The First Day

My Life Has No Title

17th September 2013

Your alarm goes off and you say,"SHUT UP." and it finally turns off for the first time. I don't want to go to school I think I'll just sleep all day Even if you miss school today you don't care.  Who cares about highschool anyways? The few friends you made before went to the highschools that you weren't qualified for.  You sigh and were just about to go back to sleep when your Mom comes bursting through the door, "___ get the hell out of bed RIGHT NOW!" she stomped her way towards your bed and pushed you off. You grunt in pain and lay your head on the floor Why the hell does this have to happen right now? You sigh and slowly get up I better get going before she starts to throw things at me next  You glared at your Mom and she glared straight back giving you the bird and then said with a tight lip smile,"You're late for freakin' school! Now . . ." she stopped smiling and you could see the red in her eyes,"get dressed, before I throw you out the window!" She slammed the door causing one of the pictures on your wall to fall.

You look over at the photo and scoff she can be so dumb at times You walk over to the fallen picture and throw it on your bed. You're about to get changed when you stop and look at the picture. You tear up but you're able to keep the tears back with a deep breath in and a deep breath out.  You change into grabing your bookbag and running downstairs past your Mom who is now passed out on the couch. I don't think I'll ever understand her 

You leave the door open to the house hoping someone will take your mother away while your gone. It's not like I'm in a rush to get to school As you reach the end of the block you notice someone ahead of you that looks familiar. Should I say hi? You scratch your chin No I'm not that desperate for a friend You look up at him but still You shake your head and continue slowly on your way to school. You look down at the sidewalk in deep thought What was his name? You look up and he's no longer in front of you Oh just as I suspected, no one I know goes to school with me You sigh and continue on your way.

You look up at a building in front of you Is this the school I'm going to? Hm . . . It's not that bad You nod your head Good choice for ONCE Mom You have the urge to smile but your face just refuses and you shrug Oh well You reach your hand out to open the door but it automatically opens itself Wow and sensored doors? This place is getting better by the min- You stop thinking and look at the boy who just opened the door for you Oh . . . He stands there smiling at you,"It's a wonderful surprise to be seeing you here." You keep your mouth shut tight as your anger level starts to rise.

"Who suspected the lovely girl of mine to be here, ___" he smirks as you walk into the building, closing the door behind you.

"You know I don't care about you right?", you say with a bit of snap.

"I don't think that's true ___. You just don't know enough about me yet that's all. How about we go out on a date?" he raises his eyebrows up and down with a smirk,"Me and you this Saturday night." You push him off to the side and continue down the hallway. He comes over to your side and smiles,"You can't ignore me forever you know."

You keep your eyes forward away from his view "Oh ho, but I can certainly try Kangjun."

Kangjun steps in front of you making you bump into him. You glare at him menacingly and  walk around him.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Kangjun calls to you from behind. You continue walking hoping that he'll go away. Gosh this kid is annoying

"___!" Kangjun screams louder to you as it echoes around in the empty hallways.

"What?!" You scream back without turning around.

"Look at me." Kangjun's voice is cold and you can feel his eyes staring at the back of your head.

Your about to turn to look at him This is exactly what he wants me to do Boringly you say,"I don't have time for you." and you continue to walk down the hallway making a right turn. Kangjun puts his head down and walks to the end of the corridor making a left.

"Your homeroom is this way. . ." Kangjun says in a solemn voice.

I turn around and look at his back,"How would you know?"

He turns around to look back at you but stops and says with a mocking tone ,"I don't have time for you." and he walks into a room on his right hand side. WOW he knows EXACTLY how to make me mad!

You sigh and slowly drag your feet towards the room Kangjun just entered and read the number of the room. You look down at a number you had written on your arm and then back up at the room number. You gotta be kidding me! The room numbers are the same Now I have to spend first period with Kangjun? You cover your face with your hands and sigh as loud as you possible can. Never mind Mom, this is one of the many WORST choices you've ever made! You open the door and the room is filled with chaos and mayhem. Everyone is talking, airplanes are flying and spitballs are being spat. No one even notices that you've entered the room until Kangjun announces to his group,"There's my girlfriend! ___!" he smiles wide and gives an evil grin towards you.

Everyone stops to look over at you and all the girls are looking at you disgusted. One even shouts out,"Why would you want to date her!?" All the girls agree,"You can just go out with me Kangjun!" An uproar of who should be going out with Kangjun starts and there seems to be no way to stop it. I can't believe this He just ruined everything! You scream out to him,"I'm gonna rip you into tiny little pieces if you don't stop what you're doing!"

He just smiles and yells over the commotion,"So you're jealous of all the girls that like me?! That's such a shame! Tsk tsk!" He smiles slyly.

"You know what I meant Kangjun! Now stop it!" You scratch a near by desk so that it makes a loud screeching noise. Everyone covers their ears from the horrid noise.

"You know that I could you beat you. Even if you put you're all into it." You screamed it at him so that the message was very clear.

Kangjun just laughed Why the hell is he laughing?

"We're not in Junior High anymore ___. " He smiled,"You'd be the one begging for mercy."

You looked at him with wide eyes,"Oh you wanna bet on it shorty?" You put your foot on the ground cracking your neck.

The teacher walks in and you look at the teacher with little puppy eyes. The teacher smiles and then looks over at Kangjun,"Detention."

"Wait what?!" Kangjun is in shock and looks over at you sticking his tongue out taking his seat.

You look around for an empty seat Thank goodness it's not next to Kangjun You laugh evily inside and look over to a desk on your right Wonder who sits here You hear a door open and then a whole bunch of chairs moving excitedly What the ? You turn to look and there you see a wonderous sight walking through the door. . .



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