Let The Practice Begin!: Suho of Water!

✩Legend of Love: The Fight Against The Darkness✩

I stood in front of Suho after a long hunt for me inside the school, the next day.

Where is she this time? She's avoiding us again. Everyone search around! B-but what if she's in the bathroom?! Then D.O look in all the girls bathrooms. Don't Leave any stall unopened. W-WAIT WHAT? Why do I have to go? Because you are cute now... GET INSIDE THEREEE!

And here I am. Standing in front of Suho. He stood in front of me. We took long breaths and stayed in complete silence.  He closes his eyes and opened them, his eyes turned blue in his elemental state. Water. From thin air he.pulled out a liquid strand. He was very calm and serene as he did his martial arts.

"How are you doing that?"

"I'm being one with my inner Chi." He wraps his water around him and spread his Chi all over the plants and trees. "Ta-Da." I clapped happily. Suho was very well at what he does.

"Now its time, to focus your inner Chi."

"What Chi do I have?"

"Well lets find out now shall we?"

2 minutes later, Suho and I were sitting, feet crossed facing each other meditating. It was a moment of solitary silence.

"Clear your mind." Well, not as much. "Listen to your heart. Be one with yourself."

"But Suho-"

"Shhh.... be one with your inner self." I stayed silent. I tried to empty my mind and listened to my heart but all I could think about is Chanyeol. You'll be the girl I'm fighting for. I couldn't help but think, maybe..just maybe Chanyeol liked me? Again. . . I might be out of my mind. Ahhg, I'm thinking OK.. my heart, my heart. I love with my heart. I love.. and there we go again, thinking about Chanyeol. I want to protect him. I want to fight for him. I want him to stay alive with me. I don't want him to fight for me. I ... I love....

"Han Na, y-you're glowing. "


"You're glowing red."

"D-did I find my Chi?"

"I guess so, lets see." Suho took his book and threw it at me. I caught it.

"What does this mean?"

"Level one of twelve is complete."

"Twelve levels? What? Is this a game?"

"Eh.. twelve lessons, if you want to call it that. " Suho bowed to me and took his book and left.

"Wait! Hey, how do I control my Chi?"

"Start thinking!" He yelled back entering inside the school building. Start thinking, start thinking. What to think about? What am I thinking about? Now I was thinking about thinking. Wow. I took my bag and walked back. I scratched my head. My Chi, legend of love, love, Chanyeol, fighting the darkness.. this was still too much to comprehend, maybe if I could talk to the guys and ask them questions. I'd like a better understanding.. I walked to a bench and sat down. I laid down on the bench. I put my legs in a namaste cross position. I tried to empty my head again. Focus.. focus... focusing...

"Woah,  Unnie~ pink is really your colour. Ooh now you're turning red."

"Chanyeol!  Shut up, I'm focusing."

"Does your aura change with your mood? Does pink mean love? Are you blushing? HanNa you're so cute when you blush.”

“ I don't know what any of this means I mean I'm just getting this Suho taught me how to do some of the stuff its really hard I have to do not think about anything that's hard because I'm always thinking.”

“Well what exactly are you thinking about?.” Do I just tell him that I’ve only been thinking about him? On my mind since yesterday, I non stop thought about Chanyeol. Too embarrassing.

“Just stuff,”

“You wouldn’t happened to be thinking about me, have you?” He moves closer to my face with a huge grin. I blinked, a lot.  “Well?”

“No. I have not.”

“Oh. Aww. “ His smile went away. I smiled and pulled his cheeks.

“Chanyeol hyungnim~ I’d like to think about you but right now, I have other occupations in my life right now. I’m so confused. Would you like to help me understand what I had to do?”

“You have to be with me, forever.”


“Nothing. Umm, the job as the Legend of Love, with all your power you must defeat the darkness.”

“How? That’s such a general statement.”

“Well, all of us is going to teach you how to open up your mind, body and soul in order for you to reach climatic enlightenment.”

“Climatic enlightenment?”

“Where your body, mind, and soul becomes one and you can control your inner chi.”

“Can you do that?”

“Of course, I can I’m the great Chanyeol.”

“Great at what?”

“Don’t play with me right now, “

“What do you do? Spit mini flames?”

“No, I wish I could show but there are too many witnesses here.” I looked around, no one was here.

“Too many witnesses.”

“I’m going to take you out, Saturday. I’m going to show you and teach you how to maintain your Chi and be awesome, like me..”

“That rhymes.”

“Because, I’m awesome, now come come, lets go to class.” chanyeol grabbed my hand. I couldn't seem to control my feels at the moment. Suho's lesson was so general. I didn't understand. Chanyeol pulled to go to class but I hesitate.

"Hey princess, we are going to be late. Come on. Don't tell me you're going to start skipping class, you rebel, you. "

"No, ill just be a little late. I have to go ask Suho something."

"So now, you're pursuing Suho?"

"Chanyeol, what?"

"Nothing." He shoots me an innocent sweet smile. " go on, I'll fill in for you. After all, you always fill in for me." He hugs me tightly and walked away gingerly. I couldn't help the feeling that Chanyeol make like me a lot. But it was a stupid feeling. I had to focus on something more. I had to be the legend of love. No time of thinking about love and relationships. That was kind of contradictive but, the point being, no boyfriends. I ran in the direction Suho exited from. Down the hall way, I was pretty sure I knew where he was however I stopped dead in my tracks. The hallways split up into 3 other parts. My school was an academy. Great, how will I ever find him now? I looked around. Everyone was walking to class. Everyone was a lot taller than I was. I kept bumping into others. I bumped into someone else but they grabbed me.

"Hanna, what are you doing here?"

"Tao oppa! I can't find Suho. "

"He's already in class. Why are you looking for him? Shouldn't you be in your academy now? You'll be late. "

"But I had a question."

"I'll tell him you're looking for him. Get to class princess."

"Gamasahabnida. Tao oppa, " I hug him. He hugged me tight.

"Get to class my Heroine." Tao pushed me a long and stopped time in order for me to run back. I looked at him.

"How are you doing that?"

"Oh, ill teach you, one day. Lets make a date. Saturday, you and me?"

"Uh... I can't! Chanyeol and I was going to go out, how about Monday?"

"Ugh, fine now go along. " I rushed to class.

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kayepop #1
Chapter 2: cool updateeeeeee~