About Me

Okay, I don't really know what to write here about me, but I'll do it anyway.

I'm a little bit crazy and I really love romantic and funny stories, so don't cringe and tell me stories you know and are like this. xD

My stories are also mostly like that, but also I really love sad stories, where you cry.

Other is I really want to fly (like Kris ^^) to South Korea and eat there any kind of food :D

okay, not only the food is good there (I know)

Otherwise I think I'm pretty normal (we leave out the crazyness),

I'm an EXOtic, Shawol, Angel, BABY, Inspirit, Cassie, ELF, Boice, Primadonna, there are just too much xD


My ultimate Bias is Lay or Zhang Yixing or Xhang Yixing or Unicorn or Healing Lay etc.








he is so adorable cute I can't take it xD