Annoying brat

Her flaws

"Ouch. Go slow, please." Daniel winced as Jieun placed a bandage over his bruise. Thankfully the blood has stopped dripping and its fine now. Although now it hurts like hell and Daniel was just thinking how the hell he was supposed to go home that night. 

"You can't go home like this." Jieun voiced out, after Daniel spaced out. Daniel snapped his eyes from the ceiling and gave Jieun a sarcastic look. "Ya think?" 

"Heh. I mean, I can help you call for a cab , you know. It's 2 in the morning and it's hard to get a cab in this area so.." Jieun continued as she looked away from Daniel's intense gaze. He was giving her an annoyed look, no doubt. And Jieun isn't that stupid to not notice it. Although she has no idea why the hell he was even doing that, even after she helped him, her back already aching but still keeping a normal front. 

"You know, my mom told me not to talk to strangers. Ever heard of that?" Daniel snapped suddenly. Jieun faced Daniel once again, her face somewhat hurt. That was harsh, and mean. She helped carry him all the way to the room, worked on his stupid bruise and now he's showing this ty attitude? Wow, your welcome.

"What's your ing problem, Daniel-sshi?" Jieun cursed. That was it. She did'nt care who the hell she was talking to, be it some popular person or whatsoever. This guy was not showing her the respect she deserved, and instead showing his cocky attitude. What the hell was wrong with him anyways?

"Did you just....cursed me?" Daniel asked, shocked. Jieun gave him a sarcastic smile in return. 

"Yeah, I actually did. Why? Is there a problem? Oh, and sorry. I'll just go cause my mom told me not to talk to strangers whatmore help them. Have a good day. And settle with your own ." Jieun said the last part to herself. She was beyond pissed, totally. 

Daniel stayed quiet for a moment befor saying something. That was when he realised, he had no one to talk to.


"Daniel, let's go out today!" Minyoung chirped as she dragged Daniel on her wheelchair. "It's so boring sitting at home all day! Come on!" 

Daniel let out an exasperated sigh as he sat down on the couch. "Nope, you can't Minyoung. It's dangerous out there and I'm afraid if anything happens to you." Daniel eyed Minyoung who was pouting cutely. It never failed to make him smile.

"Why are you afraid? I'm the one who should be. Besides, I'm not afraid to go out there, instead I can't wait to go out there and enjoy the cold breeze. Hehehe." Minyoung chuckled, forming dimples at the side of her lips. It was too adorable, Daniel felt like pinching her hard on the cheeks.

"Why are'nt you afraid? Don't you worry about people?" Daniel asked.

"Huh? You mean? I have you, remember?" 

Daniel froze. What did she just say? Without realising, he was blushing."I mean...uhh...just, forget it. We're staying at home. Besides, your mom cooked lasagne today! I don't want to miss that." Daniel giggled. Minyoung furrowed her eyebrows and stared intently towrds Daniel. Daniel knows Minyoung wa glaring at him, but he kept his cool, although his hands was trembling evidently. 

"Daniel! You're no fun!" Minyoung threw a pillow towards Daniel and he docked it right on time. "You and your flexibility. Go to hell!" Minyoung huffed as she screamed on a pillow, her face hidden in it. Daniel felt hot tears forming as he blinked it away. Why did Minyoung have to go through this? 

He was about to go out when he remembered something. He was acting all rough and crummy the other night because no doubt he was beyond tired. His leg. He quickly folded his jeans to see his bruise when the bandage that was placed by Jieun yesterday night came to his mind.

Jieun was the one who had placed it for him. Although he knows very well that Jieun could'nt handle stuff like blood and needles because the way she looked at his bruise yesterday was more than obvious that she could'nt handle it. But still, she insisted to place it on for him. 

His heart cringed at how cruel he had acted towards Jieun. He remembered clearly how Jieun stormed off without a backward glance. He had just met her and he had also made a her angry and pissed off at how bad he had treated her, without her doing anything wrong.

He did'nt even utter a thank you, for goodness sake. 

Daniel knew he had to apologise to her, even if it did'nt matter to Jieun. Daniel grabbed his parka as he headed towards the door in a flash. Minyoung darted her eyes towards Daniel as she gave a confused look. "Where are you going? I thought you're waiting for mommy's lasagne." 

"I'm sorry, Minyoung ah. I'm just going out for a while. I'll come back, promise. Just leave some lasagne left for me." Daniel said as he placed his hand on the doorknob, waiting for Minyoung's answer. 

"Nope, don't want to! You'll have to bring me with you then!" Minyoung stuck her tounge out, knowing she had won. Everyone knows how Daniel loves Mrs Lee's cooking. It tastes like heaven, no kidding.

