Jongin's first day

Newsroom Hours

After Yixing, Kris, and Luhan dragged Junmyeon out the door, Kai was fully awake.

He saw the shreds of Junmyeon's shirt on the floor and winced.

"Does this mean I still have the job? Or should I just leave?"

Baekhyun shrugged. "Whatever you want to do, beats me."

As Kai started to walk towards the door, Chanyeol quickly barricaded it. "He's kidding. You're stuck here, we need another intern."

Kai groaned.

"By the way, what's your name?" Xiumin asked. "Was it Key? Kay?"

Sehun laughed wildly. He gasped out,"KAY." 

Chen smirked. "O-kay."

"O-kay dokay." Chanyeol joined in.

"That's not even right." Kai muttered.

Baekhyun frowned. "You guys, stop making fun of the new intern."

He waited a few beats before delivering the punchline. "It's definitely not o-kay." 

Everyone (except Kai, who was not amused at all) cracked up.

"Nice one." Kai said flatly. "So hilarious."

Kyungsoo stuck his head out of his cubicle-like area, having only heard the raucous laughter.

"What's going on? Did Chanyeol staple his tie to his forehead again? Is everything okay?"

Sehun fell off his chair and onto the floor, desperately trying to breathe. "Ohmygod stahp I'm dying Kyungsoo."

"Everything is o-kay." Chen simpered.

Kai glared at Kyungsoo, who cowered under the hateful stare.

Kyungsoo (who would furiously deny this after) let out a squeak and his eyes started watering.

Kai softened immediately and looked a little concerned. "Bro, don't cry."

Kyungsoo whimpered "I'm not crying" as he swiped at his eyes.

Kai turned his hateful gaze on the rest of the crew.

"My name is Kai. Or you can call me Jongin, which is my real name." He directed the last part to Kyungsoo, who was still wiping his eyes.

"My name is NOT Kay. What kind of up has a name like Kay? Whose parents hate them enough to name them that?"

A/N: please don't kill me if your name is Kay this is only for fictional comedic purposes and Kay is a lovely name

Chen whistled,"Damn, look at that. We got a fiesty intern."

With the corner of his lip going up, Chanyeol said,"It'll be fun to tame him."

Kai rolled his eyes. "Says the man who got his tie stapled to his own forehead."

Chanyeol frowned. "It was a faulty staple gun, okay?"

"O-kay." Sehun giggle-whispered.

Baekhyun pulled away from his computer to lean down and pat Sehun (who was still on the ground) on the head.

"Sweetheart, that joke is over."

Sehun lowered his eyes and stuck out his bottom lip.

Baekhyun walked over to Chanyeol and pulled him down by the tie. He murmured into his ear, "And you, don't scare the new intern away. That means more paperwork for Junmyeon. Junmyeon is stressed as it is, and we can't have him quit. He has no leadership skills and that's the only reason we all haven't lost our jobs yet."

Chanyeol stood still, completely dumbfounded. He reached up and touched his ear, where Baekhyun's lips had accidentally touched.  It felt hot, like it was burning.

The newsroom was completely silent as Baekhyun walked back to his computers.

Luhan burst in through the door, panting. Sehun perked back up.

"We lost them!" He announced happily.

"Lost who?" Chen asked.

"And where are the others?" Xiumin stared at the empty space behind Luhan.

"The police and- oh , did I leave the others behind?"

"No." Yixing gasped as he clawed at the doorway, trying to hold himself up. "You son of a , you didn't because we managed to use Junmyeon as a step ladder to jump on the roof of the car."

Kris gave up and faceplanted onto the ground.

He sat up suddenly, an alarmed expression on his face.

". You guys, what happened to Junmyeon?"

"I think we left him behind." Yixing groaned.

Xiumin looked horrified. "Do you know what happens to guys like him in jail?" 

Chen sing-songed, "Does it rhyme with grape?"

Xiumin smirked. "Only in your sick os."

Sehun and Kai cringed. 

"You watch gay os?" Sehun cried.

At least Chen had the decency to blush.

"He sure does!" Luhan answered gaily. Kris gagged a little.

"I'm sure he doesn't." Kyungsoo muttered.

"Nope, he really does." Luhan plowed on. "I walked in and jesus- what Chen needs is jesus christ."

Kai quirked a and what were you saying about your super cool job eyebrow at Sehun.

Sehun shot back a shut up this is as normal as it gets so get used to it stare back at him.

"Now, nobody is perfect- except jesus himself- but watching gay os is pretty bad, my friend. Intervention time is of the ess-"

Chanyeol quickly asked,"So where is Junmyeon?"


Junmyeon quietly sat on the cold metal bench in the cell.

After he was smushed into the ground by Kris and Lay's feet, he was hauled to the police station.

Since he also somehow lost his wallet (damn Luhan), he had to wait until someone paid his bail.

No one had come yet. He had lost his phone in the chaos and wasted him one phone call on Kyungsoo (who didn't answer for some reason).

He left a voicemail and sat waiting.

He always ended up in these situations.

It was kind of nice, though.

He was the only one in the cell, so he didn't have to worry about being in a scenario like one of Chen's gay os (don't ask him how he knows about them), and there was free air conditioning.

Junmyeon let out a deep breath, lying down on the bench.

They also supplied him with a cushy little pillow because it was getting late and face it, no one was obviously coming for a while.

It was pretty comfy, as far as jail cells go.

He fell asleep quickly and the next morning, he got a jelly donut from a sympathetic police officer ("You need it more than I do." The kind soul had said), who had listened to him rant talk about his job all last night.

"Only 10, 946 days until retirement." He sighed, banging his head lightly on the cold steel bars.

The police officer smiled. "It's alright. It could be worse?"

"What could be worse than my life?"

"I dunno, some kids in Africa-"

"You know, I preferred it when you just listened."

Someone had yet to come and get him.

Junmyeon let out a glum sniffle and brightened up.

The jail cell was actually habitable, he didn't have to deal with them (especially Luhan), and he got free food. 

He could spend the next 10,946 days like this.

A/N: I hope you guise are liking the story so far! 

Please continue to subscribe and comment~ Thank you to the people who already have and the people that upvoted the story. 

It really means a lot~ Thanks again!

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huhuhux #1
Chapter 7: I miss this story :(
Chapter 5: LAUGHING SO MUCH AT YOUR A/N, "please dont kill me if your name is Kay this is only for fictional comedic purposes and Kay is a lovely name" ROFLLAB
Chapter 7: OMG LOL THEY'RE TERRIFIED OF A SPIDER XDDD (Well I am too, what am I saying) YAY, TAO CAN STAY! (that rhymed! xD) I feel so sorry for Joonmyeon xD
Chapter 7: oh my goodness ^_^ i love this already <3 UPDATE SOON. :D
Chapter 7: This fic made my day ^^/ I can't stop laughing at joonmyeon's misfortunes XD
Chapter 5: I love this so much xD lol well if junmyeon is happy living in a cell, then good for him xD gosh I might feel the same way if my coworkers were the same as exo! But omg I love you and your updates
Chapter 2: Hahaha XD This is so much fun XD
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