Chapter 30

Secretly Married With Her

Taeyeon's pov

I dragged my body out of the elevator as I reached the ground floor.
My body aches
My head aches
My hearts aches 
"Miss Kim Taeyeon, have you talked to our boss? She just got out the building." The guard said 
"Ah yes, by the way thanks for letting me in." I said to the guard and gave a weak smile.
"Your welcome. Ahmm Can we take a picture of you?" The guard said.
"Oh of course." 
"Ma'am are you alright? you look pale."
"Y-yes I am."
The next thing I know I felt dizzy.
My eyes got heavier.
"Ma'am? Ma'am?? Are you okay?" I heard the guard say while nugding me.
Then everything went black.
"Call an ambulance quick!" That's the last thing I heard.
Jessica's pov
"Seobang, do you think Tiffany and Taeyeon can fix their problem?"
"Maybe? I hope that this is not their end since I know Taengoo really loves Tiffany."
"I hope too. But Tiff is really stubborn."
Yuri told me everything about what happen to Taeyeon. Poor Taeyeon
I'm not allowed to tell it to Tiffany since she wants Taeyeon to be the one to explain herself to Tiffany.
"Yeah. We're here." Yuri said as she stopped the car.
I told Yuri to send me to the company because I have to get some important files in my office.
"Wait for me here. I don't want the paparazzi's to see you"
"Okay" Yuri said then she gave me a quick peck on the lips.
I hurriedly got out of the car before she could see me blush.
While walking to the back door entrance. I saw many people with flashing camera's on their hands.
Huh what are the paparazzi's doing here?
"What's happening here?" I asked the guard
"*bows* Ah Ma'am they are just conducting an interview."
"Regarding what?" I said with a furrowed brows
"It's because of the actress Kim Taeyeon. She fainted here earlier and was brought to the hospital."
She probably went here to talk to Tiffany.
"It's true Ma'am. In fact she's here to visit miss Tiffany"
"What's the name of the hospital?" I asked the guard
"Soshi Hospital Ma'am"
"Okay. Take care of the paparazzi's.  And don't let them interview any of you. You understand?!" I said with a glare.
I don't want to exposed Taeyeon's relationship to Tiffany to the media. 
"Y-yes Ma'am" The guard stuttered.
"Seobang, drive to Soshi Hospital. Quick!" I said immediately as I hop into the car.
"Huh? Why?" Yuri said with a confused face.
"Taeyeon was brought to the hospital"
"Yeah. So drive now." I said
We reached the Soshi's Hospital and asked for Taeyeon's room. Luckily Yuri is here, they are not accepting visitors easily. They make sure that it's not a paparazzi.
Since she's a celebrity she was admitted in the private area.
Yuri's pov
"Doc, how is she?" I asked the doctor as we entered Taeyeon's room.
"She's fine now. She just needs rest, eat food at the right time and avoid from being stress. But we need to conduct tests to make sure she's alright."
"Okay Thank you so much. Doc"
I sighed in relief.
"Hayy Thanks God she's alright."
"Yeah, Should I call Tiffany?" Jessica said
"I don't think so." I said
"But she's her wife." She reasoned
"Remember what the doctor said?"
"Oh okay, But I know she'll come here once she heard the news."
"Yeah, If she comes here it means she still care for Taengoo."
Tiffany's pov
Hours passed by since the I told Taeyeon about the divorce.
I slumped myself to the couch and watch tv.
Did I crossed the line?
I kept on switching the channel. Then the picture of the person whose running through my mind right now popped on the screen.
"Actress Kim Taeyeon was brought to the Soshi Hospital earlier this morning. Reason of her being brought to the Hospital is still unknown. People trends #PrayforKimTaeyeon in social networking sites as a sign of their love to the actress. Some fans leaves flowers at the front of the hospital." The reporter said
I jumped off the couch as I get alarmed on the news.
What happened Taetae?
What are you doing in the hospital
Should I go?
Yes, of course I'm her wife.
Fine! I'm gonna eat my pride.
How dare you get sick and make me worried Kim Taeyeon!
I hate that you have this effect on me.
Didn't we promised to each other that sickness and in health we're still be together.
But not even death can make us apart.
You should be thankful that my love for you is stronger.
I made up my mind and rushed to the hospital.
Kim Taeyeon, You better be okay or else I'll divorce you....for real
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NekoLS #1
Chapter 33: I reread it again after years omg its so good that i couldn't help to wish you will update it again 😭😭
Chapter 3: noooo
Chapter 2: omg i wonder who the guy is
Chapter 1: Your english is fine don't worry :)
chensant #5
This story too good! Love the storyline! PLS UPDATE
Chapter 27: But I still hate you Taeyeon! You know the risks! You know that she's your stalker before and you should have been cautious. You even have the audacity to lust over Hyuna. Smh. Cheating will never be ok no matter the circumstances.
Chapter 33: Update please... It's really a beautiful story..
Chapter 33: Best ♡