Girl Fight

Fake Love at First Crash



“Ahhh, my foot feels better now.” Janna said.

“Good for you,”

“Any plans for the day?” She asked.

“No, I’m taking the day off.”

Just then  my phone rang. It was Taemin, asking if we wanted to watch the group rehearse today. Apparently the others wanted to meet us. “All right,” I say. “What time?”

“Around 3?” he says.

“Alright, we’ll be there.”

“YAY! Noona will see me dance!” he exclaimed. Taemin you retard, I’ve watched every single video of you dancing.

“Whatever, maknae,” I chuckle, then hang up. I turn to face Janna. “That was Taemin!”

“Kinda noticed. What does he want?”

“He wants us to watch them rehearse today. Like around three or something. The others want to meet us, he said.”

She looked thoughtful. “Hmm, all right then. Oooh, can I take pictures?”

“I guess there’s nothing wrong with that but then don’t post this up anywhere, hm?”

“Aww, fine..”


Gosh. I am so freaking pissed! That bi*** Sulli is such a flirt! Nobody told me f(x) was going to be here! Seriously! Ugh. I have no problem with f(x), actually. Just Sulli. She’s so….UGH! I just hate her. And I hate her even more now that she’s flirting with Taemin. IN FRONT OF MY VERY OWN EYES. If the bi*** doesn’t stop, I’m going to explode and rip her to pieces.

I turn to my left and Janna is just taking pictures, nonstop. I try to distract myself by watching everyone else rehearse, but then I always end up looking at Sulli “pretending” to miss a step, trip, then fall onto Taemin. Bi***! My patience isn’t much!

Finally, Key tells everyone to take a break. Onew walks over to us and asks, “Hey guys! So what did you think about that?”

Janna answered, “That was awesoomee! You guys are gooood.”

I didn’t realize I was spacing out until Janna went, “Hello? Camille? You alright?”

“Um yeah sure,” I cover up. “You guys are the best. Absolutely.”

Minho walks over and joins the conversation. “Of course we are!”

Enter Jonghyun, eating a lollipop. What the heck is with him and lollipops? “It’s SHINee, what can you expect?” he says.

“You guys are so conceited!” Janna said.

Now seriously, why is Taemin still teaching the bi*** over there? “What’s going on with her?” I ask, pointing to Sulli.

“Ah. She’s really slow at picking up the choreography, so Taemin has to skip break and teach her.” Minho said.

“Really? That’s just damn untalented!” I exclaimed. F*** this, I’m gonna teach her a lesson. Before I even have time to think, I find myself walking over to her and confronting her.

“Excuse me?” she asks.


She looked shocked. Yes, bi*** I just said all that.

Taemin cut in and said, “N-noona, please don’t be mad—–” I cut him off. Taemin please don’t put on this whole I-am-so-mothereffin-okay-with-teaching-her act! Impulsively, I slapped her across the cheek.

She gasped, then got fierce. I tried to land a punch on her, but she backed off too fast. By now, everyone was around us, trying to separate us, and Sulli was screaming, “YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THINGS LIKE THAT TO ME! YOU’RE JUST A GIRL! WE DON’T WORK ON THE SAME LEVEL!”

Bi***! What did she just say? Oh HELL no. I tried landing another punch on her, but Jonghyun was too strong. He was pulling me hard. The f(x) girls were pretty weak and somehow I felt Sulli punch my nose. Fu**! I touched my nose, and felt something trickle onto my finger. Oh no. It was blood. I’m bleeding!

Taemin ran to his bag and took out his extra shirt then gave it to me so I could somehow control the flow of blood. Now I really want to punch her back. But the SHINee boys are just too strong. I am pulled to the side in no time. Jonghyun gathers our stuff then offers to take me to the hospital. Taemin follows along. Janna grabs me by the arm and we head out.


The nurses were pretty quick to attend to me. Soon the bleeding was stopped, but the pain was still there. I swear, someday, that bi*** will pay for this. She’s so lucky all she got was a slap. We stayed in the ward for a few more minutes then headed back to the hotel.


“Sorry about Sulli——-” Jonghyun started to say, but he was cut off by Janna.

“No, it’s was out fault. Camille shouldn’t have been like that. We’ve really embarrassed you guys today.” She bowed slightly and apologized for my actions. Can she stop doing that? Taking the blame? “Camille aren’t you gonna apologize?” she asks me.

For a moment, I consider it. But no. No way. I would never forgive Sulli. “No. Why should I? She didn’t get a bloody nose!” I exclaim.

“N-n-noona, please don’t be like this….” Taemin said, trying to comfort me.

Jonghyun, to the rescue! “Taemin, I think we should go and let the two talk things over.”

Yes! Thank you, Jonghyun. I’ll owe you for this.

They left, and I saw Janna mouth a “Sorry” to Jonghyun before the door closed.


Damn, she’s such a bit**! She goes to our rehearsal like that, and I expect a little respect. But freak no! I get a slap in the face. Luckily, she failed to land a punch on me and all I have is this red mark. I would’ve sued, but my Unnis and Minho-oppa told me to just keep it hush hush. Ugh, Why am I a good girl?


Why is noona so mad? Sulli wasn’t doing anything…was she? I was just teaching her the steps! Is….Camille-noona…jealous?


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vironica #1
this is realy cool i like jj character.. i'm jj bias but i'm not jealous i like his chemistry with j ;)
keke cool story! :)
Dear author, <br />
You lazy bum! You don't go on anymore!<br />
<br />
You're truly, <br />
You're damn co-author
hehe~ I look forward~ I shall go read the sequel~
ambzchan #5
update soon!
Cosette #6
oh my god gf stealing??!?!?! can be this next chapter a J&JJ chappie??<br />
<br />
ambzchan #7
update soon!!
Cosette #8
oh eemm geee... update!!!
I completely forgot about Sulli.
It's those cheesy punch linesss XDDD I love you Camille :b