Let the Practice Begin: Earth/ Encounter with the Darkness p. 1

✩Legend of Love: The Fight Against The Darkness✩

"Hey look at you eyes."

"Stop it.."

"They are so cute"

"Stopppp it."

"But Kyungsoo."

"I will not have you belittle me."

"Because you're short?" An array of rocks circled D.O as he start becoming angry. He was getting mad, even though he was cute. The ground shook at he sentences earth into  his power. I stood back for a moment. I couldn't handle being stoned.

Today's hunt for me was no better. Kris and Tao attacked me from the cafeteria. In the middle of me eating to get me to practice. These guys won't stop. Kris threw me on his shoulder while Tao held my hand making small conversation with me. I felt like Princess Fiona while Kris was my Shrek. I wouldn't dare call Prince Tao a donkey. No, he was just too cute. And here I was again. In front of D.O. As cute he was, he was also strict.

"Now for today's lesson, I'm going to teach you, concentration. Focusing your energy."

"D.O oppa, I still don't understand. What am I suppose to do. Love isn't a real force like earth or water or flame, how am I suppose to use Love to fight."

"Well my lady, that is all up to you and how you do that. My job here is just to teach you how to focus your energy into one spot. Relaxing your mind so its easier for you to focus on what's at task. So.. Relax. Here, I made you some tea."

"Wow, really what kind?"


"Oh." We sat in front each other eyes closed. I felt like sleeping. But I couldn't. I decided to empty my mind. I felt everything around me. It was that one moment, the earth spoke to me. It spoke a symphony of music, mystery and intentions. D.O opened his eyes. I felt his stare. It was intense, confused and unjustified.

"Hey.. Hey princess wake up." I looked up to him. The wind blew hard, as the darkness filled the skies. D-did I do that? The other 11 men, each with their different color academy shirts ran to us looking up to the sky. Chanyeol and Tao were the last ones running out.  Chanyeol held on to me tightly.

"Princess, are you ok?!"

"I-I'm fine, what's going on?! Chanyeol oppa?" Tao oppa made a time barrier that stopped time around us, allowing everyone to be safe. The darkness covered up the sky completely casting down a shadow, a tall figure, walked out from the shadows in a uniform that was opposite of ours. Around us, demon spawns were summoned, surrounding us, separating us from one another. The only two protecting me were Chanyeol and Tao. The dark figure walked up to us, he looked at me with a devilishly handsome smile. He picked up my chin with my thumb. A hand smacked his hand away from my face. It was Tao. He looked shocked and glared at Tao. Tao's expression was more tense. He pulled out his sword slowly.

"Don't you dare place a hand on her?"

"Oh, oooh is this your girlfriend.. Or the Legend of Love. Or perhaps both?"

"Yes she is." I am what? His girlfriend, the legend of love, which one was it, I thought it would be obvious. It was the second one.

"She is my girl, and the Legend of Love." My eyes widen, his eyes widen and Chanyeol's flame grew bigger. He seemed devastated by the news. He gripped my waist tightly. Avoiding killing his brother instead of the guy and his demon spawns.

"Well, she is quite the beauty. I don't know Time, instead of me killing her, I might just steal her away from you."

"YOU BETTER NOT." Chanyeol yelled he ran and impaled his fist into the darkness. He fell back as Chanyeol hi-jump kicked him. Everyone started fighting each other around me. The 12 men fighting the spawns around them. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't fight. My soul was being swallowed by the fear. I fell to my knees, not knowing what to do. Tao saw me fall, force choked a demon and ran to me. The darkness however beat him too it, he duplicated himself and shield me.

"YEOLLIE! HELP ME." Chanyeol looked back and ran towards me. A demon stopped Chanyeol in his tracks. Tao tried to get to me but a demon stopped him too. It was just me and the darkness, faced to face.

