Why Kim Junmyeon really hates his job

Newsroom Hours

It was Monday again.

Junmyeon dragged his feet up the steps and clomped through the revolving door.

"Time for another day at work." He thought bitterly. "Woo-ing-hoo."

Slapping a bright, fake grin on his face, he stepped into the building.

He didn't always hate his job. 

In fact, he used to love coming to work and doing whatever random the higher-ups came up with.

That is, until he got "promoted".

Jumyeon refused to acknowledge it as a real promotion.

He went from the intern prodigy (Junmyeon was really good at making coffee) to a glorified babysitter (aka excecutive producer or manager or that person or whatever the hell they wanted to call him).

Jumyeon could feel his professional smile sliding off his face from just thinking about what was to come today.

The gremlins that he had to deal with came up with new things every day. Every ing day of the week. Except Sundays, when Junmyeon took off the day for "religious" reasons (so they had to let him take off the day. Junmyeon loves loopholes, especially when they get him away from them), but really, he hides under his bed and sobs into his pillow.

Sighing, he pulled his ID out from his wallet and nodded at Henry, the security guard.

Henry frowned.

"You look like you want to kill yourself, Junmyeon."

Junmyeon just let out another sigh.

Henry patted him on the back.

"Please don't kill yourself by jumping off. I have to clean that up. And if you are going to, at least do it in the back."

"Thanks, Henry. I'll keep that in mind."

"No hard feelings, but we just got new bushes. New bushes, ones that don't smell like fried chicken. Onew threw up in the last set of bushes we had."

Henry shuddered, remembering the splattered chunks.

Junmyeon nodded and managed to get his feet to walk over to the ominous glass door.

Scanning his ID and putting it back into his wallet, he waited for the door to slide open.

He stepped in, looked around, and saw that he had ten minutes before anyone came.

Junmyeon had to work fast.

"Gotta hurry, Kyungsoo will get here soon." He muttered to himself, grabbing a desk and pushing it in front of the door.

Not that he had anything against Kyungsoo, if anything, Kyungsoo was the normal one.

Kyungsoo was the only one he could stand.

But, Kyungsoo was not fond of watching Junmyeon barricade the door, and always dismantled it before anyone could get blocked.

Junmyeon stacked as much things as he could move and quickly ran into his little office, cursing anything in sight because there was not lock on his door.

It actually used to be a closet, but after ing to Changmin about the fact that he was missing an office, and it specifically stated in the contract that he would get an office, Changmin had decided to humor him and slapped a cheap 500 won plaque on the nearest door, which happened to be the closet. (Junmyeon was just glad they were far, far away from the bathroom)

With a bright red pen, Junmyeon made a big X over one of the many squares on his detestable calendar (which was filled with super-glued pictures of old people, courtesy of Chanyeol and Xiumin).

Only 10,949 days until retirement.

The pictures of the smiling old people made him feel sick. They were obviously mocking hin.

He clutched at the unicorn blanket he had stolen from Yixing and curled into a little ball on the floor, rocking back and forth.

He glanced at the digital clock.


Junmyeon knew it was only a couple of seconds before Kyungsoo arrived at work.

Kyungsoo was a man of routine, and he always got to work at 5:30.

Counting down under his breath, Junmyeon whispered,"3.. 2... 1."

There was a massive thud noise as Kyungsoo ran straight into the wall of desks, books, and a whole other assortment of things.


Kyungsoo groaned and gave up, knowing that Junmyeon wasn't going to leave the confines of his office.

He walked away from the door.

Junmyeon yelped when he heard a loud buzzing noise that sounded suspiciously like a chainsaw.

Poking his head out of his closet office, he saw Kyungsoo rip off his mask and gently place the chainsaw onto the floor, making sure the blade was nowhere hear him.

"Well, aren't you prepared." Junmyeon grumbled.

Kyungsoo shrugged. "I got them to store a chainsaw in the storage closet for situations like this."

He kicked aside the last of the debris and said,"And you do realize that you're going to have to make temporary desks for people who's desks got destroyed? And pay for the new desks?"

Junmyeon curled back into a ball on the floor and mumbled,"Yes."

Kyungsoo gently patted Junmyeon's shoulder and comfortingly whispered,"Good effort, but please snap out of it before I throw your into a mental hospital."

He picked the chainsaw back up and was starting to put it away when the back door opened.

Junmyeon yelled "Damn" when he realized that he forgot to barricade the back door.

Kris, the lead news anchor, walked in, looked at Kyungsoo holding the chainsaw and mask, Junmyeon with a unicorn blanket in a depressed heap on the ground and the rubble/general chaos  in the front.

He walked right back out.

"TELL ME WHEN THE OTHERS GET HERE." He yelled back, wondering if he shouldn't have skipped his coffee that morning. He was obviously hallucinating or something.

Why did he decide that laying off coffee was a good idea?

Kris rubbed his tired eyes and headed for the Starbucks stand that Chanyeol had managed to get in the building. (It took him a year to wear down whoever was in charge. The boss finally gave it to him after Chanyeol camped out in front of his front door for 2 weeks in a row)

Then he remembered why he didn't drink coffee earlier and started to talk to that cute barista that he had his eyes on.

"Hi Tao. Can I have the usual?"


A/N: I know, another fic when I haven't finished my other ones.  sorry not sorry

But I really hope you like this one. I thought of it yesterday and really like it, and I hope you will too.

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huhuhux #1
Chapter 7: I miss this story :(
Chapter 5: LAUGHING SO MUCH AT YOUR A/N, "please dont kill me if your name is Kay this is only for fictional comedic purposes and Kay is a lovely name" ROFLLAB
Chapter 7: OMG LOL THEY'RE TERRIFIED OF A SPIDER XDDD (Well I am too, what am I saying) YAY, TAO CAN STAY! (that rhymed! xD) I feel so sorry for Joonmyeon xD
Chapter 7: oh my goodness ^_^ i love this already <3 UPDATE SOON. :D
Chapter 7: This fic made my day ^^/ I can't stop laughing at joonmyeon's misfortunes XD
Chapter 5: I love this so much xD lol well if junmyeon is happy living in a cell, then good for him xD gosh I might feel the same way if my coworkers were the same as exo! But omg I love you and your updates
Chapter 2: Hahaha XD This is so much fun XD
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