Where He Stands

My Life Has No Title

You looked away as soon as he turned to look at you Footsteps approach behind you as you feel something being stuck onto your back. What? You feel your back and pull off a sticky note that says "Get OUT" You look behind you and he's right in your face smirking

"What do you think you're doing?" You hiss at him.

He backs away from your face a little surprised,"Well," he tilts his head and frowns,"What are YOU doing?"

You shake your head and look back to the front of the classroom to find that all of the girls are looking straight at you and the boys are bewildered.

"What the hell are all of you staring at?"

Everyone looks away What a bunch of freaks He sits next to you and you lean back in your chair What was the teacher doing this whole time You look over and see the teacher playing a crossword puzzle I guess there won't be much to do in this class You take out the a pencil and a drawing pad out of your bookbag. The school looks great but it's all just stupid people on the inside You draw a picture of the boy next to you in chibi form What am I doing? You rip the picture out making it into a ball putting it into your bookbag. I hope no one saw that You look over to your right and he's staring right at you. It was an awkward silence between you two but you kept staring back waiting for him to give in. 

"So . . . What were you drawing?" He lifts an eyebrow pointing to your drawing pad.

Ah . . . Now I'm pretty sure that he's seen it

"It's none of your business." You look away and continue to draw your favorite anime character. 

"You know" he starts off,"Most girls would die just for me to stare at them like I did to you."

Now he's just pissing me off

Never picking up your pencil off the paper you reply

"And why the would I give a damn?"

He looks hurt from the corner of your eye and you sigh

"Just forget about it. . ." he looks down at his desk

Then he whispered ""

Your pencil point breaks and you leave the room with all your possessions.

"Where are you going?" the teacher finally looks up from his crossword.

You put your puppy eyes on again and say in a sad baby voice

"Well I'm not feeling to good right now teacher . . "

He nods and waves his hand for you to continue

"I think I've got an upset stoma-"

You hold your mouth like your about to puke Oh crap, it actually hurts You fall on all fours and clutch your stomach in pain

Why? Why is everything black?   

Wake up! Wake up!

Stay away! Stay away from me!

Your eyes shoot open and you look around "AISHH!" you cover your eyes from the bright colored walls.

"That's so stupid . . ." you groan out loud rubbing your eyes

"Well you're even more stupid." You fall out of the bed and onto the floor.


You crawled underneath the bed,"Hey?! Who are you?"

You hear the guy laugh,"So you don't actually remember me?"

"What do you mean?" You slowly come out from under the bed facing your back to him.

"I was gonna say Hi to you ____ but I'd figure you weren't going to know." he smiled

Psh Why would he come here?  You take a good look at your surroundings He claims he knows me now that your eyes have adjusted Where am I?

"Why are you here?" You look over the bed to see a guy leaning against the wall. You tilt your head in confusion

He looks up and smiles,"I'm surprised at your bad memory but then again why would you remember me?" he stops leaning against the wall and goes to the other side of the bed looking over at you.  He stares intently into your eyes as his go really wide. Hey, I know that look You also make your eyes really wide trying to out beat his.

He blinks and shakes his head chuckling,"You've gotten better at that." he smiles

He waits for you to do something but your eyes keep getting bigger

He looks down,"You've changed but I can accept your new-ness"

You blink,"Um. . .Peniel?"

He smiles and looks back up,"OH?"

"How could I forget my first friend?" You look over at him and nod.

"Well how are you ____?" He nods back.

"Hm . . . You should know enough to know that it's not going well." you shake your head and sit on the bed.

He shrugs and sits on the floor crossing his legs,"I just thought I would ask since it's been forever."

"Agreed," you clear your throat ,"So why are you here? You don't go to this terrible highschool do you?"

"Ah unfortunately I DO go to this terrible highschool" he looks around,"But once you get to know it better you'll see that it's a really good one, especially since I'm here" He laughs as you try to smile.

He looks over at you and you look back

"Why are you sad Peniel?" He covers his mouth with his hand and sadly smiles.

