
Fake Love at First Crash

=Janna POV=


I was driving to Richard's house with my gift for him in the passenger seat. Today was our first anniversary; we've been together for a year now. 

When I got to his house, I knocked (yes, I still knock) before going in. Surprise, surprise. There was this chick wearing a short red dress who was sitting on his couch. 

"Is Richard here?"

CHICK: Yeah, hold on. *leaves, comes back in one minute* He'll be here in a sec.

"May I ask...who are you...exactly?" I was dead curious.

CHICK: My name's Lea, and I'm his girlfriend. *extends hand*

Um, WHAT?!? "Could you repeat that again? Sorry I don't think I heard you right."

CHICK: *drops hand, raises eyebrows* I'm Lea, his girlfriend?

I'm gonna be sarcastic for a bit. "Really? That's funny because I thought------"

R: Janna! Nice to see you! Let's talk outside! *hurriedly takes me outside*

"I can't believe this! You're cheating on me! With a ! That dress! Ugh. She isn't even your type."

R: You can't say that about-----

"Ohohoho, so you're defending her now? You know what, I'm not even going to argue with you. You're not worth my time. If you have the nerve to cheat on me with a , that just shows how much of a lowlife you are. And I'm sorry, I do not socialize with people LIKE YOU. Happy anniversary, by the way." I slammed his present to the ground and left without another word.


Oh no. Why him? Really? It had to be Richard.

"The hell are you doing here?" 

R: I was....

"What? Stalking me? What's wrong with you? You're creepy enough with your constant messaging and calls, now you come all the way to KOREA to stalk me? NOTHING----repeat NOTHING---- can ever make me go back to you. NOTHING. ZILCH. NA-DA. ZERO!"

R: Oh yeah? What if I told you that I'd quit stalking you if you went back out with me?

Stop stalking me? He's done this before? "What do you mean?"

R: Let's just say I exposed your relationship with Jonghyun to the public.

"It was YOU?!?!?!"

R: Always the quiet ones.....

"Oh no. No no no no no. Anyone. Anyone. And it had to be YOU."

R: Well, you know, there's still that option of getting back together with me.

I rolled my eyes. Are you kidding me? I'd rather pretend to be Jonghyun's girlfriend than go back out with HIM. He is soooo not worth my time.

R: *puts his hands up* Fine, fine. I guess I'll just go and send these pictures to the media.

"Wait----" and then my phone rings. It's Jonghyun. "Just wait at Starbucks! I'll be there." I hung up. I looked around and I couldn't find Richard. The bastard! Ugh. I'll get him the next time. For now, I'll let him go. 

But you know what? Let's face it, I want to be Jonghyun's girlfriend. Even if I know he doesn't really love me, I can pretend, right? Now I sound like a bi***. I don't want to sound like a bi***! I think I love him. WAIT, what?!? No! Janna,  you MUSTN'T fall in love with him! He's a star! What kind of relationship do you expect to have? One that involves being in love for the cameras? But that's not real anymore. Still! I don't care! I love him! No! Janna, you can't! But it's the truth! Gahhh these conflicting emotions really mess with your head.

[A/N: If you were confused reading that part right there, I tried to make it like a mental battle inside her head. So just imagine it like that XD]

Snap, Starbucks is right there. Time for the show.

=Jonghyun POV=

Where is she?

J: Oppa! 

I turned to my right. Thank goodness! I thought something happened to her. "Why did you run off like that?! You made me worry!"

J: Sorry! I just...I just thought I saw someone I knew, but it was the wrong person.

"Why didn't you answer your phone? I tried calling you!"

J: called? I...I didn't... There was nothing! Well, up until the call you made earlier. I don't think there was signal in the area. Okay look. Forget about this, okay? I'm sorry! I promise it won't happen again.


J: Yes!

"Kiss me if you're telling the truth."

=Janna POV=

What? Kiss him? Should I? Um. I don't know. Err...for publicity, right? Yeah sure none of this is real. Except for me. Um. Okay. Should I? 

JJ: *winks, kisses me softly*

I was taken by surprise. Totally by surprise. I didn't know what to do. If I push away, it'll start gossip. Gah. Fine. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. We smiled as we broke apart.

Everyone started cheering. I couldn't help but turn pink. After all, it's not everyday you get kissed by the one you've been crushing on. 


Woohoo! Hullo, everyone! It's been a while since I updated XD This was a short chapter, since I am having another episode of writer's block. But not to worry! I just made my friend co-author (she wrote Chapter 13) and she'll be updating for Camille's side of the story. Please support her and read her story also!

I shall do my best to update tomorrow! 

Thank you everyone for the support, and please comment! :D

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vironica #1
this is realy cool i like jj character.. i'm jj bias but i'm not jealous i like his chemistry with j ;)
keke cool story! :)
Dear author, <br />
You lazy bum! You don't go on anymore!<br />
<br />
You're truly, <br />
You're damn co-author
hehe~ I look forward~ I shall go read the sequel~
ambzchan #5
update soon!
Cosette #6
oh my god gf stealing??!?!?! can be this next chapter a J&JJ chappie??<br />
<br />
ambzchan #7
update soon!!
Cosette #8
oh eemm geee... update!!!
I completely forgot about Sulli.
It's those cheesy punch linesss XDDD I love you Camille :b