Let The Real Practice Begin: Wind/ Tao's Confession

✩Legend of Love: The Fight Against The Darkness✩

Today, Chanyeol and I laid on the bench during our lunch break. This is the first time we've hung out together since the news. I sat on the bench and drew a picture, while Chanyeol buried his head on my lap drinking a juice box. And when all things seemed perfectly normal, that I can live my normal school life, being a normal teenager, with a cute guy on my lap, my destiny calls out for me.

"So I guess I don't get the allotted goose chase for you today, darn I was looking for searching for you in the awkwardness of places." A voice called out.

. I hid under the bench. Chanyeol got up and covered me, a cold wind whipped around us and made my skirt rise a little, causing a small nose bleed to Chanyeol.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.."

"No it's fine.. Goo. Go practice ok?"

"But Chanyeol, I don't want to practice."

"You have to, I'm supporting you all the way,"

"Fine." I stood my ground and looked around, all I felt was the wind around me. Where was he? Where was he, Sehun. Something brushed up against my leg. Sehun was behind me, texting someone.

"..... And send. Ok, ready?"


"Too bad, lets get to practice now shall we."

"Sigh, ok."

"Well, seeing that yesterday's fiasco, you've done really well opening your mind and matching it with you ChI. And that's part 1 of 6-"

"D.O, says its 2 out of 12."

"To be fair, I don't like saying 2 out of 12, because it seems like so much."

"Fine, 1 out of 6."

"This is the final lesson of the mind. Alright? Now come lets focus." Sehun and I sat face to face with each other. I've gotten better summoning the force that I had. I can illuminate a bright red at any given time. But, what do I do after that.

"I don't know, I might have confused you with somebody but... wait ..."

Chanyeol looked up from my notebook, that I draw in. He had a pencil in his hand. What, what if he was looking through my pictures. Oooooooh the things he would find is grotesque. His face was flush red for the same reason I thought it was. He looked through my pictures.

"What is it, Sehun? "

"As the Legend of Love-" he stopped dead in his sentence, looked at me and ran up to Chanyeol. He blocked the notepad in his grey uniform and stared down his brethren. Sehun whispered in  ear. My eyes widen as they both stared at me with confused looked on their faces.


"No no, Chanyeol, I think that's level 11."

"Sehun, stick with the lesson."

"But Chanyeol..."

"I'll text D.O and Suho. . .I'm curious as well.. go .. go teach." Chanyeol gets up and pulls out his phone. Confused as I am, I sit back and meditate, like I'm always forced to do and breath lightly. I closed my eyes, but I felt like sleeping. Sehun sat back in front of me.

"The intellectual smitten wouldn't damned their names to such a girl privileged with quite the dutiful mission. Do you understand what you are doing just as yet?"


"You know how the mother duck takes care of her babies?"

"Am I the mother duck?"


"I realized that. But I can't fight, I can't do anything but glow and aura of red and pink lights despite my lack of training. How am I suppose to protect you guys?"

"Well, something clicked because you can obviously tell I'm the smart one- "

"I thought Lay was-"

"No, not that forgetful bastard, I'm the smart one here. Well anyways, despite being the Legend of Love, I expect you may learn the technique of all the others. "

"What? No way!"

"It's only possible, since you are supposed to be stronger than all of us combined, "

"So do you think I'll be able to control time like Tao, because I think that is so cool."

"Do you like Tao?"

"Yea, he's really cool."

"Not like that... I mean do you like Tao?" I hesitated for a moment. Emphasize on like, I don't like Tao the way Tao liked me. I was especially surprised when he claimed me for himself in front of the darkness. That was truly weird. Although, he's gotten me out of trouble at most, I couldn't say, I actually liked him.

"Well, Sehun, do you love LuHan?"

"W-what? H-how'd you know?"

"I like Tao, but I don't like Tao. "

"Do you like Chanyeol..?"

"Shouldn't we get back to training?"

"Right, fine.. I understand. My angel with the shot gun. Let's begin."

The last hour with Sehun was the most pain I had to endure. Despite the personal questions, he constraint my breathing. Thickening the air, he told me to focus and breathe. Yea, thats easy.. considering I couldn't breath. At the end of the lesson, I was lightheaded and breathing very heavily.


Sehun I can't.. I can't breathe!




Sehun, you're killing her, stop!

I have faith in her. At that moment, an aura of red, water and earth and wind circled around me, protecting me. I kept breathing, hoping, praying Sehun would make it easier to breathe. I laid on the floor. I closed my eyes for a little bit.

"Look what you did, Sehun.. you killed her."

"I'm not dead. I'm just extremely exhausted."

"Chanyeol, you take her to the infirmary. Just in case... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you too hard."

As much as I wanted to comfort him or slap him, I had no energy. Is that why in most mangas the hero always faints when using their strongest move. I felt a 2 hands pick me in the bridal position.

"I'll take her."

"Tao when did you get here."

"2 moments ago."

There were no more words, only movements. I was too lazy to open my eyes and involuntarily fell asleep. I could still hear and feel but.. I couldn't get my body to move. I felt my body gently being placed down in the bed. I never went into the infirmary, and I guess I'll never get to see what it looks like.  I still felt the presence of Tao sitting on my bed and rubbing my head.

"Are you ok? Did Sehun hurt you really badly? You don't seem that wilted little flower. Sigh, I'm worried about you. I think this is becoming too dangerous. You weren’t even able to control that much power. Compared to the power we expect you have. You have the capacity of a normal girl. “

I am just a normal girl.

"But, you're not just a normal girl. You're completely special. Not just as the legend of love. Uhn. What I'm trying to say is.. I think you're pretty. Umm... wait... you're not even conscious and I find myself having a hard time talking to you. I guess..  I like you a lot. Hehe... I shouldn't have lied to the darkness but.. I don't want it to be an elaborate lie. I didn’t want him to take you away from me. I kind of just... I just want you to be mine.. Think about it ok?”

I mentally scratched my head. I barely known for a week. Yet, he likes me? There’s so many things wrong with that, I just don’t know where to start. The presence of Tao was gone. My eyes were lazily shut close and I was feeling too weak to move. I really don’t want be the Legend of Love. Why do I feel like, I’m risking my life for everyone. That when I do fight against the darkness, it will be the end of me. I want to live, not just survive.


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kayepop #1
Chapter 2: cool updateeeeeee~