1+1 = You and I

Dream High-Apply Fanfic **CLOSED**

Hira's POV

back of room
Kwon Yuri Kwanghee   Nichkhun Jinyoung   Cheondung AJ
Dongjun Kevin (ZE:A)   Amber Hira   Sooyoung Kiseop
Taeyeon Lizzy   Seohyun Jia   Soohyun Eli
Minwoo Taeheon   Junyoung Hoon   Suzy Jiyeon 
Fei Soyeon   Q-ri Hyunyoung   Seung Ah Woori
    Teacher's desk    
Front of Room

Math class is so boring. I've been taking notes for a long time now. And the English class below us sounded like they were having fun with the laughter I'm hearing. Even the math teacher was boring!

"*sigh* this ," Amber whispered to me. Like yeah it does. Nothing interesting to do. I looked around at the classmates. A few of them fell asleep. Cheondung seems to be texting Sohyun who might be in that fun English class downstairs. Khun and Jinyoung behind me were just doodling in their notebooks. Some were just staring out the window. But there was this one girl. Flirting with the guy behind her. Amber noticed this too and was disgusted.

"Ew..... queen's at it again," Amber said.

"O.o huh?" I asked.

"Kim Taeyeon, she's a . I should know, working under the same company with her it's the same every day," Amber said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Mhm, she'll come in one day with a guy and she'll be practicing with the group for one minute and the next minute she's giving him a in the closet while she's on break," Amber said. O.O........graphic and disgusting but I understand where she's coming from. Then I saw the guy that she was flirting with. O.O is that....?

"That's Dongjun...of ZE:A," Amber said, looking in my direction. O.O D-d-dongjun!? Of ZE:A?! He goes here!? And my inner fangirl was showing.

"O.O you're about to spazz, I can tell, you're a ZE:A fangirl," Amber said. I nodded.

"Well you gotta be a lucky fangirl, coming here to Dream High. All the Idols come here....well not all of them...CAP goes to a different school but he used to come here," Amber said.

"Wow~," I said.

"And you know what the best part of this school is?" Amber said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The talent show," Amber said.

"O.o Talent Show?" I asked.

"Yeah, happens at the end of the school year. Students take the last few weeks of school just to get ready for it. The winner...or winners, get to go to any company they desire and train under them for 5 to 7 years or until debut," Amber said. 

"Cool~," I said. but then I had to ask, "What if an idol participates in the talent show?"

"Well....for idols whoever wins they get a trophy like on those music shows, you know," Amber said. So it was more for the non-idols than idols. For non-idols, it was a way to get noticed by all the music companies. Math wasn't on my mind anymore, it was the End of the School Year Talent Show.....and Dongjun of ZE:A.

Kekekekeke~ caint wait to see what happens to Yuri in Hip-Hop class

oh and by the way, I won't be able to update tomorrow, I'm going to the amusement park

I mean there is an internet cafe in the amusement park but my friends are trying to keep me away from that...because last time I went there too much just to update the fanfics Stay Together and Pretty Boy and Juliette both of which are now complete.

I promise I will update whenever I can. Don't worry.

wait for the next update!

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When are you updating?
I wonder how it's all going to go hopefully there won't be problems.
Dayummmmmmm!!! 0.0
It's hard to imagine Key being awkward.
I can only but smile?
Yahahahahahahahahhahahaha!!!! Yanno like my whole story!!! <3333 U know me sooooo well!!! ish LOL
StrawberryLove #8
O.O Yoona was Hyun Joong's Ex? O.O BRING IT ONNN