
We Are Housemate


(Author’s POV)

It’s already a week since Daehyun slept over at Zelo’s house. Youngjae quickly grabs his phone when morning is coming. He makes a call to Daehyun.

“A-annyeong.” Youngjae greeted Daehyun.

“Ne?” Daehyun asked.

“You’re going back today, right?” He asked.

“You called me just to ask that?” Daehyun sighed. It’s still clear to hear by Youngjae.

“Am I wrong to ask that?” Youngjae asked. “Come on, Just answer.” He said.

“Yeah I will. I want to get ready. So, um, bye.” Daehyun ended the call before Youngjae talks anything again.

(Daehyun’s POV)

I put my phone in my pocket. Honestly, I already finished get ready—but I feel not ready to talk with Youngjae. I just sighed while taking my bag onto my shoulder. “You were calling Youngjae, huh?” Zelo asked while he’s putting his text book into his bag. I just nodded, don’t want if he asks more question if I answer it.

“I’m going first.” I mumbled and start to walk away from Zelo’s house. I wonder If I can talk more with Youngjae today. We’re sitting nearby but I never talk again with him these days. Honestly, that feels . I want to hear his voice—um, forget it.

“Yah, wait for me!” Zelo runs after me. I turn my head and look at him who is running right now. I just ignore it, turn my head back again, and keep walking.

These days, school is the only place that I can meet Youngjae—even I cannot talk with him.

(Youngjae’s POV)

I’m taking my bag onto my shoulder and pocket my hand phone. I check again if they’re something I forget to bring. “All complete.” I smile slightly while open my room’s door. I can see my mother clearly after open my room’s door. She gives me warm smile and hands me a lunch box. “You don’t take your breakfast today?” She asked. “It’s better if you eat this while in the bus. You’re taking bus, right?” She said and asked as well. I shake my head, “No thanks. I’m walking.” I smile after rejected it. My mom sighs, “You’re becoming stranger after Daehyun left. Was there something happening to you?” She asked.

I take a deep breath. “No.” I answered and walk outside home. “Nothing happened.” I continued my sentence While open front door.


I want to meet Daehyun badly. We meet at the school every day but we’re not talking. Sometime, our eyes meet. But, just that. I still love him, I don’t know if he would still love me. My brain often asks ‘If he still loves me?’ but, yeah.

I just get blank answer—no answer.

“Oh, Youngjae.” Himchan waved at me while I’m turning my head to see who’s calling me. He smiles.

“Hi.” I smile slightly, try to hide my problem.

“Actually I have something to ask you—could we go to school together?” He asked.

Go with another boy again…? I thought. But, I quickly shake my head. Himchan just asks me if I could go to school together with him because he has something to talk about—and I and Daehyun already break up, right? I thought. “S-sure.” I answered.

“You do think those all are Jongup’s fault, don’t you?” He asked—suddenly.

“You know about me and Daehyun?” I hissed. I don’t tell anyone about we break up. Or they know it by themselves? I thought. “About we—um, break up…”.

Himchan nods. “Yeah. I feel so guilty since Jongup is my best friend.” He said. “I don’t know he’s really obsessed by you.” He shakes his head. “I know him really well. I just want to tell you, don’t be weak in front of him.” He sighed.

“I’m weak with sorry things.” I sighed as Himchan said to not be weak.

“That’s why. Jongup isn’t idiot. So, you just don’t be weak in front of him, ok? If you’re weak, It’ll just make anything worse than before.” Himchan explained. “Let’s go.” He walks in front of me. I follow him—to school.


(Daehyun’s POV)

I look at seat that located next to me. Youngjae’s seat. It’s still empty, Youngjae doesn’t come yet. I wonder where’s him. I sighed and sit on my chair.

“Jung Daehyun! Mr. Park called you!” someone shouted. I blink as he said Mr. Park called me. I remember homework that I should do—I don’t think I bring it now.

I quickly search it in my bag—and find it. “Gotcha.” I mumbled and runs to teacher’s room—Mr.Park’s table.

(Author’s POV)

Youngjae’s walking through hallway like usual. Like usual also, Jongup appears. As Jongup suddenly appears, Youngjae sighs and wondering what would Jongup does this time.

“Hey~” Jongup smiled as he sees Youngjae’s walking.

“Hmph.” Youngjae rolled his eyes. “Hi.” He forced to keep smile by himself.

“Why? You look mad.” Jongup raised his eyebrows. Doesn’t realize that he’s the one who makes Youngjae mad. “Hey, hey, how about if you sit beside me? It will awkward if you sit beside Daehyun—um, your ‘ex’ , right?” Jongup asked.

He’s coming again. Youngjae thought as Jongup offered about sit beside him. Youngjae tries to be not weak anymore. “No, thanks. It better be awkward.” Youngjae smiled slightly.

“But that’s right?” Jongup crossed his arms, try to make Youngjae says yes.

“No. I can sit near the one I love so that’s not . If there’s anything you want to say to make more distance between me and Daehyun, I don’t accept that. Bye.” Youngjae stated and walk away. Jongup blinks and widens his eyes as he stares at Youngjae who walks off. What happened with him just now? Jongup asked himself.

Youngjae feels satisfied after he rejected Jongup. He satisfies because he’s not that weak. He will change. And He will get Daehyun back to him. It was thing that Youngjae thought before he thinks deeper again. He still doesn’t sure if Daehyun would love him back.

“Oh, Youngjae.” Someone called Youngjae. This familiar sound makes Youngjae turns his head automatically.

“…Daehyun.” Youngjae smiled as he sees Daehyun walks to him. “What are you doing?” He asked.

“U-um, well, collect homework to Mr. Park.” Daehyun rolled his eyes. “It was so much homework.”

“Yah, you should rest at least. You’re working too hard, aren’t you?” Youngjae asked. He still doesn’t realize He’s talking again with Daehyun now.

“I’m just fine.” Daehyun smiled as he knows that Youngjae is worried about him. He knows Youngjae so well. He knows if Youngjae asks that, it means Youngjae is worrying about him. “Don’t worry.”

Youngjae stares at Daehyun for few seconds. “You’ll back today, right? You won’t leave me again, right?” Youngjae asked.

Daehyun blinks as Youngjae asked that. “I—I’ll back soon.” Daehyun smiled. “I’m going first, I should check my other homeworks.” Daehyun waved his hand and runs to the class.


Youngjae sighs as he’s looking at Daehyun. He believes Daehyun will be back.

Back to him. Will he? Youngjae thought while opens his classroom’s door.

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[We Are Housemate] Since my holiday will end soon, so I'm sorry if I do late update. Sorry T^T


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Chapter 13: i've read all your trilogy and it's all awesome! <3
really love the way you express daejae's sweet relationship. so touching!
keep writing about daejae's sweetness please! <3<3
Iceprincessice9 #2
Chapter 14: more dajae story please...
i love your story...
Chapter 14: This is so... ahhh~ idk.. what to say!! /squeal at their happiness/
nice ending~!!
Chapter 11: sooooo sad... poor Daehyun...
Chapter 11: My Daedae.. ;AAA; andwae!!! Save him for baby Jae~
Chapter 11: Aaaaaakkkk, cliff hanger.
Well, i really really hope Dae will be okay.
They were about to clear the things up, and....
Pliiiss author-nim..
poor my baby Jae T.T
Chapter 10: good job Youngjae.. fight for Daehyun =]
Ume9306 #8
Chapter 10: Ahhh finally :'D
Ume9306 #9
Chapter 9: Aish.. That's because of misunderstanding tragedy :'( *hug jae*
Chapter 9: Let's see what will happen next *i'm too sad to leave a proper comment*