Just another regular day at work

Newsroom Hours

Kris ran through the front door, depleted coffee in hand.

"Guys, GUESS WHAT?" He shouted.

Baekhyun, social media manager (just has to get on facebook/twitter, the lucky bastard), poked his head out of his cubicle-like area in the midst of the computers and stage whispered,"I would care but oh look, my last flying just flew away."

Kris rolled his eyes.

Channyeol, camera man #1, put a genuinely interested look on his face.

"Please, do tell."

Kris smiled brightly.

Chanyeol was taken aback and swiftly scuttled back to his dark corner, with all the recording equipment.

"Bro, that is blinding. Turn it down a notch."

Kris let out a sigh of frustration.

"Fine, whatever. IgotadatewithTao!" He spilled the news in a rush.

Chen, the audio engineer, let out a shrill scream.


Baekhyun groaned and slammed a twenty into Chen's hand.

"Ugh, Kris, you couldn't have waited another day?"

Kris blinked.

"Wait, you guys placed bets on-"

Lost in his own world, Baekhyun continued muttering,"I mean, seriously, you just couldn't keep it in your pants-"

"-me and Tao? Are you serious?"

"-and now, Chen has won another bet. This is the fourth ing bet, he's psychic or something, I'm telling you, these predictions are way too accurate-"

Yixing silently walked into the studio and started working on whatever he was researching.

Luhan, the co-anchor and part time meteorologist, slapped a ten onto Baekhyun's desk.

"Chen just texted me what happened."

Chen looked surprised.

"What did Baekhyun bet on?"

"-well, actually, we all knew that you liked Tao, it was only a matter of tim-oh hey Luhan- I bet that you would win that bet."

Chen leaned back in his chair and nodded smugly.

"Of course."

Xiumin tripped into the room, and would have almost smashed his face into the floor, were it not for Luhan.

He smiled sheepishly.

"Um... Thanks?"

Luhan grinned, pinching Xiumin's cheeks.

"No problem, I couldn't just let my precious Baozi's cheeks get battered."

He went back to abusing Xiumin's face.

After a few minutes, Xiumin murmured,"Can you let go of me now?"

Sehun jogged in, triumphantly throwing his hands into the air.


Luhan dropped Xiumin immediately and put on a more serious face.

"Nice job, intern, but you're going to have to-"

Kris frowned.

"Stop messing around with the intern. We can't have another one quit. He's the fourth one this month."

Sehun frowned.

"Hey, I thought you said that it was a presigious training program that only a few people get into every year-"

"And people lie all the time. Life is full of disappointments, so get used to it."

"-I was bragging about this to my friend, Kai- oh man, Kai is never gonna let this g-"

"IS THIS KAI FREE?" Yixing screamed suddenly.

Everyone stopped moving.

"I-I think he'th thingle, but I don't think he'th gay." Sehun stammered, temporarily losing control of his speech.

Luhan quickly jumped on Sehun's back, poking Sehun's cheeks.

"Aw, your lisp is so cute. Your cheeks are as bony as , but it's okay, your lisp makes up for it."

Yixing furrowed his brow in annoyance.

"No, not in that way. Luhan is hogging the only intern we have, and Junmyeon and Kyungsoo needs a little bit of a break because let's face it- they're burned out as ."

They heard a wavery little "Thank you" from the direction of Junmyeon's office.

Sehun relaxed and dropped Luhan.

"Oh, yeah, he'll totally be up for it. Lemme just ask him at school later."

Kyungsoo suddenly appeared.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to be at school?" 

Sehun rolled his eyes and puffed out his chest.

"I'm not in high school anymore, Kyungsoo. I'm not a kid. I'm in college!"

"Yeah, yeah, when are your classes?"

Sehun wilted and muttered,"They start at 9."

Kyungsoo let out a sigh of relief.

"Good, you're not missing anything. Tell Kai that he's in if he comes on time tomorrow."

Scratching his head, Sehun mumbled,"I wouldn't be too sure about that."

Inside the safety of his office, Junmyeon thanked god for a decently quiet day (it was only decent and not completely quiet because Luhan had thrown a pissy fit about the fact that there was no catering or good food at all in the studio, so Kyungsoo ended up getting a new job) and crossed out another square on his calendar. He sighed, and stared back at the old people.

Only 10,948 days until retirement.

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huhuhux #1
Chapter 7: I miss this story :(
Chapter 5: LAUGHING SO MUCH AT YOUR A/N, "please dont kill me if your name is Kay this is only for fictional comedic purposes and Kay is a lovely name" ROFLLAB
Chapter 7: OMG LOL THEY'RE TERRIFIED OF A SPIDER XDDD (Well I am too, what am I saying) YAY, TAO CAN STAY! (that rhymed! xD) I feel so sorry for Joonmyeon xD
Chapter 7: oh my goodness ^_^ i love this already <3 UPDATE SOON. :D
Chapter 7: This fic made my day ^^/ I can't stop laughing at joonmyeon's misfortunes XD
Chapter 5: I love this so much xD lol well if junmyeon is happy living in a cell, then good for him xD gosh I might feel the same way if my coworkers were the same as exo! But omg I love you and your updates
Chapter 2: Hahaha XD This is so much fun XD
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