Dr Siwon

Bad Cupid






Jaejoong went inside his room and he leaned on the door as he closed it. He sighed and closed his eyes for a few minutes. He was tired, and yet he tried to calm himself down after the unexpected event.
But no matter how he tried to somehow get over his worry over the event, he couldn’t. So he transformed back into his cupid form. His big white wings appeared from his back, it didn’t cut through the clothes he’s wearing but it just went through it without damaging it.
He then flicked his finger and he’s now invisible. He then opened his room’s window and flied away from the house to find me. He wanted to know the progress.



“Who’s there?” The owner of the house said once he saw a stranger pinned down by his guard dog. Obviously, the stranger is ME.
Of course, I didn’t answer him, more like I don’t know what to say. I tried to get up but the dog kept on growling and pinned me down. I was afraid if I move, the dog would bite me.

“Who are you? Are you a thief?” The owner said again. He sighed since I still didn’t answer him. “Wife, call the police.” He said to his wife.
My heart skipped a beat when i heard that. ! Police is a NO! If they know who I am, I’ll go straight to jail..
I tried to think up of an idea to get out of this situation and I wanted to tell him that I am not a thief. “Sir, I-“

“Sorry.” Another guy appeared at the entrance and bowed 90 degrees to the owner. All I can see in front of me is his legs and shoes, when I looked up to his face, it’s Jaejoong. How the hell did he ended up in here?
“We accidentally threw a ball here and we just wanted to get it back. We thought it would be fine going in and taking it without disturbing you.” Jaejoong said. He got a tennis ball in his hands.

“Throwing balls? How old are you guys to not know to not do that at night time??” The owner glared at Jaejoong.

“I’m sorry.. I’m walking my dog with her since we haven’t bring my dog for a walk today..” Jaejoong said.

“Your dog? I don’t see one with you.” The owner raised one of his eyebrows. Jaejoong then flicked his finger and everyone thought that he’s calling his dog whereas he’s using his magic to summon a Westie Terrier dog.
The dog then walked inside the entrance slowly with his head down and whinning, as if he had done something wrong.

The owner had a weak spot for a dog so he sighed. The owner then whistled and his dog moved away from me. Jaejoong bent down while taking my hands to help me get up. Since it was dark, the owners can’t see the wound on my leg.

“I’m sorry again..” Jaejoong slightly bowed, followed by me. Both of us then made our way out of the house with Jaejoong’s dog following behind us.


“Since when do you own a dog?” I asked him. He just moved in a few days ago and now he already got a dog?

“T-The old man asked me to buy one earlier this morning.. He wanted to have a dog.” Jaejoong lied.

“Ohh..” I nodded. My eyes are still on the dog who’s carried in Jaejoong’s arms. Jaejoong noticed that I have been looking at the dog the whole time.

“Do you want to carry it?” He asked as he moved his arms closer to me. Offering me to carry the dog.

I hesitated at first, but as I keep on seeing the dog, I wanted to. “Yes plea-“

Jaejoong suddenly moved it away from me. “Awwww you don’t wanna be carried by that monster right??” He said to the dog and the dog looked up at him as if it is listening to what he said. He then moved the dog’s lips closer to his ear and pretended as if they are communicating.
“Sorry Hyosun, he doesn’t wanna be carried by you.” Jaejoong sticked his tongue out.
“You..” I gritted my teeth. I was annoyed and I know he’s joking so I lay a slap on his shoulder jokingly.


However, as he walked faster, I couldn’t keep up because of the wound.
“Ya, why are you so slow? Walk faster.” Jaejoong said. His eyes then caught on my left leg since he saw me walking like I was limp. He put down his dog and walked over to me.
“What’s wrong with your leg?”

“It’s- It’s just a small wound..” I said.

“SMALL?!” Jaejoong suddenly shouted when he saw the wound behind my leg. “YOU CALL THIS A SMALL WOUND?!”

I turned my head around to see Jaejoong bent down, looking at my wound. “I just scratched my leg when I fell down.” I said, still doesn’t get it why he make such a big deal out of it.

“You’ve got a deep wound for at least like 6cm. What is it that scratched your leg?” Jaejoong furrowed his eyebrows. Thank God that I am wearing a short pants, if I’m wearing a skirt.. =_=

Without saying anything, Jaejoong picked me up in a bridal style.
“W-WHOA! YA! What are you doing???” I gasped.

“What else?? Bring you to the nearest hospital.” Jaejoong said as he looked at me.

“P-put me down! I don’t like being carried this way!” I struggled to get down.

“This is not the time to think about it. We have to get your wounds treated!”

“FINE! But carried me on your back instead!” I said. He sighed and put me down. Then he turned around and bent down, waiting for me to hop on his back.

