Falling in Love Everyday

Falling in Love


Dara and Seunghyun decided to head back home around 9. The drive back was quiet yet comfortable. They changed so much, in the beginning they would hate to be in the same room together because it would’ve been painfully awkward, but now it was relaxing and felt right. They didn’t have to force conversations, it would come easily.
After an hour, Seunghyun’s car was parked in the parking lot of the girls’ dorm. They both got out of the car and walked towards each other.
“I’ll drop you off in front of your door.”
“No, it’s late you should go home now, plus if the girls see you with me they won’t stop making fun of us.”
“Oh. Ok then.” Because this was their first date, neither of them knew what to do at the moment. Dara said bye and was about to walk away when she stopped and turned back to face him.
“What happened?” Seunghyun was confused.
Dara said nothing but walk towards him and give him a sweet kiss on the cheek. Seunghyun smiled and asked “what was that for?”
“For the best first date a girl can ever ask for and for agreeing to quit.” Dara smiled up at the man. She was truly happy and her eyes showed it, they were glistening. At that moment, Seunghyun felt so blessed and lucky to have such a beautiful and caring girlfriend, and Dara thanked her lucky stars for letting her meet such a perfect man.
“Good because from here on it’ll only be Mcdonalds and cheap restaurants” Seunghyun joked back to the girl. Dara smacked him on the arm playfully and wrapped her small arms around his waist and leaned her head on his chest.
“I’m a very expensive date ok. It’s not every day Sandara Park goes out with a man” Dara parted from the hug and stuck her tongue out at Seunghyun. He laughed at her childish behavior.
“Well now you will, I’m not just any man, I’m your boyfriend.” The word boyfriend sent the little butterflies in her stomach to fly around violently. He was her boyfriend, and she was his girlfriend. Dara couldn’t seem to fathom that thought yet.
“Psh, I doubt we’ll even get to see each other every day.” Both of them knew that what Dara just said was the sad truth for idols; they don’t even have time for themselves, so how would they meet their loved ones?
“I promise we’ll find a way ok?” Seunghyun reassured her while her soft blonde hair back. Dara nodded in reply and said she should go up now.
“Goodnight, I’ll call you tomorrow ok?” Seunghyun said as he watched Dara walk away. Dara turned around again and gave him a small wave before running into the elevator. Neither of them could stop smiling or thinking of the other.
When Seunghyun got home at about 10:30 that night, he noticed almost everyone was sleeping because of their busy schedule. Surprisingly, he still wasn’t dead tired. Without a reminder Seunghyun walked over to his drawer and gathered up his lighters and boxes of cigarettes and cigars. He wasn’t exactly entirely happy about this, but he would do it for Dara. He knew he had to quit sometime, so why not now when he would have his girlfriend pick him every single time he might fail.
“Girlfriend” Seunghyun said that single word out loud to him and smiled. It just hit him that they were finally together.
The next couple of weeks were hard and Seunghyun wouldn often get irritated when he couldn't go outside and take a smoke. Everytime he would seem to be in a mad mood and act cold towards people,Dara wouldn't get angry but just stay calm. She knew that he was trying and to quit was very hard so she tried to keep an open mind, while trying to make him feel better with occasional hugs and kisses. However, they wouldn't always help make the situation better.
It was 10 pm on a friday and Seunghyun was waiting for Dara in their normal area to see each other when their hectic schedules wouldn't let them meet. They were supposed to meet at 9, but Dara was an hour late. Seunghyun was getting irritated because his day did not go well. The guys got another lecture from YG himself because of Seungri, his solo album would be pushed back again, some fangirls chased him all the way to his car, and now Dara was an hour late. Seunghyun wanted to just forget everything and smoke just one small cigarette on the roof, but he couldn't. He wouldn't. As he was in the middle of fighting with himself to make the decision to sneak a smoke or not, Dara burst into the room, in full stage outfit and make up, and apologizing for being so late. Unlike other days when Seunghyun would forgive Dara jus after looking at her, Seunghyun didn't welcome Dara with a hug or anything. He just sat there and giving her a mini glare. Dara noticed the tension and put down her things and went to go sit next to him. 
"I'm really sorry Seunghyun-ah! I couldn't leve the event, it'd be so rude and sajangnim would kill me. As soon as it ended i rushed over." Seunghyun still wasn't saying anything or facing her. Instead all he did was stare ahead.
"... Seunghyun? You okay? Come on let it go, please." What came next completely surprised Dara.
"No i'm not okay and no i'm not going to just 'let it go'. I've been waiting for an hour for you and if i can make it on time after a crappy day, i'm sure you could've at least called to say you would be late. Its not even the first time you're late Dara and its getting annoying." Seunghyun ranted out and suddenly he realized what he had just said. He called her annoying, he didn't mean it at all. Seughyun then looked at Dara and realized how quiet she became. She was looking down at her hands, an act she did when she was shy, scared, or nervous. Then Seunghyun heard a sniffle and completely lost it. 
! Good job you idiot, you took your anger out on her and now shes crying! 
Seunghyun was furious at himself.
". Dara i'm sorry i didn't mean any of that. I just had a really bad day and i was just ranting. I'm so sorry baby please look up at me?" Seunghyun softly placed his hands on her quivering shoulders and Dara did look up. Her eyes were teary and looked so sad. 
"Oh baby! I'm so sorry" Seunghyun exclaimed while pulling her into a tight and comfortable hug.
"Its okay" Dara squeaked out from under his strong embrace. 
"What?" Seunghyun was surprised she forgave him that easily.
"I said its okay. I understand, you probably had a horrible day and here i am coming so late and on top of that you probably really want to sneak a smoke don't you?" Dara let out a soft giggle at the end. Seunghyun stared at her in awe. She knew him so well and was so caring.
"I'm only letting it go this once ok? I don't like it when you yell at me... It's kind of scary." Seughyun chuckled at his girlfriend who was now wiping the tears with the back of her hands. She looked like such a little girl, sounding so innocent and cute.
"I'm sorry. I promise i won't yell at you again. Ever... Unless you know you do something stupid, which is very often." He ended with a smirk on his face.
"Yah!" Dara smacked his arm and laughed along with him.
"Are you hungry?" Dara asked softly while leaving his embrace.
"Kinda. I thought i'd take you out to eat today but it probably close already."
"Oh. Sorry... But i have food!" Dara grabbed her big purse sitting next to her and took out kimbap.
"What the hell... You know sometimes i think you stole Mary Poppin's bag, you always take out the most random things." Dara laughed at that and shook her head at her boyfriend's imagination. They ate together while Seunghyun told her about his horrible day. He was mostly angry at the fact that his solo album was pushed again so Youngbae and Jiyong could have another one. Seunghyun was happy for his dongsaengs but it was getting really frustrating. 
"Thats really not fair though. Why isn't sajangnim letting you come out?"
"I don't know but this is like the third time now." 
Dara could see how frustrated he was by the amount of times he ran his fingers through his hair. She put a hand on his back and rubbed it slowly, that seemed to make him relax a little bit. 
"Well i'm sure that when you do come out, it'll be amazing and you'll show not just Korea but the whole world how much talent you have inside of you." Seughyun looked at the small girl beside him and realized just how lucky he was. He knew she meant every word that just left and all his frustration had disappeared in a matter of seconds. Seunghyun was staring at her for a while with a smile on his face that Dara got weirded out. 
"Yah stop staring. You're thinking of something erted aren't you?"
"I'm just think about how amazing you are" he said while giving her a kiss on the lips.
"... But now that you brought the topic up..." Seunghyun left the sentence hanging and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer.
"Yah... What are you doing?"
"I'm about to kiss my girlfriend, is that wrong?" Seunghyun didn't wait for her answer and planted his lips on Dara's, and like that all was forgotten. Seunghyun's crappy day, Dara coming late, Seunghyun yelling at Dara, all were overlooked the moment their lips came into contact.
Dara and Seunghyun were together for 2 months now and they both still could not explain the feeling in their stomachs when they kissed the other, and their hearts felt like it would explode from beating too fast. They loved being together and could not imagine a day where they wouldn't look forward to the other's call, text, or visit. Neither of them went a day without informing the other about how they are. Despite their constant teasing, they knew how much they cared for each other and would never forget their own love for the other. 
Seunghyun would've never thought that the woman he would fall in love with and want to marry and have children with would be the weird, small, and awkward noona from 2ne1. He had never denied Dara's beauty but he always believed in keeping from dating inside the company. Seunghyun now knew just how much more there was to Dara. She was probably the strongest person he knew and he was in awe of how in control she was. She never let things make her break down and fall apart. Seunghyun looked up to Dara. Dara loved Seunghyun ever since the filming of I'm Sorry and always secretly hoped that she would stand out to him in some way and it actually happened. They were both extremely lucky to have each other in their lives and would always thank their lucky stars for it. Neither would have guessed how perfectly their lives worked out but no one can predict love, and this couple fell so deep they couldn't see anything else at all, except each other of course. That's what happens when you fall in love.
**** And that was probably the worst ending in history. I'm so sorry if i disapointed any of you but i thought it would've been better than to drag the story on without anything special happening. This is my first story ever on aff and it still surprises me that so many ppl are reading it, i just got 80 subscribers and thats truly amazing. Thank you to @chobyeol for helping me when i was stuck!!! <3 and @rachel02 for that beautiful poster! My writing isn't the best but i really did have fun writing this, and yes i also spazzed and fangirled when writig it myself LOL. Thank you to my subscibers who commented and made me feel better! And of course the quiet readers, since i tend to be one myself. I'll most likely write more stories about tabisan so please watch out for those! Thank youuuu ^-^ Byeeee.
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But! I promise ill have a chapter by the end of this week. I was going to end the story but i feel badfor the new subscribers and i might continue it. Idk.sorry