He stays silent and pulls out a picture from his pocket and reaches over for you to take it. You hesitate to take it I hope it's not You take the picture and see that it was you, his mother and himself on his seventh birthday. Oh, This wasn't what I was thought it was You look up at him in confusion.

"Why did you give me this?"

Peniel sighed and took it back looking at it, lost inside the picture,"It's because my mother. . .my mother died on my birthday this year. . ."

You weren't sure how to react,"I don't really know how to . . . how to . . ."

"You don't have to do anything ___. I just thought I'd let you know." He got up from the floor and sat on the bed with you.

"I bet you never thought anything like this would happen. . .Right?"

You stared out the window and looked at a tree on the street, "Yeah, I didn't think."

You both stared at each other for a while.

Why won't you say anything

Please say something ____

You turned to him as he was getting up to leave,"Hey, Peniel,"

He turned his head and smiled,"Yeah?"

You got up from the bed, "You know I care right?"

He nodded,"You've always cared." he walked up to you,"And I've always cared."

He gave you a hug as your arms stuck to the side of your body What is this? What , why do I He sighed and let you go

"I hope you get better ____." Peniel smiled slightly and waved to you as he left the room.

After a few moments you replied,"Yeah, thanks. . ." You looked down and seen that your arms were still stuck to your sides

A nurse walked in,"____ , your mother is here to pick you up."

You grimaced and groaned as you walked out of the room. You passed your mother on the way out but didn't say a word. Why does she have to pick me up, I can just walk home by myself As your mother and you walked out of the doors it was like she had read your mind

"Walk yourself home you stinking brat" she scrunched her face up and started to walk to her car,"Gosh making me come all the way here just to get your sick back home? Fwah, I don't think so." She slammed her car door and you watched her leave as the street grew quiet Thank the ing lord!

"You were right," footsteps came up behind you,"Things never changed for you." Peniel stood by your side and smiled at you.

"Why are you out here?"

"Well I knew your mother wasn't going to drive you home because she's a so," he smiled and pulled out a key from his pocket,"I told the school that I would drive you home."

"But you aren't allowed. We're not family."

"Shhhhhh," he put a finger to his lips,"The school doesn't have to know~"

Oh that smart

"Now come on," he pulled you along to the parking lot,"We have to leave before they find out that I'm a fraud!" He smiled and opened the doors to his car.

Hm . . . why is he so nice? Things are getting You looked over at him as he started the car too weird

"So where did you want to go?" He backed out of the parking space and started going out of the parking lot

"Wah? What do you mean?" you stared out of the window watching people's faces blur.

"Well isn't the question very obvious?" he laughed

"But, this doesn't make any sense, aren't you going to take me home?"

"Ani~ If I did that then I'd have to go home and be bored." He smiled

"Ah I get it now but I don't really give a ." You closed your eyes and put your head against the window.

He was confused,"So you don't want to go anywhere?"

You shrugged and the car stopped at the red light,

"Why do you want to go home? Isn't your mother going to be there?"

"Ani," you sighed,"She hasn't been around the house for the past month other than this morning." He looked at you with sad eyes,

"That was probably the longest she's been around now-a-days." You nodded and looked over at him,

"YAH, don't be all sad. 'It's been forever' since I've seen you." He could tell that you were mocking him and he smirked.

"Ah ne," he a radio station,"I'll be ME now." He smiled and you seen him put on his thinking face What a dork

He snapped his fingers,"I've got the place that we can go!" he nodded as if he was a brilliant genius,"But you might laugh at me if I tell you where we're going.Soooo I'm gonna keep it a secret."

You stared at him with puppy eyes,"Oppa~, tell me~~~"

He shook his head,"That might've worked a few years ago but not this time." He smiled

You frowned,"Whatever~" he laughed and continued to look down the road.

Henry Lau's Trap comes on the radio and you listen to the words.

You and I, we are becoming more different

I keep settling down in that same place

I know that I'm still dreaming.

He's not here with me.

I'm not here sitting next to him.

I know I know

Because I'm not feeling a single thing

I'm not feeling

I can't. . .

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