“Quick..” He said. So I placed my leg between his back and he grab a hold of my legs while I hugged his neck. “Where’s the nearest hospital?”

“Umm… we need to take train.. It’s 5 stops away from here.” I said.

“W-What? Let’s just get a taxi to there.” He said. But he realized there’s no taxi no where to be seen around there.

“I have some people in my house who can treat my wound. So let’s just go home.” I said.

“They really can treat your wound?” Jaejoong asked and I nodded. “Alright then. Hold on tight.”
Jaejoong then started to ran all the way to my house, his dog ran as well.


When he arrived at my house, he did not hesitate to just walked in. The guys in my house are all surprised seeing him carrying me on my back.
“Oi! WHO ARE YOU?” Taecyeon said to him. But Jaejoong ignored him and continue to walk until he reached a seat near the garden. He put me down and let me sit there while the guys just arrived there.

“Ya! Who are you?” Jaebum asked Jaejoong as he grabbed Jaejoong’s shoulder.

“Ask that later. Can someone call anyone who can treat her wound NOW?” Jaejoong shoved Jaebum’s hand away.

“Wound?” Seulong repeated. The others looked confused as well. Jaejoong sighed seeing how slow they are. Jaejoong grabbed my left leg and show the wound to everyone. Everyone is now panicked. They all ran around the house, trying to get someone who can help to treat my wound.


Finally, Taecyeon brought a doctor who live around the neighborhood, who obviously was sleeping. Since he came in his pajamas.
“Dr. Siwon. Please.” Taecyeon said as he led Siwon in front for me. Siwon then started to treat my wound.

While I was being treated, I saw Jaejoong standing beside the doctor looking around my house area and the views. I was kinda afraid that he would find out I’m a mafia’s daughter and get scared of me. Not many of my friends knew about it, only few who knew. And those who knew are the people who are close to me.
“Hyosun.” Jaejoong looked at me.“Are you.. a daughter of.. some kind of a.. mafia?”
The question that I hate finally has arrived. It’s no wonder if he gonna ask that question because my house does look like one.

“Why? You’ve got a problem with that?” Taecyeon glared at Jaejoong.

“Do I look like I have a problem with that?” Jaejoong smiled.

“Aren’t you scared?” I asked him.

“No.” Jaejoong answered. My lips curled up into a smile and my heart skipped a beat too. I was happy. “It’s like.. COOL!!!” Jaejoong added.
The smile on my lips is now gone and my guys looked at him as if he’s weird.

“I mean, being a daughter of a mafia, it’s just like those in the books and drama!” Jaejoong smiled widely, he looked like a fanboy. “You guys must be very strong. How I wish I can be like you all.” Jaejoong said to Taecyeon and the others. Taecyeon felt really happy and he put his arms around Jaejoong’s shoulder, starting to become friendly. I guess it’s the first time he’s being admired by someone…


After a while, Siwon finished with treating my wounds. He said that it will be fine and will heal in a few days. Taecyeon then send Siwon home. While I send Jaejoong to the front door.
“Take care of yourself.” Jaejoong said. “Good night.”

“Hey, wait.” I stopped him. I gave him a hug as my thanks. Normally I wouldn’t just do this. But seeing all the effort he has done and him being himself.. made my body automatically wanted to hug him. “Thank you.” I said. Jaejoong was abit surprised. He moved his hand and was about to hug me back but he kinda hesitated. He ended up giving me a pat on my back.

“No problem.” He said. Both of us then break away from the hug. “Go inside before you get a cold.” Jaejoong said. I then smiled at him before I went inside my house. When I’m inside, I ran all the way to my room as fast as I can and buried my face on my pillow. I was soooooooooooo shy!!!! What the heck have I done?!?!?!
We just knew each other for only a few days but I’ve already done that!!! 
I must’ve be crazy!!!!!!


Meanwhile Jaejoong..
When I went inside, he leaned his body on the wall and he covered his mouth. He was blushing.





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foamtwt #1
koreankendi #2
JJ should never have trusted Nickhun!!!!!!<br />
WAaah!<br />
Oh well. I like this concept!
deadlysins #3
I love the alternate ending... <br />
Hello! Bye! :D
lalalalala #4
jus read d story 2day...<br />
i love both d ending...<br />
ur style of writing is jus sooo awesome....^^
shuffle88 #5
i love the whole story =) both endings are great!!!
lazycharms #6
OMG SO AGGRESSIVE!~ LOL. But that's a good thing...hehehehhe<br />
LOVE the ending...
awww CUTE!!! I LOVED IT!
Hahahahahaha more devilish!! XD <br />
secondsaway #9
^-^ This was too cute. :D Please SEQUEL!