"Hello Legend of Love. I am your worst nightmare. So.. I'm going to kill you now." He held on to my neck and slowly tightened his grip. I was losing my breath. I was dying. I remembered the two lessons Suho and D.O taught me, and stopped thinking, I was illuminating red, my eyes turning purple. I felt weird but suddenly the hand wasn't on my neck anymore. The darkness was blinded from the shock. I took his hand and wrapped it around his back. He fell to his knees and cowered.

"Ow, girl.. What are you."

"The Legend of Love,duh." I slowly accepted my fate as the Legend of love. I uppercut him, with the martial arts skilled I gain from television and ran to Xiumin. Xiumin was freezing all the demons as Tao broke them five at a time. Chen brought down lightning on those demons. The darkness, I feel was searching for me. I ducked and weaved as I ran to Chanyeol. The darkness was charging up to Chanyeol. I ran in front of him and let out a ray of brightness. Chanyeol fell back, as I fell back on top of him. The darkness retracted in the beam and dissipated in the shadows. The sky became back to normal.  Tao started time.

"Princess, are you fine?" Kris asked.

"Princess, you did wonderful," LuHan exclaimed. I looked up, everyone gathered around me. They all smiled and clap.

"You're stronger than I thought, princess." Kyungsoo looked down to me and smiled. "You've mastered the second step."

"Thank you D.O" I felt a hand grip tighter around me. His hand touching my thigh, moving its way up. I looked behind and the fiery orange hair was behind me. I flipped over and lay on top of him.

"Chanyeol, uh.. Uh thank you for protecting me. I'm extremely grateful." Chanyeol was opening up his eyes. He looked up to me and unthoughtfully grabbed what seems to feel like my . I moaned softly and blushed red.

"Uh oh... I'm Soooo sorry, Hanna." He pushes me off him lightly and runs off into a hallway. I looked after him.

"Are you ok princess? Want me to heal you, and your state of mind?"

"Lay, there is nothing that can heal my state," I got up and dust myself off. Everyone started snickering and leaving. That wasn't embarrassing at all. I looked around Tao wasn't there either. I have to talk to him. His girl? What? The last time I saw him, was when the darkness disappeared. I guess I'll see him again. I always do.

Chanyeol sat in the sacred place of the garden. The sacred part of the garden was only unlocked for the 13 beings. He sat in the swing and sighed.

"Father. I don't know if I can do this anymore. The pain of the darkness doesn't compare to the pain I feel in my heart at this moment."

Young flame, I realize you are a still a human, a growing man that still has a heart. And in the heart you breathe. In the heart you love.

"I love her, father. I truly do. I always had. But it gets tougher, as Tao proclaimed his for the princess as well. I don't know what to do."

Young flame, Young Time is also a growing man. He has needs as well. I seen this coming. But I see this going bad as well. Please, your brother is your ally, even though you guys do not see eye to eye.

Chanyeol swung on the swing some more. From the hallway Tao walked by, standing in front of Chanyeol. He looks up.

"Chanyeol hyung-"

"Do not talk to me."

"Chanyeol hyung, talk to me please?"

"What, Tao, what do you want?"

"I'm really sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"Because you love the princess."

"Why do you call her Princess, that's obviously not her name."

"Honestly, I see her as a queen in my eyes. She's different, from all of us, she's talented and she's pretty. Why wouldn't I claim her as my own."

"She isn't a thing you can claim as your own. She isn't a prize. She's the Legend of Love. "

"But, I want her."

"Tao you can't do that, just because you want something, doesn't mean you can have."

"Why not? I wanted a panda and Kris bought me one."

"But Kris is an idiot. You've barely met her for a weak and you want her? I've known her for months. I love her, Tao."

"Let's place a friendly wager, Yeollie."

"I'm not betting anything."

"Fine, then I'll pry the princess away from you." Tao walked away. Chanyeol knew and trusted in his heart, she will always belong to him. He will be hers. Chanyeol knows. He knows. She loves him.

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kayepop #1
Chapter 2: cool updateeeeeee~