Bloody Ending

My Life Has No Title

My pillows and blankets are covering the base of my room. My hair is sticking to my face and my clothes are plastered to my skin. My head is at the foot of the bed What the hell do I do when I'm sleeping? I look out of the window of my room as I scrape the excess sleep from my eyes. . . . Bwoh? I rub my eyes again. The sun. It's going down? It's evening? I sit up slowly, crossing my legs, and placing my chin in the palms of my hands.

"I could get used to this."

I lay back down on my bed and close my eyes.


"AH!" I fall out of bed and onto one of my countless pillows. "Aish!~"

Thank goodness my trusty pillows were there on the floor. I look around, trying to find my alarm clock. Shibal, where is it?! The alarm is droning on and I'm frantically running around my room. I step onto one of my pillows and slip, falling onto my back.


Wait. . . I listen. The room is silent. I reach underneath my back and pull out my alarm clock.

"P. . .Pabo. . .PABO!"

I throw the clock at the ground and it breaks into different pieces.



I begin to pick up the pieces, trying to determine which one is making the noise. GRRRR stupid digital clocks. . . Which piece is it? I grab one of my schoolbooks and begin to smash each piece I see.

"I'll make sure that you never annoy me again!"

The sounds of me grunting, plastic breaking apart and chirps fill the room. The alarm has stopped and beads of sweat are running down my face and dripping down my chin. I wipe it away from my face with the back of my hand. Deep breaths in. Deep breaths out.

"Finally a good use for this book!" I let go of the book and it smacks the ground.

I walk over to my bed and sit down. Why did I even buy such a stupid thing? I look out the window again. Did. . .Did the sun go up since I beat up my clock? I look around, expecting to see the time.

"Now I get why I kept it. . ." I sigh, "Ha! As if I could sleep for a whole day without someone yelling at me."

I look over at my door on instinct waiting for my 'mother' to come bursting in. I get up from the bed and look around my room, looking for clothes that I could wear to school. I pick up a shirt and give it a whiff.

"OH MY---"

I cover my mouth with my hands, letting go of the shirt. I think I might actually be sick. . . I let go of my mouth slowly and swallow, picking up the shirt, keeping it at arms length.

"What to do. What to do."

My eyes wander about the room, searching for the shirt's burial ground. I lock eyes onto my closet and nod, agreeing with myself. As I open the closet a strong scent fills the room. I fall back, landing flat on my .


I throw the shirt into the closet and kick the door shut. Shibal. . .I'll have to wear some of my umma's clothes. I sigh and get up from the floor. I regret not washing my clothes from last month. I sob and open up the door to her room. I close my eyes and put my arms over my head expecting something to come flying at me. I open one eye.


I bring my arms back to my side, looking in disbelief at such a clean room. The air doesn't smell like I thought it would. . . I make my way to her closet and pick out the clothes that are decent for me. I wonder where that is anyways. . .Well, no matter!

I walk out of the house, leaving the front door open again. I think it might rain today. As I reach the end of the block there is a laugh from behind me. I hope this light turns green soon.

"Hah, I thought you told me you lived somewhere else."

"How the hell did you find me?"

"Hm. . .Well let's just say I live a block from your house."

"So you decided to say 'Hi' to me?"

"I never said 'Hi'." He smirks as though he's just outsmarted me in the most clever way possible.

When is this light gonna turn green? I scoff and begin to think of a different route to school.

"So where are you going so early today?"

Yes! New route calculated! I begin to walk to my left where the light is green.

"Yah! I asked you a question!"

I stop in the middle of the street and turn to look at him.

"Oh? What was your question?" I tilt my head.

"I asked where you were go--"

"Ah that's right! I have to go! Bye bye~" I wave and run the rest of the way across the street just before the light turns red. I look over to where Peniel is standing and stick my tongue out at him. Hmph. . .Loser

My stomach growls as I enter the lunch room. Shibal. . . I dig my hands into my pockets and find nothing. Why does lunch have to cost money? I slump my shoulders and look down, walking out of the lunch room. I bet this school has an art room somewhere around here. . . I take out a little map of the school from my pocket.


I fold the paper back up and into my pocket. It'd be so cool if they had an elevator! I close my eyes tightly and open them again. But sadly they do not. I sigh and take the stairs to the second floor.

"2C, 2C, 2C . . . Ah here it is."

I open the door and bump into a guy. His papers hit the floor one after another. He quickly bends down to pick them up as the papers fumble around his butter-finger hands.

I mutter, "Ah. . .Mianhae. . ."

I bend down to help him pick up the papers.

"G-gomawo. . ." He gets up from the floor and bows.

"Ah aniyo, it was," He walks away, "no problem. . ."

That jerk! I walk into the art room and the bell rings. I guess they don't give much time for eating around here. I take a look at my schedule.

"Ah, I'm already in the right place." 

I take a random seat in the class unsure of which side in the room is the front or the back. I look over to the door waiting for the others to come in.


I squint my eyes at the door. It's being opened. REALLY slowly.

"YAH! Are you going to come in or not?"

The door opens all the way. Hm? It's that guy from a few minutes ago. Why did he leave the classroom if he needed to be here anyways? I look away and take out my drawing pad.

I practically scream, "So ah. . .Where is everyone else?"

