Introducing Kim Jongin and a trip to Ikea (Part 2)

Newsroom Hours

Junmyeon sobbed internally.

Kyungsoo was pissed at him after the whole Jongin or Key or Kai or whatever-the-hell-he-called-himself fiasco (which makes no sense because Kyungsoo had yet to make a move and had furiously denied that he felt any attraction to him at all), and now he had no one to fix the shirt that the new intern had ripped.

To top it off, he also had to pay for the new desks that Luhan picked.

Damn Luhan and his expensive tastes.

Kris points at another desk.

"That one is actually pretty good looking."

Junmyeon has to agree- until he looks at the price tag.

650 ing dollars for a hunk of wood that he could build with his own hands.

Junmyeon is half tempted to just saw down the tree that stands in front of the studio.

Luhan peeks over his shoulder, sees the price, an immediately jumps on board.

"Yeah, we should get that one."

"Your desk didn't even get destroyed." Junmyeon mumbled.

No one pays any attention.

He looked over to see Yixing was lovingly an interesting looking desk.

"I think this one is nice." Yixing murmured contently.

Luhan sighed.

"That one is pink."

Kris frowned.

"That's the only thing wrong with it? It's in the shape of a giant ing horse with a big cone on it's forehead."

Yixing sniffed,"It's a unicorn, thankyouverymuch."

Luhan narrowed his eyes at Kris. "Why do you even care? I mean, you're not even in there most of the time, at least, you're not supposed to be."

"Neither are you, Luhan." Kris answered.

Junmyeon sighed,"Let's get something at least a little professional looking so that the rest of the studio doesn't mock us more than they usually do, alright?"

Yixing begged until Junmyeon finally relented and let him get the unicorn desk.

"Just so you know, I am docking some of your pay and you have to give your old desk to someone else."

Yixing deflated. "Can't I have both? And keep my money?He said, whispering the last part.


Junmyeon refused to budge from his position. He was actually quite proud of himself, since he was standing up for once.

30 minutes and 14 burly security guards later, they were thrown out of Ikea because of Yixing's tantrum and Luhan egging him on.

"We didn't even get any of those swedish meatballs." Kris whined.


And so, after a 3 hour trip to an Ikea that they weren't blacklisted from, Junmyeon found himself eating overpriced swedish meatballs.

Luhan whispered,"Those things are made of horse meat, you know."

Yixing slammed down his fork immediately and pushed aside his plate like it personally went over to his house and spat on his mother like Luhan did. (Luhan an unfortunate cold one time- "one time" Luhan protested- and let's just say he hasn't been invited since)

"Dear lord, you've done it now." Kris groaned.

"What have I done." Yixing looked horrified at the plate and round balls of meat.

Kris sighed.

"It's not like you ate a unicorn or whatever the you're obssessed with."

"It could have been." Yixing's eyes grow bigger in horror. "It could have been a cousin of princess sparky." 

Kris spits out his meatballs, right onto Junmyeon's face.

Junmyeon sighs miserably and declines the napkin Luhan generously hands him.

He knows it's only a matter of time before hits the fan and he's covered with more food.

Kris takes the napkin from Luhan and spits the rest of the meat into it.

Using the slightly used tissue to delicately wipe off the burning hot (horse)meat off Junmyeon's face, Kris guffaws,"Princess sparky? Are you ing serious-"

Tao walks up to the table and Kris snaps out of it immediately.

"-Hey, Tao."

Tao smiles.

Kris's heart stops for a moment.

"H-Hi, Ku-rees. I didn't know that you guys would be here."

Kris thinks it's adorable how he stumbled over his words and can't pronounce his name quite right.

Luhan titters,"It's KRIS, ."

Kris wants to die.

Tao blushes. "Sorry."

Kris blushes at seeing the cute mess of red that is Huang Zitao, and starts to reply, but Luhan beats him to it.

"It's aight. Wait, you dat hot piece of barista that our Krissie has a crush on?"

Tao turns even redder.

Kris's nostrils flare and his pupils dilate into thin slits.

Junmyeon winces, knowing that Kris will rain down hell in the studio for the next couple of days.

He really hates Luhan sometimes.

"Hey! Put that down!"

They hear a yell from a passing by security guard.

In the time that they were distracted, Yixing managed to sneak away and grab the rest of the meatballs.

Junmyeon notices this and runs over there to try to get him to put down the meatballs.

Luhan sits and watches the struggle, cackling like crazy.

Kris sees the chaos and jumps into the fray, Tao watching with his mouth open.

Yixing tilts the tray, sending sauce and a few meatballs all over Junmyeon and a little splashes on Kris.

Junmyeon wails in agony, but inside, he knew something like this was bound to happen.

Kris, on the other hand, is having his non-existent burn tended to by Tao.

In the meantime, Yixing runs and smashes open a window, spilling the meatballs outside.


Luhan quickly gets the desks and to the cashier, paying with the wallet he stole from Junmyeon when he wasn't looking.

They hightail it out of there, another team of security guards hot on their tracks.

Cursing in his head, Junmyeon knows that it will be a loooong time before they are allowed back into another Ikea, if at all. 

To be completely honest, Junmyeon doesn't know how much longer he has to live. This experience has taken at least 20 years off of his life.

But hey, only 10,947 days until retirement. 

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huhuhux #1
Chapter 7: I miss this story :(
Chapter 5: LAUGHING SO MUCH AT YOUR A/N, "please dont kill me if your name is Kay this is only for fictional comedic purposes and Kay is a lovely name" ROFLLAB
Chapter 7: OMG LOL THEY'RE TERRIFIED OF A SPIDER XDDD (Well I am too, what am I saying) YAY, TAO CAN STAY! (that rhymed! xD) I feel so sorry for Joonmyeon xD
Chapter 7: oh my goodness ^_^ i love this already <3 UPDATE SOON. :D
Chapter 7: This fic made my day ^^/ I can't stop laughing at joonmyeon's misfortunes XD
Chapter 5: I love this so much xD lol well if junmyeon is happy living in a cell, then good for him xD gosh I might feel the same way if my coworkers were the same as exo! But omg I love you and your updates
Chapter 2: Hahaha XD This is so much fun XD
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