A Ray of Hope

My Life Has No Title


I think I was walking too quickly for her, I had practically ran out of the room and up the stairs to the Art room. When I looked behind me she wasn't there. I really wish she would've stayed though. I walked into the Art room and set my bookbag down. "

What will the girls think of me now? They'll probably think I'm some sort of ert, walking into a girl's bathroom. They'll probably say horrible things. Worse then they usually do anyways."

I don't know why I'm smiling now. The room is quite nice, I think this is one of my old art pieces. I hold up an abstract piece of art and observe it carefully. It's not the greatest. Walking over to the window I look down onto the sidewalk to witness a young woman and an old hag standing in front of each other.


I close my eyes as the hag lands a punch on the younger's face. I can't tell who they are and I start to fight with myself. Should I help? Should I act like I haven't seen a thing? That girl from earlier. . . She said it was okay to fight. BUT. Fighting is wrong! I shouldn't be succumbing to a thing such as fighting. But. . . I turn to look out the window again, afraid of what I was going to see. She's bleeding now. I've made up my mind. I run down the stairs as quickly as I possibly could and burst through the front doors. The hag is holding a knife above her head and it looks as if the younger is starting to pass out.

Everything turned into a blur of red and bright lights. I think I heard a scream. I can't be sure if it was mine or not. My vision starts to return to normal and I can see the hag running away from me. The knife is on the floor and the hag had said something that made the younger mad. I couldn't quite understand it though, I wasn't feeling too good after I (believe) had beaten up that fat old hag. I look up at the hag and see the younger girl start to limp after her, ready to fight once again. Where is she getting all this energy from? I grab hold of her wrist and she stops limping after her. My vision is back to normal and the girl from earlier is staring at me with wide eyes.

"Why are you still holding my wrist?"

She was getting very red and I was a little out of it. I realized that I still had a hold of her and promptly let go.

"Sorry about that. . ."

I felt as though I had just violated her even though I some what just saved her from immenent death.

"Ah. . . No. You don't have to be sorry. . "

She mumbled it very lowly, as if her pride had just been burnt. 

"So. . Who was that anyways?"

She looked at me with a hatred I had never seen before. I could feel her aura piercing my soul.

"It was no one."

She was back to her cold ways once again. I sighed a bit and just nodded, knowing that the conversation wouldn't really get any further than that. I walked back up to the school.

"Where are you going?"

I turned to look at her.

"Back into the school."

"You can't go back in though. They lock the doors after the school day is over. I thought you'd be the one to know that"

I wasn't sure how to take such a remark, was I seen as a know it all ?

"You shouldn't assume what a person is like just by looking at them." I smiled oh so cleverly at her, " You should think twice before judging someone "

She glared at me for the longest time before I had to look away.

"Well . . . I'll see you later ___."

I had my phone in my pocket and what else did I really need. There wasn't much in my bookbag anyways. I walked away from the school and towards a park that was just near by.


I heard her voice and slowed down my pace, what could she possibly want?


I could hear her footsteps a few feet behind me. I guess she doesn't want to get too close.

" Ah. . . Can I ask you something?"

Her voice sounded softer, it was a little strange. I don't think I've heard her speak this way. Maybe she's softer than she acts.

"Sure what is it?"

She picked up her pace and walked next to me, still a few feet away though, I guess it wasn't something she was too fond of. High school must be hell for her then.

"I wanted to ask why you helped me back there. I thought you said it wasn't a good thing to fight"

Huh. I don't know really.

"Um . . I guess. I just. Instinct. . ?" I felt my voice get a little higher, making it seem like I was asking a question.

"What do you mean?"

I had to think about this. We actually reached the park and I could feel my being start to 'chill out'.

"Hmm well. There's a instict that everyone has. Fight or Flight."

I assumed that she knew what it was, but the silence and deer-in-the-headlights look she gave were more than enough for me to know that she had no clue what I was talking about.

"So Fight means that we face the thing that we fear or the obstacle that is blocking our path. Or there's Flight, it means we run away from the current problem and try to get far away as possible."

