Comfortable Silence

My Life Has No Title

The bed last night was horribly uncomfortable. The springs poked into my ribs and there was a strange squeaking noise in the room next to mine. I tried to ignore it though, I've heard those noises before so it shouldn't really be much of a big deal. I don't remember where I left my bookbag. Maybe it was still in the school, in that Art room. Oh well. It was time to wake up and I just didn't want to leave the bed, even if it wasn't that great or warm. I reluctantly got out of bed, at least there wasn't an alarm clock to bother me this time around. I think I have anger issues.

I don't have any other clothes than the ones from yesterday, I slept in them too. Their all bloody, ripped up and they smell like my mother. Mother. I wonder where she ran off to after Ray beat the out of her. I guess it doesn't matter any more, I should really get out of this smelly room, and these smelly putrid clothes. I think I'm going to have to call in sick at school. I can't though, I've been out of school enough as it is, I don't need to be repeating this stupid Freshman class. I went to the bathroom and washed out my hair and the random little blood splatters that covered my body. I didn't really know what to do with the clothes. I'd probably have to go to the thrift shop with the non-exsistent money that I have on me. Maybe I could just steal some more clothes from my mother. I don't think that she'd be back in our house, where some authority might catch her. Or one of her many ex's might want to get revenge on her.

I left the house and it was still dark outside, can't quite believe that I could get up that early. I walked to the house without much care in the world, I just needed a few things and then I'd be ready for the day. Somewhat ready anyways. I'm not exactly sure what else can happen. My mother tried to kill me yesterday. I was 'rescued' by Ray, a guy that I had just met a few short minutes before my execution were to happen. I really wish I had a normal life.

Walking into the stench of a house, the door was still wide open. I walked up to my mother's room and all of my worthless was spread throughout the house. My mother's a all right. I picked up some clothes, that were decent enough, and it occured to me that I needed some money. I knew where she kept her hidden stash. I lifted up her mattress which held a few thousand dollars. I don't know where she gets all of this money, maybe it was from all of the ion that she's done these past few years. It wouldn't really surprise me.

There was a new stench in the house this time though, it smelled rather foul. I guess she finally killed someone. I left the house and ran back to my new apartment. I'm not sure why I felt the need to run. Maybe it was from the thought of someone might be chasing me, that they'd bring me back to a place that I no longer wanted to remember. Enough of this poetic , I'm not about that sort of thing. I didn't think that Ray kid would've effected me in such a way that I'm thinking like some sort of philosopher. As if I'd suddenly become that smart in one day and overnight. Who am I kidding.

I reached the apartment and started to change into these new clothes that fit me perfectly. They didn't look the greatest but they smelled great and that was enough for me. I stuffed the rest of the clothes that I had brought into the small closet that was beside the bathroom. I think it was about 07:31 when I finally finished up making myself look somewhat not like a wreckless mess. I started off on my way to school and I had to peer around ever corner, making sure that there wasn't a Peniel or a murderous mother lurking around. Yeah, I'm pretty paranoid.

I walked into the school's front doors and I could see little red droplets of blood that looked pretty stained onto the pavement. I thought the janitor would've cleaned that up. As if he would give a . He's not getting paid to clean outside of the school so there's no real reason to do so. I went into my homeroom class and waited for the rest of the bullting kids to get in here. Maybe Peniel recieved serious wounds from my beating his up and can't come to school for the rest of his life. Perhaps that's going a little too far.

Getting into my homeroom classroom I was surprised that there was actually some heads who cared about school, they were there before I was. Surprising to say the least. Maybe they were all just in trouble and had to come into school early. Meh. I sit down in my desk all the way in the back of the class. I think it's fitting for me. I think I'm being a large hypocrite right now. I mean, I'm a head who doesn't care about school, why the am I mouthing off to some kids I don't even give a about in the first place. I really should cut down on the cursing. , it gets worse every ing sentence. I think I might have mother-ing terrets. Oh ing well. 

Peniel walks into the classroom at least a minute before school is supposed to start. I don't take a glance at him at first until he sits behind me and I swear I could feel his eyes burning a hole straight through my skull. I turn around to face him before school starts. . Why did I turn around? 

"What took you so long?" 

He looks at her seriously, "Hmmm well I was observing the strange blood stains in front of the school building. Do you know where it might have came from?" 

It's like he could see right through me. 

"Uh . . . No not entirely." I feel myself studder. I feel like I've suddenly grown soft. Sigh. 

He raises his eyebrows a bit, "That definetly means that you know something about those blood stains." 

I protest, "Ani ani. You must be confused. I don't know what makes you think I know." Damn. That was a terrible argument.

The bell rings as he begins to open his mouth. Hahah, saved by the bell. I turn back to face the teacher who's sitting in his desk as usual. I suppose he's still working on the same book of sudoku puzzles as a few days ago. I really can't wait until it's Friday. I think I'll be able to fix things in that time. Or maybe it's just going to get worse. I realize that the teacher is calling my name and that he's been repeating it for a few moments now. I look up and I see that there is all sorts of notes on the board that I've missed. Oh well. He asked a question but judging by the look I give him he goes onto a different target. I don't even really know what this class is about to be honest. How am I passing this stupid class? The bell rings and I get up from my desk, there's nothing to pack up so I just start walking out of the room. I don't want Peniel to start pestering me again and bombarding me with questions that I don't want to answer. He catches up to me anyways.