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 14: After reading lots of Daragon stories, I’m glad to finally read a Tabisan one. I wish you’ll write a part 2 of this story though. Thanks, authornim ^_^
xhaliner #2
i love this
trysusiet #3
Chapter 14: Tabisan
Chapter 14: TABISAN ^_^
Chapter 14: I love your story.... Tabisan all the way!
Chapter 14: Mmmm.... love, love, love this :)
msdeathstalker #7
Chapter 14: ---aww tabisan is LOVE cute
Chapter 14: chapter 10: OMO poor Chanyeol!!! He was so adorable fangirling ...and fanboying ^^
chapter 11: I love the fact they're teasing each other! Very cute!!!
chapter 12: Jealous TOP is hilarious!!! WOW their make out session was hot and then the ride on the bike very swee!! Gosh I love this pairing!!
chapter 13: What a sweet date!!
Chapter 14:Very cute and moving ending!!

Thanks again for the story!
Chapter 9: Gosh I love your story but I really need to go to sleep now!!! I'll the last chapters tomorrow!!! I don't know if I'll be able to sleep after this rollercoasterof emotions ^^ The ninth chapter's ending was so cute and passionate!!! Thanks for this tabisan!
loyal4ygfamily5ever #10
Chapter 4: oh my happy days just found this and I love it so much!!!! so gorgeous and cute and AAWWWWWW I love it :D :D