Why am I talking to this girl about things she probably doesn't really care about, especially coming from a person who got pushed into the girl's bathroom.

"So . . . You helped me. You picked Fight. Why? Didn't you get shamelessly pushed into-"

I had to cut her off.

"I know what happened." I shot her a small glare but it was in the past and I just laughed lightly. "Aha. . Sorry. Umm . . Yeah I chose Fight in that moment. I guess I didn't want. Others. To be treated. Like me."

My words came out choppy and I hated that. It didn't make me seem very cool at all. Not that I was . . . Trying to show off to her anyways. I don't think she's into guys such as myself. I smiled again like some strange fangirl. I could sense her stare and I tried to act like a normal person, clearing my throat. She broke the small silence that started.

". . . I . . . I know what you mean." She nodded slowly, as if she had been through the same experience that I was having in the current day.

"Um . . Hey, Ray." She said my name, which was unexpected. "Do you know where any cheap hotels are?"

Sitting on a bench I furrowed my eyebrows together. What did she need that information for? I might as well not ask her.

"No. I don't usually spend a lot of my time in hotels." I smiled lightly hoping to bring up the mood.

"Oh. . ." She sounded dissappointed.

"Wait. . ." I had to ask, "Why do you need to know?"

Her face became very sullen and I became very aware of the blood on her clothes. That must be it! She can't go home where her very concerned parents are. They would freak out if they seen her in such a state.

"Well . . . I . . ." Her voice was very soft again as if she was taking down a wall that stood in front of her heart. " That woman from earlier. . . She was . . . My mother. . ." She looked ashamed as she said such a thing. My eyes were wide. How. Just.

"Why would your mother . . Do such a thing to you? Especially with the knife?"

THIRD (Omniscient) POV

"Because. She hates me. I don't understand why. I don't think she remembers. . . She's just not her self anymore. . . " She felt a lump start to form in . It was difficult to get rid of though.

He tilted his head, "What do you mean? Do you live with just you're mother?"

Her eyes started to fill with tears and she couldn't understand why this part of her was starting to show. Especially to a guy that she had just met. Why was he changing her so quickly?

"Yes . . . " words and sentences were starting to get tougher to say. She felt herself getting weak and sat down on the other side of the bench, away from Ray. "I live with my mother. But it feels as if we don't live together at all. . ." Why was she opening up to him so easily? She couldn't stop rattling off to him though. It felt as if a incredicbly large weight was starting to lift off of her shoulders.

"My father died when I was young. I don't remember much of it though." He watched her as she started to choke up on her words. He noticed that she was holding up the tears that desperately wanted to pour out.

"My mother and I witnessed it all happen. Right before our eyes. He was shot. And I had gotten away from the house. Through my bedroom window as the intruder was just getting to my room. I was scared. . . And a week later. I found my mother. . ." The tears were already falling and her chest was tight, as she tried to stop the tears, even though it was pointless.

"In an alleyway a few days later. I could tell that it wasn't her anymore. It wasn't her. She was bleeding still. I thought she was dead. . . "

He had started to cry as well. Except, he wasn't afraid of letting someone see him like that. She noticed him crying and she felt something unlock inside of her.

"I guess you could say . . . I decided to go with Fight ever since that day. I don't ever want to take Flight again. Even if it means I could save my own life. . "

She stopped talking and the birds around them had stopped chirping as if they were also crying. The wind blew through the trees, blowing off the leaves and scattering about the air. A picturesque moment, the clouds covered the sun and it seemed like the world was seldom. Even if it lasted for a mere second or two. The sun peaked out through the clouds and beamed down on Ray's face as she looked over at him, wiping his own tears away.

"I'm . . . Sorry. Sometimes I. Just can't help from crying. . ." he smiled sadly at her and pulled out a few tissues, handing one over to her, "Here."

She didn't take it, still surprised from him crying over a story such as hers. Who was he, a random stranger, to suddenly take a great care for her. Since she hadn't taken the tissue he started to wipe the tears from her face himself. Her face started to flush and she looked away.

