The Ride

My Life Has No Title

Your P.O.V.

I hope this doesn't take long. I really don't feel good but, it seems like he's having a good time. Maybe he won't notice.

"Wanna play a game?"

"What kind of a game?" I ask ever so dirty-minded. I know I shouldn't have been thinking like that but, I can't stop my imagination.

He looks at me with the strangest face ever, "Um. . .You know like a guessing game!"

I shake my head, "Nah, I at those." This time he smirks.

"YAH, you know what I mean." I cross my arms and look out the window.

He grins, "Don't worry, you don't have to hide your secrets from me."

I ignore him as he continues to speak but what catches my attention is Kangjun's name.

"Wait what did you say?"

"Oh, I thought you weren't listening to me." He looks around at a stop sign and proceeds.

"No, what did you say about Kangjun?"

"Wait, you're interested in him?"

He caught me by surprise, "Uh . . . Aniyo I was just . . . hmph. . ." I go lower into my seat, my face all scrunched up.

"So you are?!" it was his turn to be surprised but, he seemed more confused than anything.

When each second went by that I didn't answer his question, it got really awkward but I decided it was for the best. I mean, why would he care? Well, I mean. . .

I spoke up, "Aniyo, I'm not interested in Kangjun at all!"

He let out his breath as if he was holding it the hold time

"Hey are you okay Peniel?" he rubs his eyes and nods.

"Ah ne. I didn't get much sleep last night." He smiles and points ahead.

"Why are you pointing?" He chuckles

"Look over there silly," I look ahead of us and see that there is a carnival up ahead.

I don't quite understand, "And?" he frowns and continues to drive.

"Is that where you're taking me?" I shake my head in disapproval. I would laugh at him but, it would be wasting my time.

"Wae? You don't like carnivals?" He smiles as we go around in circles trying to find a parking space. Crazy enough, it seemed like a lot of highschoolers were ditching school just to go to this carnival. This just went to a whole new level of weird because it seemed like everyone was a couple and I looked over at Peniel wondering what was going on inside that brain of his!

"You're right, I don't really like carnivals at all." I shake my head but he smiles.

"After this I'm pretty sure you'll love them." He nods as if he was a hero to my life. We eventually find a parking space and he gets out of the car coming over to my window.

"Are you gonna come out?"

"No. I don't feel like parading around at a carnival doing silly activities."

"I know you. You like carnivals! We used to go to them all the ti-"

"Yeah!? But that was when we were KIDS. . ." He backs away from the window and walks back to the driver's side. He gets in and ponders. I don't care what he thinks now, I just need to get away from this place.

"Ah~ . . ." he gets out of the car and waves goodbye to me through the window as he begins to walk to the carnival by himself. Well too bad for him, he left the car ke- . . . Damn it. Now I have to wait for him to come back! Gosh, I know he's going to take forever at each and every booth. He'll probably eat all the food there as well. He's still walking to the carnival and I know he's taking his sweet time just to annoy me.

I sigh loudly, "FINE. I'm coming!." I get out slamming the car door and I walk as slowly as I possibly can to where he is. He turns around and he grins at me

"I knew you'd come sooner or later."

I shake my head, "Did you think I'd let you eat all the food without me?" I catch up to him and he smiles.

"Pft. I'm gonna get there first and there will be nothing left!" he begins running to the carnival and an instinct of mine tells me to run after him. Unfortunately for him I have experience with running and well let's just say that I'm pretty great at it. Okay I'm awesome, haha.

When I arrived first I didn't break a sweat and I was watching Peniel jog the rest of the way to me. He looked pretty pathetic but I guess he was giving it his all.

"What happened back there?" He's breathing in and out as some sweat rolls down his face.

"I . . . I . . ."

"Wow, you must be out of shape if you can't even form a sentence!" I disapprove of his current state as he walks behind a one of the tents.

"Yah, what are you doing?" He doesn't respond and he comes back with his normal breath.

