The Revenge

A Man For My Girlfriend (Re-Upload)
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Chaerin's POV 




"Huh, now you blame me? You blame this all to me?!" Jiyong oppa got mad at me. In his hand there's a paper bag of Hermes bag he bought for me, but I rejected it with a reason I made. Ok, a childish reason, but I dont care! I dont want that bag!!

"I dont mean it. I just want you to be more firm! You keep liking her picture! I never tell you to like her picture or let her flirting to you! She likes you, oppa! I hate that fact!"

"You talk about to be more firm? Then just go public with me! "

"We cant, oppa! You know that!"

He sigh, trying to calm himself, "So, whats the problem with liking her pictures? She has all the unique stuff that I likes. And so what if she likes me? Its not like I'm intersting at her or I can control her feeling towards me! Come on, since when you think about something not important like this?"

Its not important in your eyes, not mine! I scream to him in my mind.

"And you want me to be firm about all the cases, but you are the one who wont be firm about our relationship!"

"Oppa, you know how annoying your fans could be when you liking someone's picture. And you know how often you like her pictures, right? Your fans could get it wrong about whats between you and her exactly!"

"You never complain when it comes to Kiko."

"Its the different case! We have a deal with Kiko. And Kiko has no feeling towards you!"

"Its definitely same!"

"Its not!"

"IT IS!!" He raise his voice again.

"Whatever!" I yelled at her

I dont know why I act like a 5 years old kid who not sure what she really want. She just want everything and being selfish. Yeah, I admit it I'm the one who wanted him to be still in all the cases with girls so we could covering our relationship, but I cant hide my jealousy too!! I try to just smile and say its okay everytime I see him in some scandals. But the fact is I'm not really okay. I'm not okay! Well, I'm okay with just Kiko and her sister, Yuka. But NOT about this girl! I know for sure that plastic face girl likes my Jingyo! Note it, MY JINGYO!! In this case, I'm definitely NOT okay!!

I sigh, "I need time to calm myself, oppa."

I could see he open his eyes widely, "Wh-what do you mean, Chae? Time? For what? You are not about to leave me or something, right? BIG NO, Lee Chaerin!! NO!!" He grab my shoulder desperately.

"I'm not going to leave you! I will never leave you, oppa! I... I'm just tired. I need time to think and calm myself. Give me at least some days please..."

I could see his eyes turning red caused by angriness and impatience, "C-Chae.. Chae... Please, I'm sorry! I will never liking her picture again, ok? Baby, I promise I will be a good boy! I promise..."

I sigh, "Well, lets see..." I release my shoulders from him and start walk away.

I know, I know I'm childish. But can you take position as mine? Its really tired and hurts.
















Just entering my dorm when I see Bommie unnie standing in front of me and peek at my back. Maybe she expected me bring some food for her.

"What are you looking for, unnie? I didn't go to grocery. I didn't bring you food."

She shook her head, "Aniya, Chaerin-ah.. I just thought Jiyongie give you something. I see him liked some woman's stuff yesterday. He usually bought you the stuff he liked in Intagram."

I sigh, "No, he doesn't, unnie." I lied.

Bommie unnie pouting, "Hmmm... I thought he will give you the new edition of Hermes bag that he liked yesterday. Thats cute, Chaerin-ah."

Suddenly, I get mad hear the 'Hermes' thingy, "No! Thats not cute at all, unnie! I love Chanel more!"

"But, that really cute, Chaerin-ah. Thats..."

"NO! I SAID NO THEN NO, UNNIE!!" I yelled at her.

She look shocked, "Oh, Chaerin-ah... Maybe thats not your style. I'm sorry.."

I sigh again then take a sit on the sofa near me, "I'm sorry, unnie. To be honest, thats bag is cute. And Jiyong oppa bought it for me. But I rejected it."

Bommie unnie take a sit beside me, "Why, Chae? Its not the first time he bought you stuff."

"Yes, you right. But..." I take a deep breathe, "I know, I know it sounds childish. But... But Rigel has it too! She uploaded hers on her Instagram. Its just the different color with the one Jiyong oppa bought for me! I won't wear the same stuff with her!"

"Aigoo, Chaerin-ah! Just because that reason then you wont accept the gift from Jiyong?"

"But it really the same, unnie! I'm sure that Rigel girl likes my Jingyo! She loves to wear the same stuff as Jingyo oppa! She keep trying attract some attention from Jingyo oppa! , people must get it wrong about whats exactly between Jiyong oppa and that girl! She must be so happy now after she got attention from VIPs!"

"Come on, Chae-ah. Its just about the same stuff and Instagram thingy. Dont be so childish like that. You know it all just part of G-Dragon, not Kwon Jiyong."

I hugged her, trying to hide my tears in my eyes, "I know I become childish nowadays, unnie. But I just think like I cant take it anymore. It made me lost my control sometimes. Why cant God just let us happy together? I... I just wanna live peacefully with Jiyong oppa."

She sigh, "Chae, you know, when you decided to be with Jiyong, it means you should to accept the G-Dragon too. You know that G-Dragon is every girls' boyfriend. But you also know that GD and Jiyong are different altought they are the same person. Well, its your decision after all, Chae. You should to be strong. I'm sure you and Jiyong are belong to each other."

I dont know what to say, I just hugged her more

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ed_ssi #1
Chapter 14: A. Skybang

ed_ssi #2
Chapter 14: reading this in 2019. hoping there will be an update :<
hopelicious #3
Chapter 14: wahhhh more update juseyooooo *rubbing both hands while begging* I pick C by the way :D
Chapter 14: C. Because i want to read your own creation and not my ideas and suggestions
Sushimidumpling #5
Chapter 14: A
I think Jiyong needs some rest and fix his bordering worrisome jealousy/ obsessive issues with Chae. Unless you're planning on to do that then C because besides that issue (probably its just me ) i am okay with whatever happens because its your story.
eunkik #6
Chapter 14: the best author.i like ure stry so much
eunkik #7
Chapter 14: Btw .this like the real........
eunkik #8
Chapter 14: its so sort.... every part .i need longer ...ahhh tag me plase when ..... have contin of this part...
Chapter 14: B. SkyDragon
Ji kick Rigel's out and make her tell the truth with the help of Yongguk.
Chaerin take a break from their relationship for a while and then realize her life is nothing without Ji! Let all BJs & VIPs support them!

Please don't delete this story! I started reading this just now and fell in love with it immediately! Fighting! You can do it! ^_^
Update please... ^_^