh um I'll just take the bed. Heehee thanks."

JJ: We can sleep together too, if you want. *smirk*

I threw a pillow at him. He's such a !

"Not in a million years!"

JJ: Are you sure about that?

"Yes I'm sure! Good night!" 

JJ: G'nite, love.

I hit him a second time before finally drifting off.


Author's Note:

There's a lot of talking in this chapter. My stories are usually like that though XD Tons of dialogue.

Oh well, hope you enjoyed! And remember, comments are loved :)

I'll try and update as soon as I can! But for now, please bear with me -_- 


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vironica #1
this is realy cool i like jj character.. i'm jj bias but i'm not jealous i like his chemistry with j ;)
keke cool story! :)
Dear author, <br />
You lazy bum! You don't go on anymore!<br />
<br />
You're truly, <br />
You're damn co-author
hehe~ I look forward~ I shall go read the sequel~
ambzchan #5
update soon!
Cosette #6
oh my god gf stealing??!?!?! can be this next chapter a J&JJ chappie??<br />
<br />
ambzchan #7
update soon!!
Cosette #8
oh eemm geee... update!!!
I completely forgot about Sulli.
It's those cheesy punch linesss XDDD I love you Camille :b