"Hey, we're not done with that conversation from earlier." He says in a fairly serious toned voice, even though I don't quite believe in his worries that he has. 

"Hmmm what?" I pretend not to hear him and he sighs, as if he's a little dissappointed. 

"Just tell me. I'm your best friend for goodness sakes." He smiles trying to be a little reassuring. It doesn't really change my opinion that he's my best friend. I've already opened up to one guy. I don't think there needs to be another one. 

"I don't know. Why do you think I'm connected to that incident?" I try to seem really confuzzled. You know. Confused and puzzled. 

He hesitates with his next answer but he stops me when I was about to enter my next class. 

"I seen what happened. Your mother. . ." He closes his mouth quickly, his lips in. 

I stay silent for a bit staring at him, "I don't know what you seen but . . . it's over now. It doesn't matter. It was in the past."

He seems genuinly surprised that I just said that, "It happened only yesterday. You expect me to not to do anything?" 

Peniel is a weird character. I can't understand completely if he's being serious or if he might be mocking me. I really do think he cares. Sometimes anyways. I haven't seen him for a while. Ever since I ditched him at that weird carnival thing. He still ended up driving me home though. I still thank him for that. Now that I look around, I haven't seen that Kangjun kid around today. That's odd. One less person to deal with I suppose. 

I look up at one of the digital clocks in the school, "Listen I've got to go to class now. I'll ummm see you later."

"This conversation is NOT over." He walks away as I enter my classroom. Back of the room I go. I quickly sit in my desk before the bell rings and the teacher starts to talk about some weird sciency . I'm sure not as hell going into that. I can barely understand what she's saying. Her accent is too thick. I think she's from Russia. I look around the room nonchalantly and I suddenly see Ray. It's quite the sight. I can't believe he's in this class. Was he here yesterday in class?. I can't remember. Now this is just bothering me. I stare at him for a majority of the time. I don't approve of him sitting in the front of the class where the teacher is walking about though. I think I'd be blown away from the loudness of her voice. He seems very into the lesson though. 

The hours keep passing me by and as soon as the class was over I sighed slightly in relief and though about whether or not I would say 'Hi' to him or not. I decided to walk by him to see if he would notice and if he would be the first one to react. 

"Hey" He smiled up at me when I passed. 

"Oh. Hey Ray. I didn't know you took this class." I looked at him with a plain face. 

"Yeah, I was actually transferred to this class just today" He smiles a little awkwardly, "There was no other seats that I could sit in. The teacher is really strong. I can see her veins from where I sit" He whispered this to me and snickered. I would smile at that joke but my face just didn't know what to do in such a situation. me. 

"Well I could always beat the out of the kid who sits next to me. He doesn't smell very good. I could get that seat available." Why am I offering such a strange offer? I don't get me. 

"Hmmm I don't know if you should beat him up though. Maybe just. Ask him rationally?" He was clearly not going to win this fight. 

"Just sit in the seat next to mine tomorrow, okay?" he nodded and we had to hurry out of the class. We had been standing there for a few minutes. The bell was going to ring any moment. I started off in the direction of my class and Ray was heading the same way I was. 

"Do you have the same class?" He stared at me and we look up at the room number 3c. It was the room that we met in. Quite ironic in this situation. I didn't like it. . 

"I guess so." He smiled and we made it into the class room just as the bell rang. I quickly got into a seat with an easel next to it. He took the one nearest to mine. It's art time and it's just some random we gotta do today. I think it's free draw day. Unless she gave an assignment and I just wasn't paying attention. I'll say it's the latter. 

Me and Ray continued the rest of the day that way. We had the same classes together from the way I seen it. I just don't think that's some sort of coincidence. It's a little creepy. I go up to my locker and Ray is still following me. What, does he have the locker next to mine now? I laugh on the inside because of the obsurdity of that thought. 

"What now? Is this your locker?" I point to the one left of my locker and he nods as if he's embarrassed.I was pretty shocked. Is he a stalker? 

"Sorry . . . I don't know why we have such similar schedules. Excluding the first hour." He smiles awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck. He looks down at his locker and starts to put in his combination. It opens. I was really hoping that he was just joking with me. Apparently not. 

"Not your fault . . . Right?" I look at him. My eyes piercing his eyes, knowing that if he was lying I would be able to tell. He met my gaze and said in all seriousness, as if battling against my eyes. 

"No." he closed his lockers and walked away. He lived no where near me so that I was a little greatful for. It's kind of comforting knowing that I know at least one person in all of my classes. I start to put my stuff away into my locker and I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and it's Peniel. 

"What to do you want?" I turn back to my locker and slam it shut. 

