Introducing Kim Jongin and a trip to Ikea (Part 1)

Newsroom Hours

Kim Jongin, or Kai, was not a morning person.

So when Sehun, his former best friend (Kai was not happy with him at the moment), told him to get to SM studios at 6:00 in the morning, he laughed an abruptly hung up on him.

Turns out that it was not a cruel joke, and Kai found himself walking (well, carried by Sehun) through the doors at exactly 5:59.

Junmyeon, the excecutive producer or whatever, took one look at him, yelped "Kyungsoo they're reproducing oh god the world is going to end", and ran away.

A random man with a unicorn horn strapped onto his forehead (who he later learned to be Zhang Yixing, and no one really knows what he does because he sure as hell does not do an actual job) told him that he was their new intern.

Kai blinked rapidly.

"Sehun, I don't remember that I signed up for this." He said in a saccharine voice, his left eye starting to twitch.

Sehun winced, knowing that Kai only used that tone of voice when he was extremely pissed.

Kyungsoo stepped into the room, saw Kai, made a wheezing seal noise, and took off to join Junmyeon in the closet.

Baekhyun crinkled his nose.

"What just happened? Kyungsoo is not like that."

"Who shoved a stick up his ?" Chanyeol muttered.

Chen cackled,"I think it's more like who's stick he wants shoved up his ."

Xiumin frowned.

"Oh god, that's like someone ing my mom. Please don't ruin Kyungsoo, he's the closest thing we have to innocence around here."

Luhan fluttered his eyeslashes and simpered,"What about me?"

Xiumin paled. "Never do that again. It's not for our comfort, it's for your dignity, trust me."

Pouting, Luhan focused his attention on Kai.

"So, what's your name?"

Kai sleepily mumbled,"Cheerios. I want Cheerios. Maybe some coffee with that, yeah, coffee sounds nice."

Luhan gamely grabbed Kai's hand and shook it energetically. "Nice to meet you, I want Cheerios. If you want coffee, you can go to T-"

Kris quickly interrupted him.

Not that Kris was self-conscious, but he knew tough competition when he saw it.

Kai was undeniably a hot piece of .

"Junmyeon makes good coffee. Plus, you should probably meet him. He's supposedly the authoritative figure around here, so you'll have to meet him sooner or later. Better now?" Kris laughed weakly.

Luhan raised an eyebrow but didn't push it.

Chanyeol laughed deviously.

"Here, lemme take you to him."


Kyungsoo nervously paced around the room.

"He's so attractive, I mean, look at him! What was I supposed to do, I just panicked and-"

Junmyeon smiled languidly.

"Grow a pair, Kyungsoo. That was what you were supposed to do. Go ask the heathens for this kind of stuff, specifically eyeliner dude (Baekhyun) or deer man (Luhan). They look like they would have a lot of experience with this stuff."

Kyungsoo let out a frustrated sigh and acidly replied,"Thank you for your help, Junmyeon. It was great."

Junmyeon lazily flicked at finger at him.

"No problem. Now go do something, I don't pay you to do this."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

"And they don't pay you to have a nervous breakdown every day. EVERY DAY."

Junmyeon insistently ushered him out, right as Chanyeol burst in with a tired Kai on his shoulder like a sack of limp potatoes.

"Delivery~" He sang in a terrible, off-key and obnoxiously high-pitched voice.

Kyungsoo thanked god fervently that he left before because he wasn't sure if his poor heart could take it.

Junmyeon stared in terror as Chanyeol left with a terribly bright brin on his face and left behind a dazed Kai.

He started to pitifully whimper when Kai, not sure of what was going on, stumbled over to Junmyeon.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group was playing rock paper scissors to pick who was going with Yixing and Junmyeon (who did not know he was going quite yet) to Ikea to get new desks for the people who's furniture got destroyed the day before.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

Xiumin and Chanyeol let out disappointed groans as they were taken out of the running.

Yixing crossed out their names on the whiteboard.

Sehun smirked victoriously (it was unanimously decided beforehand that interns were not allowed to go, so Sehun was delighted that Chanyeol, who proposed such rule, was going).

Kyungsoo opted to drop out of the game.

Chen smugly whispered,"Wonder why he's not going. COUGHKYUNGSOOHASHOTSFORTHENEWINTERN."

Kyungsoo shrilly protested,"You actually have to cough for it to be effective, ."

And so the tournament continued.

Rock paper scissors was long gone, instead, they were playing a game of full on trashcan basketball.

"Pass, you er! Pass!" Baekhyun yelled.

Kris tripped over Luhan, who slid right under his feet.

"This isn't goddamn soccer." He hissed at Luhan, who flipped his hair haughtily in response.

"You wish."

Kris was left confused as to what he was wishing for. (most likely for the day to be over)

After a vigorating game, the list on the whiteboard looked like this:



The Interns (Sehun was not happy about the new nickname he and Kai had recieved)






Junmyeon and Yixing  (Their names were written in red, as they were automatically going to have to go to Ikea, and in Junmyeon's case, whether he liked it or not)

In the end, after a intense game of ping pong (or as Luhan referred to it, the table game of champions), Luhan and Chen won.

But, after the judges (just Yixing) deliberated, it was decided that Kris would go in Chen's place. (Yixing's kind words were,"We don't need a short- midgetloveyouchen, but we're gonna need muscle because those tables and chairs are as heavy as and Junmyeon and I sure as hell aren't carrying them")

Luhan yanked open the door to yell at poor Junmyeon to get his moving, but stopped in sheer awe (and slight horror) as Junmyeon let out a strangled "help me".

Kai had apparently gone back to sleep and decided that he was baby kangaroo or seahorse or something, in search for a source of heat.

Either way, he had ripped open Junmyeon's shirt and crawled inside, and now he was nuzzling his face against Junmyeon's sweat covered (caused by nervousness) chest.

Baekhyun, who was reapplying his eyeliner (ping pong is a vigorous sport, okay. one can really work up a sweat playing it), hummed,"Kyungsoo isn't going to be happy about that."


A/N: I made (or i'm going to make) a slight bonus fic on the ping pong game. 

I hope you liked the chapter!

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huhuhux #1
Chapter 7: I miss this story :(
Chapter 5: LAUGHING SO MUCH AT YOUR A/N, "please dont kill me if your name is Kay this is only for fictional comedic purposes and Kay is a lovely name" ROFLLAB
Chapter 7: OMG LOL THEY'RE TERRIFIED OF A SPIDER XDDD (Well I am too, what am I saying) YAY, TAO CAN STAY! (that rhymed! xD) I feel so sorry for Joonmyeon xD
Chapter 7: oh my goodness ^_^ i love this already <3 UPDATE SOON. :D
Chapter 7: This fic made my day ^^/ I can't stop laughing at joonmyeon's misfortunes XD
Chapter 5: I love this so much xD lol well if junmyeon is happy living in a cell, then good for him xD gosh I might feel the same way if my coworkers were the same as exo! But omg I love you and your updates
Chapter 2: Hahaha XD This is so much fun XD
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