"Minyoung, please. You can't do this to me." Daniel sighed as she looked at Minyoung who was smiling and smirking happily, taking her coat that was lying on the bed. "What are you looking at? Come on! We're going to be late." Minyoung said absent-mindedly as she started pushing her wheelchair. 

"This is the last, you got me?" Daniel said as Minyoung did'nt dare utter a word. She knows why Daniel was being overprotective of her, although they were just friends. Somehow, maybe, Daniel treats her like his own little sister. But only Daniel knows how he feels towards Minyoung.


"No! Minyoung, stay in the car. I'll just be out for a minute! I've got some errands to do and I don't want to burden you. Just, call me if anything crops up, yeah? Bye!" Daniel waved as he quickly ran to Yedang's entrance, avoiding hordes of fangirls with banners and gifts. 

"Urgh! This Daniel, really. What should I do now~" Minyoung pouted dejectedly as she the stereo so the car did'nt feel too empty. She sighed as she placed her chin on her palm, squinting her eyes at the fangirls who were shouting for their idols, not caring if they were going to loose their voice any minute.

"I want people to cheer for me too. But..." Minyoung stared at her legs. They were gone, and nothing could bring them back, no matter what. It was her fault, she has to admit. She was the one who did'nt look straight while she was walking. Our parents remind us that when we were young, and we think we're used to it, thinking that it's something even a stupid person could take note off. But hey, that does'nt mean it gets to us. 

Accidents are meant to happen. It just depends on how aware you are of it.

Tears started forming at the brim of her eyes. She could'nt handle it. Kangjun left her because she lost her legs. She was stupid to think the he would stay with her when he promised to. But Minyoung was'nt angry towards Kangjun. Who is stupid enough to date and spend their time with a girl without legs when there are many other prettier girls out there? Maybe Minyoung was too stupid. She was wrong to think that maybe Kangjun was different.

Daniel shuffled his way towards the practice rooms, looking for that one particular girl. His insides is killing him. He does'nt have the right to treat Jieun that way, not after what she's done for him. He was praying hard inside, hoping she would appear right infront of his eyes, so he could apologize. 

He wondered if she had gotten a good night's sleep in her new dorm or something. Just when he was about to give up, Daniel saw that familiar body figure from afar. He knew it was her. That black hair in a cute ponytail with her shiny black rubberband. He knew he was'nt seeing things. 

With that, Daniel charged towards her, not caring about the glances he was recieving with every step he took. He just had to run, in case he looses her. With one final step, he tapped Jieun's shoulders, then placing his hands on his knees, gasping for air.

Jieun shockingly turned around, and saw someone panting. Daniel. Jieun rolled her eyes as she planned for an escape. No way was she going to talk to this rotten stranger. Daniel saw Jieun's shoes as she turned to leave. He quickly grabbed Jieun's hand, not letting her go, after running like 6 blocks. 

"What do you want, stranger?" Jieun asked in a firm tone, totally pissed off. 

Daniel looked up, finally seeing Jieun clearly for the first time. No doubt, Jieun was beautiful. The way she furrows her eyebrows in an annoyed manner, the way she huffs fiercely, the way she keeps rolling her eyes, the way she was avoiding his gaze, was too cute for Daniel alone to handle. 

Jieun furiously shook her hand, leaving Daniel dumbfounded as he released her wrist. Jieun rubbed it before looking straight, not sparing a glance towards Daniel. Daniel sighed as he stood straight. 

"Listen, Jieun sshi, we need to talk." 

Jieun snapped her head towrads Daniel and gasped in disbelief. "What did you say?" 

"I said, I need to talk to you." 

"Are you talking to me? Oh, I'm sorry. My mom told me not to talk to strangers, so...goodbye." With that Jieun started to walk away. 

"No, urgh! Just, let me explain, okay?! I'm sorry for acting all cocky towards you yesterday after what you did for me so, I'm sorry, ok? If you don't want to talk to me it's fine. But at least forgive me first." 

Jieun smirked. She turned back, with her arms folded. "I'm sorry what did you say? I could'nt her it properly." 

Daniel gasped loudly. *This girl is unbelievable, really!* Daniel inhaled calmly. "I'm sorry for yesterday, Jieun sshi. And thanks for your help. Have a good day." With that, Daniel took a step back and walked away, glad that he was away from drama. 

"Sheesh! Hhe was'nt even sincere! Guys are so rude! Hmph! I don't want to meet you ever again!!!!!" Jieun shouted her heart out, hoping Daniel could hear her. 

"Wow, so much for apologizing." Daniel scoffed as he ran to Minyoung, dialling her number. 












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Chapter 4: my ult bias and the only one is kangjun T^T but it's more great if she with daniel ;;
shiningdorks #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^