"Ah I was just." He rubs the back of his neck, "Catching my breath! Yeah that's what I was doing." He smiles and walks over to a food stand.

"Even though you got here first I still somehow get the food before you do." He smiles and orders japchae, bingsu and gimbap.

"Isn't it a little early to be eating bingsu?" he disagrees

"Aniyo, anytime is bingsu time." he laughs and takes his food to a nearby table. He waits for me to come back before he starts eating. Dork. I order bossam, tteokbokki and nakji bokkeun. The galbi was tempting but I decided there would be another time. There would be another time. There would be another . . . time? I brought my food over to Peniel and sat down across from him. I began to eat and I had forgotten what good food had tasted like. Peniel seen the surprised look on my face.

"Why are YOU so surprised?" he took a bit out of his bingsu.

"Ah it's just that I haven't eaten like this in ages." I nodded and started to empty the dishes out within a matter of minutes.

"What have you been eating?" he was already done with his food.

"Nothing too much. Just some instant ramens here and there." soon I was done with my food as well. I was content and got up from the table.

"So are we going to leave now?" I sighed and waited for him to get up.

"No way~ We just got here." He smiled and through away the paper plates that held our food.

"So now you're just torturing me Peniel!" he shook his head 

"Aniyo. You'll be having fun real soon."

He stared at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you know where the bathrooms are?" he nodded and pointed towards a port-a-potty.

"Thanks~ . . . " I walked over and made sure no one was in it before opening the door. I went inside and stood there for a while waiting for a good moment to leave. I have to find a way to ditch this place. I opened the port-a-potty and he couldn't see me from where he was sitting. I took a large detour around the carnival and was finally back to the normal streets. Maybe I shouldn't have ditched him like that but, I have no regrets what so ever. I have no idea where I am so I just aimlessly walk around. Why would he bring me to such a far away place?

It was almost night time and I wondered where Peniel would be.

"Hey . . . "

I looked at the car that was beside me and seen that it was Peniel's.

"Get in the car pabo. . ."

"No." I continued to walk down the street but he was still driving by my side.

"Pft. You have no clue where you're going."

"So? I'll always find a way home."

"But do you really want to go home?"

I took his question into consideration and I knew that I wanted to go home, despite it being filled with empty memories.

"Yes. I do want to go home."

He rolled up his window and said something but, I couldn't understand him. I neglected it knowing that it was some smart comment. He stopped the car completely and honked his horn at me. I didn't stop walking knowing that if I did I would give in and end up driving home with him. I don't want him knowing where I live and I don't want to sit next to him in an awkward environment. He knows that I've ditched him but he's always persistant. Kind of like Kangjun. . .

"You can go home Kangjun!" I yelled at him. His rolled down his window and asked,

"Did you. Did you just call me Kangjun?" His voice was high pitched and I realized what I had said.

"Aniyo, that-that window of yours is deceiving. You must've heard me wrong."

He sighs and I stop walking to look at him, now I've done it.

"Are you coming in now?"

I walk over to the other side of his car and enter it. Damn it. I should've started to run. Where's my instincts now? He drives me home but I made sure to tell him it was at a different house at least five blocks away. I wave goodbye to him and he drives away. Until he is out of sight, I begin to make my way over to MY house. I look up and there is one star peaking out through the clouds. When I reach my house the door is still open and I realize that if someone did come to take my mom they'd run away as soon as they seen her messed body. To smell her rotten stench, her rat's nest hair, and her scars. The one thing that's right about her is her teeth. They're whiter than mine and I don't get how she does it. Maybe they're dentures.

I lay down on my bed and hear the front door slam. I my mother and a man. How did she get a man into the house? I hear them going upstairs to her bedroom and I put in my headphones before I can hear anything happen. Doesn't she know that there's someone else other than herself living here?! I'm sure she's getting money for doing what she's doing. . .

A/N: Sorry if this chapter isn't GREAT >o< I hope you still enjoyed!

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