Girl talk

My prince-like Chinese Flower Boy



The woman dragged me in a cafe and we sat in a corner. I still was curious what she wanted from me.

>>What is this damsel upto?<<

I was totally confused that why did she bring me here,I mean she doesn't even know me! Did she just mistook me as someone else? 

"What is your name?" finally she spoke up.

>>Why is she asking my name? Will she search the internet about me? Okay maybe I'm too paranoid now.<<

"Xang Yu Mi." I shyly introduced though inside,anxiety was conquering my mind.

"Jong Nina." she bluntly replied.

"Is that a foreign name?" It just bursted out of me. I didn't think and quickly covered my mouth.

"Was I disrespectful now?" I asked quietly.

"A little bit, but it is okay, you can say 'you'." She gave e a smile and I smiled back. Then my smile faded briefly as I thought of Baekhyun-sshi. I asked: "But what was that previously with Baekhyun-sshi?"

I saw her expression change into angry one.

"This Pabo, jinjja, really he is just so frustrating! I hate him. How can he be so damn handsome? No, do not think like that! Nappeun nom. He is an enemy! Enemy, right! "

My jaw dropped as I heard her exploding. Actually I didn't really know what she was talking about, but I knew it was english. She looked at me and gave me a slight smile.

"Sorry for my outburst, it's just ... I can not stand him."she gave an apologetic look.

"Why? He was quite nice." I softly spoke.

I saw her sigh,"This is a long and complicated story."

"Where do you live?"I bluntly asked,

Nina looked at me surprised.

My face got red,I mentally facepalmed, "Was that too much?"

She smiled at me and I immediately felt at ease. "A little bit?"

Then we both started laughing.

"I currently live in Exo Dorm. But don't tell a soul. " she whispered.

"I live there too!"I exclaimed but calmed down immediately.

"Oh yeah?" Nina cocked a brow.

"Well somehow I was made a trainee under Exo M." I admitted.

"Go on..I am listening?" Nina said.

Well I honestly thought she wouldn't care to ask further but then whatever.I sighed as I thought of Hae Eun-ah and the Flower Jerk Lu Han. I still can't accept that I knew his name now. But it sounded kind of familiar.Now if only I remember where I heard it?

"The story might bore you." I  said.

"How about we make a girls out night? Just the two of us and then we can tell our long and complicated stories?"Nina suddenly suggested.

I stared at her.Its kinda weird that you just randomly invite someone for outing who is equivalent to a stranger for you,well not complete stranger now.As much as I found it weird,I anticipated get together.

"Okay."I smiled.

Nina ordered coffee for the two of us and for the time being we chatted about random stuff. After drinking a coffee we called the driver to take us to the dorm.

>>I wonder what that flower jerk must be doing...<< 

I looked  out of the window with my mind occupied with thoughts about Luhan.

>>Why can't I get him out of my head? This is crazy.<<

I sighed heavily and looked to Nina.

She was obviously older than me and pretty popular. I mean look at her. She is beautiful. No wonder Baekhyun looked at her with those wanting eyes. But why is she so angry at him?

Before I knew we already were at the dorm gate,I got out of the car.

We went in and Nina brought her futon in my room and we made ourselves comfortable on the floor.

I got chips and other snacks and a lot of drinks so we could stay up all night and talk.

"So now tell me your story," she said smiling to me.

"No no, you go first. I'm really curious."

"Well okay. I will begin."

Once she was done with her story,my thinking for Baekhyun changed.

Nina told me everything, from the first meeting to the first kiss, where she blushed a little bit but in her face was only sadness, then she told me about Ma Ri and what she said to her, that was when I exploded.

"Aish, this witch. What kind of a person is she? Jinjja. I can't get along with such people. Sorry for my outburst though.." I was yet again embarrassed.

"It's okay, in the end she was the one that showed me how much I can trust Baekhyun and the one that brought me to my senses. I am kinda thankful to her."she chuckled a little,"Well,thats my story, tell me about you and this boy, Lu Han,thats what his name is right,.."

I sighed heavily and nodded.

"It all began with me searching on the internet."I slowly started,smiling like a pabo.

"I am totally into chinese music and so I searched for bands. There I found Exo M. And how should I say this ... when I first saw and heard Lu Han my heart beats were loud and I melted from the inside. That was the kind of feeling I had."

Slightly, I felt my face getting hot.

"But somehow Lu Han is familiar to me, his looks I mean. I didn't wanted to know his name. Pretty dumb from me to begin with, but well I already imagined how he would be called and somehow his name was so close to catch, but my mind wouldn't tell me. Everything is so foggy when I try to think of where I had seen him or try to remember his name. I don't know."I stopped.

I glanced at Nina and saw her gesturing to continue.Again I sighed.

"Well three days ago, my friend called me and told me to overtake her job for today, because I'm a vocal trainer, a pretty bad one actually.But that was a trick."

Embarrassed i looked away.

"As I got there it wasn't a job, but Hae Eun had signed a contract for me being a trainee under Exo M. And since then there were so many happenings and so many changes of my heart, that I didn't know how to react when Lu Han is close. And the worst is because of a accident we are now girlfriend and boyfriend, but I clearly see that he hates it."

Nina nodded through the whole talk.

"And my feelings drive me crazy. My heart is beating so loud when he's near and my body tingles when he only touches me slightly. I don't know what to do anymore. My head is in a chaos."

Desperate I looked to Nina for a advice.

"Well, I know what this feeling is." she softly said.

"What is it? Tell me please!" I said with a pleading look.

"Love. You are in love with him." she said in a low tone.

In that moment many things at the same time happened. The chip I had in my mouth made me almost choke to death, I spilled my drink at the whole floor, the window flung open and wind blew away my hair and Lu Han stormed into the room.

"Xang Yu Mi!"

I coughed and hit me on the chest to get air.

And turned my head to Lu Han with my eyes widened.

>>Did he hear?<<






hey sorry for not updating for a while,

hope you like the chapter :)

wait for the next one xD it's gonna be funny

Annyeong :)



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Chapter 10: Pls update soon~! I hope he remember yu mi was the person he promise..~
Najlaa #2
Chapter 10: it feel like i am in yu mi shoes..
it painful to know the person that u think like u doesn't think the same..
but the end of the day, that person came back..
did luhan didn't even notice that yu mi is the person he promise too??
Chapter 8: jebal,,, update soon :)
monsterbubble #4
Chapter 8: Please update soon!!!^^
cathyokrane #5
Chapter 5: new reader here ~ I really like your story :)
monsterbubble #6
Please update soon author!! I really like it so far and I can't wait for the next chapter!!
EXO_luver #7
Chapter 2: Hahahah spider Luhan soo cute ^^
Update soon authornim!