"Th. . Thanks" She now took the tissue from his hand, as they grazed each other for a second. He pulled his hand away and sat back at his side of the bench, thinking that he might have just stepped into the line of her 'do NOT enter' zone. They sat in a comfortable silence together as if they had a better understanding of one another.

"Where are you going to sleep tonight?" He looked at her questionably, concerned of her well being, unsure if she was going to go back to the household of her crazy mother.

"Ah. . . I don't really know. I'm sure I'll figure it out though." She got up from the bench and looked at Ray. "I . . Thanks for this. . " She didn't know what else to say. This sort of thing never really happened. It didn't make any sense what-so-ever either.

"Yeah. It's no problem. If you . . ." He dared to say, "ever need to talk like this again or vent out a bit, you can ask me." he said it with a bright smile.

She felt as if she would need to smile but nothing came across her face, "Neh. . Thanks again. I'll see you in school tomorrow!" She started to run away. Run away from a feeling that she hadn't felt in. . . Well she never felt anything like this. She stopped after a few blocks and put her back against a brick wall. He didn't know why she suddenly left but he stayed in the park, a large smile spread across his face.

"I think. . . I like her"

She put her hand over her chest and tried to recreate the walls. It was too late. He knew too much already. She had let her guard down and now she looked like a big softy.

"Hey. What were you doing with that guy?"

She opened her eyes and right in front of her was Peniel. She jumped a bit at his suddeness of suddenly suddening before her.

((what do you think? Too much 'suddenly's? was it too SUDDEN for you? -lame joke anyways- ))

"Wh-what are you doing?" she pushed him away and he came right back.

"I asked you first. What were you doing with that guy? I've been trying to get you to go on a date with me for years!" he smiled a little annoyed but tried to .

"YAH. I wasn't on a date with that guy!" She crossed her arms and looked away.

"It sure looked like it" He shook his head at her. "Besides, it didn't go to well by the looks of it. You were running away. AND you have blood on you." He realized this suddenly, "Wait. Did he hurt you?"

"WHY would you care?" she gave him a cold look as her 'normal' self was starting to resurface from this guy's questions and annoying aura.

"Huh. I guess you're right. I shouldn't care should I?" He smirked a bit, "He looks too weak to hurt you anyways."

She felt as though he insulted her by insulting Ray but that didn't make sense, "I bet he's stronger than you though."

"What? No. You must be mistaken. He's so weak. I even pushed him into the girl's bathroom-"

She punched him straight in his jaw. "I wouldn't think of going out with a jerk like you."

He laughed a bit, "Oh?" he rubbed his jaw as it started to turn into a black bruise, "You care for this guy? I can't believe that someone like you would drop to such a low level-"

She silenced him with punch in the nose and a couple of hard jabs into his ribs. He fell down onto his knees holding his sides, "What's you're deal with this guy?" he coughed a bit with little drips of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

" off already. I don't know why you keep talking." she bent down pushed the little dip inbetween his collarbones making him feel a little nasceous. She walked away from his beat up and tried to find a place to stay for the night.

She found a little place a block away from the school where she was able to stay the night at. She had started to think about finding a new place and leave the hell hole where her mother lived. The hotel was called 'Ray'. It was ironic to her, considering the fact that the guy who saved her was named Ray.

She could honestly say that this was her favorite day out of the entire life she had been living.

A Ray of Hope.

A/N: Hmmm I think I made this chapter to cheesy. Oh well. And that suddenly joke up there . . . I'm sorry. ;u;
I think that I need to improve on my writing skills. I'll be posting another chapter to this story tomorrow! I hope that this story is not to slow paced! I might have to speed it up a little bit. Considering that I have other stories that need to be finished too! I have a few stories to work on. I'm changing my "Warm" story to a different idea I've been meaning to write for a long while. The "Warm" story will happen in a later time than right now ^^ Maybe one day I'll be able to count my life with all of the different fanfics that I've written. Like umm This story could be my 2012-2014 memory of amazing KPOP moments! ^^ well anyways. I've written enough as it is for now //tired// Can't wait for tomorrow's update!!! I might update two of my stories. . . Bye-o~ 

[I have to make these chapters longer ;;]


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