He clears his throat but doesn't say anything.

"Kiku! Hey are you listening to me?"

"Ah well. . . you see. . ." He sinks into his seat with everyword I say.

"And? What?"

"Well today is a half a day. . ."

" . . . . Nani?"

"Didn't you listen to the announcements yesterday?"

"Do I seem like the kind of person to listen to that ?"

"Ah . . . I don't know . . .  You just look like a good person. . ."

He awkwardly smiles and he's practically on the floor now. I look away in the opposite direction. Why does my face feel so hot? I shake my head.

"Hmph. . . Well y-you better think twice before judging someone!"

"Haha, un. I'll be sure to do that. . ." He slowly rises from the ground and onto his seat.

Gosh this is getting to weird for me. . . I get up from my seat. But . . . I don't want to go home so early. . . I begin to stretch, trying to seem nonchalant. Masaka. . .Is he looking at me? I turn my head slowly and he's reading a manga. Upside down.

"Say, um why are you still here if it's a half a day?"

He puts his manga down. Naruto fan eh?

"Well, this is the detention room for today."

". . . Wah? I thought this was the art room."

"Well, I guess it used to be. But the art room is on the third floor it you still need to go."

I shake my head. Wait how did he get into. . .

"You said this was the detention room right?"

He nods his head, burying his face in the manga.

"So uh, how did you get in detention?"

He turns bright red and stutters.

"Ah well. . .er . . . um. . . Awkward story."

He fake smiles, " I was beaten up and pushed into the girls bathroom this morning by some bullies."

"And you just let them do that to you!?"

His eyes go wide and the red color leaves his face, " What am I supposed to do in a situation like that?"

"Pft, you don't know anything do you? You're supposed to punch THEM in the face and toss THEM into the girls' bathroom."

He's staring at me with a blank face.

"Hmph. . .Or at least that's what I would've done."

I wouldn't have guessed that he'd be in detention. Especially with a face like his. . .IYA! What am I thinking? His expression brightens suddenly and he jumps up out of his chair exictedly.

"So are you saying it's okay for me to fight back?"

I lean back from his positive energy.

" Well I certainly think it's a good thing to fight."

He stares down at his palms.

"No. . .Actually it's not a 'GOOD' thing to fight."

"What? Of course it's a 'good' thing to fight."

"I'm gonna guess that's the thing you learned."

"Shut up! Y-you!" Hmph. . . he knows nothing. . .

"Ah mianhae. . . Um . . . What's your name?"

"Why do you want to know?" He's a weird one.

"I'm just curious is all. . ." His positive energy has wilted.

"Hmph. . . Fine. It's ______. . ."

He gives me a small smile, " Annyeong haseyo ______. I'm Kim Hyunil. But people call me Ray."

"Well 'RAY', I'm gonna go check out that art room you were speaking of."

"Ah un. . . Um, can I come along?"


He gets up from his seat, "Then it's settled!" he smiles and walks over to the door.

"Well, are you coming or not ______?"

I couldn't help but stare at him. He shakes his head with a smile and opens the door walking through. I quietly make my way over to the door, making sure I've picked up all my belongings. Who is this guy really? Just who does he think he is? When I get to the hallway he isn't anywhere within sights. I had a feeling sometihng was up with his act. I go downstairs and out of the school building. Where should I go now? I look around and shrug to myself. Maybe I should just go back inside. I look up at the empty building.


"Itai!" I rub the top of my head.

"What do you think you're doing of school?"

Umma. . . "It's a half a day."

"No. Such. Thing."

"Well, you can go back to ing that guy from last night if you don't believe me."

I feel a stinging pain on my cheek as I stumble back.

"HA! You're 'sooo' funny. Now get back into the building before I force you back in there!"

An evil flower began to sprout from inside my sould. I begin to laugh hysterically.

"Umma. . .hehehe. . ."

"NOW what are you laughing about?"

"Hmhmhaha! Is that what he said to you. . ."


"'Now get back in . . . before I force you back in there!'?"

I deserve what's coming for me but that doesn't mean I won't stop laughing!

My face is getting pummeled by my own mother. I can taste the sweet taste of copper in my mouth. The sight of my thick blood splattering across her clothes. Her knee digs into my stomach as I begin to cough up blood.

"Hmph. . . You're pretty stupid mother. . .No let me rephrase that," I spit my blood onto her face, "You're chuhan stupid mother!"

I laugh even louder as my blood spills out from the corners of my mouth.

"You little ssaeki!"

She pulls out a blade from her hot pink sequined purse.

"Who'd you get that fancy purse from? The 99 cents store?"

Her face becomes dark and corroded beyond recognition. Talk about anger issues. Ha, I should be one to talk. 

Everything including the 'You're pretty stupid mother' part was just nonsense. I think I've gone mad by this point because I don't even care if I die from the hands of my own mother. I'll die happy knowing that I . . . had the last laugh. Drops. Little drops of rain begin to hit my face. I knew it'd start raining. Everything seems to slow down as she raises the blade above her head. The blade smirks with pride as the light glints off of it. You know how they say that right before you die, you see your whole life flash before your eyes? Well, nothing is flashing before my eyes. The blade is getting closer with every blink that I take. I can feel it. Piercing me. Although it hasn't even touched me yet. . .

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