"Well. For one. I know it's your blood. I know you were saved by that kid who was next to your locker. And further more, your own mother tried to kill you." He frowned and I realized that he was taking this pretty seriously. I wiped up my donkey act ((A/N: ? haha)) and take his seriousness serious. 

"Yes my mother tried to kill me. Why is that such a big surprise?" I started to walk out of the building and Peniel walks along with me. 

"You guys used to be so close . . " He says it softly as if trying to only pour in a little salt into my unhealed wound. It hurst like hell though. 

I don't make any motion to show that I'm affected by it though. I walk straight ahead and I try to find a way out from this corner that I'm being backed up into. 

"I don't really want to talk about that right now." I roughen up my voice and make myself seem colder than usual. 

"We need to talk about it though. ." He doesn't stop to even give me time to retort, "Come with me." He grabs onto my wrist and I pull as hard as I can from his grip but damn, this guy has some muscle on him. I don't resist this time and I go along with him, knowing that I'd give into it no matter how hard I would resist. We end up in the student parking and I'm still surprised at how he has his liscense at his age. I guess I shouldn't really be surprised, he's fricking smart and talented in anything he puts his soul into. He opens the door to his car and motions for me to get into the passenger's side of the car. I go in reluctantly and he starts to drive off to another unknown place that I might have to run away from again. 

It stays quiet for a majority of the ride, I like the silence though. I guess it proves that we can share a nice silence together. I don't know where the frick that came from. We finally arrive at a park that I've never been to before. It's a lot more silent than the park I was at yesterday with Ray. I hope nothing happens here. 

I break the silence, "Why are we here?" 

He turns off the engine and hops out of the car, "Just come along." He closes his door on me and I get out, feeling a little stubborn and irritated.

I look around and the trees blow through the wind, not like yesterday though, this is a different feeling. I feel like I know this place more and more as we progressively get deeper into the park. We stop at one little picnic table and he sits down on it. His hand glides over the tables rough surface and rotting wood. I come closer and I see some markings in the wood. It was where we had his seventh birthday party. My mother, Peniel and I had written our names out on this table. I can't believe it's still here. 

He breathes in heavily and lets it out softly, "Please sit down." He looks up at me and I decide to comply just this once. 

He traces the little engravements on the wood, "See. . . We were all really close. I don't know what's going on with your mother now a days. She was such a kind loving person. Especially on my birthdays." He smiles sadly as he stops on my mother's name. 

"What happened to her? I can't believe that she'd do such a thing to you. I mean. It was very out of the blue. What was the point in doing such a thing? What was she going to do afterwards if she did kill you?" His eyes were filled with curiousity and confuzzlement. ((A/N: Yep.)) 

I wanted to hug him but that would just be awkward at a time like this. It just doesn't seem like a thing that I would do. I ended up wrapping my arms around him reluctantly and very awkwardly. He smiled at the notion though and hugged me back, knowing that it was uncomfortable for me, and pulled away after a good few seconds. 

"I don't know what she's become. But I do know that she's a gigantic now." He laughed at that comment, not denying it or agreeing with it. 

"Well, she's certainly not being very nice. She's pretty cantankerous. Make that times infinity." 

I looked over at him and got up from my seat, "I don't want to be here anymore. Can you drive me back to where I live? Not my mother's house. . . I live somewhere else right now . ." I ended our conversation quite ubruptly. 

"Oh-" he got up a little flustered as if he expected me to stay just a little bit longer. He knew me though and just complied. "Neh, I'll take you back. Where do you live . . . now?" 

We got back to the car and I just gave him directions and what street to turn on and all that GPS crap. We finally arrived and I didn't really get the point of our talk. I guess I felt a little bit better talking about it with him. It felt like I was getting 'happier'. I believe that is the emotion that describes joyousness. I wave goodbye to him and walk up to my apartment. He drove away after I entered the building and he said to have good dreams this night. I certainly don't think I'll be having any of those any time soon. I looked out the window of my apartment and I thought I seen Kangjun staring up at me from across the street. It was getting dark and the shadows mixed with hallucinations from lack of sleep were getting to me. I really hope that wasn't Kangjun. I fall down onto the incredibly uncomfortable bed and I sleep as soon as I hit the 'pillows' 

The next few day I don't really quite remember. I know I went to school and it was just a miracle when it turned Friday! I survived, somewhat, my first week of being a Freshman in highschool. Kangjun was there and I only had two classes with him thankfully. On the other hand, Ray was with me for what seemed like the whole day. We started to sit next to each other during lunch time and just sat there, not saying a word. He looked pretty uncomfortable in the silence, I guess he just can't appreciate a nice silence. One day he will understand.

A/N: So I made this one longer (( I think. It looks longer anyways ^^ )) and it took me a while. It's actually about 2 am right now so. I might go to sleep. Maybe I'll just do another chapter for a different story. ; u ; Well I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I think there was a lot of useless parts in this or I guess you could call them fillers. I really get into the mind of the character and I think about all the different things that this character might say in different situations. Sorry if they're just not cutting it for you. I might have to change a few things about my story formats ^^; Well anyways. That's it! See you in the next chapter! (( HINT: New character popping in c: hehe ))

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