The Confession

A Man For My Girlfriend (Re-Upload)
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Author's POV




"Rigel!" someone call her from a table in that cafe. Rigel wave her hand to that person then come closer.

"Sohyun! How are you?" Rigel greet her and kiss her cheeks

"I'm fine. Take a seat please." They are take a seat across each other, "How come? Why don't you tell me you are here?"

Rigel chuckle, "Honestly, I came here for my cousin's pre-wedding photoshoot. I handle all the wardrobe. But then I decided to stay a bit longer here. Well, Korea is really nice."

"Oh, how long your planning to stay here?"

"Hmmm... I don't really sure yet, but maybe a week or two."

Sohyun nodded then smile.

"Well, you should know, I even met G-Dragon! Wait until Angela hear it, she will scream in jealousy!" Rigel talk about Angela Baby, a model from China who being a model in Japan too. She is one of G-Dragon's fangirl.

"Hmmm... Honestly, that was the reason why I called you."

Rigel look at Sohyun confusedly, "What do you mean?"

"G-Dragon. G-Dragon in the reason why I called you."

"What happened to him?"

"Ah, nothing. I mean..." Sohyun take a deep breathe, "Rigel, what I will say after this is because I see you as a friend."

"Sohyun, just to the point please." Rigel get confused even more.

"You know Mina Kwon?"

"Ah, your artist friend? Yes, I met her this morning when I visit YG building."

Sohyun sigh, "So you really came to YG building?"

Rigel nodded, "Why?"

"Honestly, Mina is the one who told me that you came to YG building this morning. Well, I knew what you've done there too. Include the little debate with Chaerin. You know Chaerin, right?"

"Chaerin? You mean, 2NE1's CL?"

Sohyun nodded.

"What to do with her?"

"Nothing. Just..." Sohyun try to find a good words to say what she want to say, "Just... I hope you stay in friendship line with Jiyong, I mean, GD."

"I don't get it. What do you mean?"

"Rigel, it's not like I act like I have any right on you to tell you who you can hitting to or not. But I should to tell you that, GD already has someone. And there's nothing you can do with it. And that girl is Chaerin."

Rigel don't what she feel right now. Sad? Angry? Heartbroken? "B-But, GD said CL is nobody but like a little sister for him."

"Where he told you like that? In front of her?"

Rigel nodded still with a blank face of her.

"Rigel, I should to inform you this. That was Jiyong's habit everytime they got in a fight. Jiyong's pride is too precious. He will never let anybody hurt his pride. But trust me, GD can't even do anything without CL. CL just like his shadow. Whatever bad comes to GD, CL always be the first and the only one he allowed to be by his side all the time."

"Well, I can tell you that they are in a little problem now. I can't tell you anything more cause I'm not really sure too. But all YG's people already knew it that we shouldn't got into them. I hope you understand, Rigel."

Rigel sigh, "How about no?"

Sohyun seems shocked to hear Rigel answer, "Rigel, they are YG's diamond. We should to make sure they are save! Everybody knows, there will be a big mess if GD and CL separated."

"But I'm not YG's people. I'm just a girl who can't even control my heart to fall in love or not to fall in love. And I'm just fall in love with Jiyong!"

Sohyun shook her head, "No, Rigel. You just fall into G-Dragon's charm. You dont even know who's the real Kwon Jiyong. You only know the great G-Dragon! They are in the same body but they are definitely different! Only Chaerin and CL, who can handle both of Jiyong and GD."

"Bull!" Rigel yelled to Sohyun, "That was just bull! I won't giving up, Sohyun! You hear that!? I won't! Since he is not even mind with my appearance. Just for your information, we slept together last night!"

"W-What!?" Sohyun's jaw drop. But then she said to Rigel again, "Rigel, that was might be just one night stand for GD. That means nothing. Only Chaerin in his mind. Everybody knew that! Rigel, really, I told you this as your friend. I don't want you get hurt."

Rigel speechless, don't know what to say. She remember how Jiyong keep calling for Chaerin's name last night. Then Rigel look at Sohyun seriously, "I will never give up, before I know it by myself, how strong their relationship is!" Then Rigel get up and walk away from Sohyun. How many times Sohyun call her name, she still don't want to turn back, until she out from the cafe leave Sohyun confused, alone.

















Tonight Chaerin is alone in her apartment. She can't sleep. She keep thinking about Jiyong. She look at a big teddy bear he gave her as surprised gift.

"Yah, oppa! What are you doing now? Didn't you miss me?" Chaerin pouted.

Suddenly something come into her mind. She smile then get up from her bed and go to Bigbang's dorm.

When he arrived in Bigbang's dorm. Only Taeyang was there in living room.

"Oh, oppa? Where are the other?" Chaerin's asked.

"Daesung in his room. TOP hyung back to his parents house. Seungri and Jiyong I don't know. Oh, what are you bought?" Taeyang look at the plastic bag in her hands.

"Oh, I just back from grocery to bought some food stock for you guys. I will cook something for you all too."

Suddenly Daesung come out from his room, "Oh, I heard Chaerin's voice." Daesung look around.

"Oh, oppa! Anyeonghasaeyooo..."

"Oh, Chaerin-ah. I heard you will cook? Ahh~ Finally I will eat something different than what Yongbae hyung cooked. Go

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ed_ssi #1
Chapter 14: A. Skybang

ed_ssi #2
Chapter 14: reading this in 2019. hoping there will be an update :<
hopelicious #3
Chapter 14: wahhhh more update juseyooooo *rubbing both hands while begging* I pick C by the way :D
Chapter 14: C. Because i want to read your own creation and not my ideas and suggestions
Sushimidumpling #5
Chapter 14: A
I think Jiyong needs some rest and fix his bordering worrisome jealousy/ obsessive issues with Chae. Unless you're planning on to do that then C because besides that issue (probably its just me ) i am okay with whatever happens because its your story.
eunkik #6
Chapter 14: the best author.i like ure stry so much
eunkik #7
Chapter 14: Btw .this like the real........
eunkik #8
Chapter 14: its so sort.... every part .i need longer ...ahhh tag me plase when ..... have contin of this part...
Chapter 14: B. SkyDragon
Ji kick Rigel's out and make her tell the truth with the help of Yongguk.
Chaerin take a break from their relationship for a while and then realize her life is nothing without Ji! Let all BJs & VIPs support them!

Please don't delete this story! I started reading this just now and fell in love with it immediately! Fighting! You can do it! ^_^
Update please... ^_^