Find The Girl

✩Legend of Love: The Fight Against The Darkness✩

The 12 legends, sit in the comfort of their own homes. When they weren’t being the deity of the world, they take the form of human men who attended high school. D.O, Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Kai, Chen, Kris, Lay, Tao, Xiumin and Luhan all went to the same high school. For now, they sat in a circle trying to figure out what He meant. He is the heart of the tree, also known as father, he raised the 12 men to be the legends they were meant to be. He had put a little bit of himself into all of them, giving these babies life. But, lately father had been very sick. A darker evil then the red force had been trying to disrupt the equilibrium of the world and its been harder for Father to recover from the attack. Father said, that the only way that they all can fight against the Darkness and survive was to find the 13th deity, a girl with their caliber. The Legend of Love, the girl who is pure and true, who was the light and the darkness, the beginning to the end, who feels pain but doesn’t feel pain.


The 12 guys were contemplating, they weren’t sure where to start, or who in fact they were looking for. They just knew it was a girl they had to find.


“There are 3,500,000,000 women on this planet, it’ll take awhile to find this ‘Legend of Love’” Kris complained, “Are we suppose to just test every woman that we see?”


“Flight, calm down, apparently this girl whoever it maybe is close to us. Father would not want us to find a girl who is over a million miles away.” Baekhyun, reassured the nervous Kris.


“I mean, this might be easier than you think Face, you just have to find the girl in our school with the most aeygo.” The Phoenix, Chanyeol chimed with happiness.


“Whatchu’ just call me,” Kris snapped.


“Ladies, Ladies settle down,” Suho, the water mage, said very sternly.


“You know, Yeollie has a point. If we found the girl with the most aeygo, she might be the legend of love.” Tao, the time controller exclaimed, “she had to be pure and sweet, that wouldn’t be hard to find in our school right?”


But, little did the men know that the legend of love was closer to them than they think. After coming to a consensus, they agreed to find the girl with the most aeygo.




“Chanyeol, Chanyeol hyungnim~” I waved to Chanyeol. He and his group of friends walked in together like they always do. They were the most popular kids in school because of there really good looks. I’m really fond of  Chanyeol because he was kind to me the moment I transferred into this school. I couldn’t speak as much, but he taught me how to use my voice. I have friends now but I like being with Chanyeol the most, he made me really happy. I grabbed my sketchbook and my backpack and ran up to Chanyeol.


“Oh, Annyeonghaseyo Han Na, how are you today?”


“I’m really good, I tried calling you last night, what happened?”


“Oh uh... family stuff.”


“Oooh, that sounds important. Let’s walk to class together? I drew something and I wanted to show you it.”


“I’d love to Han Na, but I can’t, me and my friends are looking for somebody.”


“Will you come to class today?” I scratch my head. Usually when Chanyeol said that he was going to go somewhere or do something with his friends means that he wasn’t going to show up to class that day. He was some kind of rebel bad boy but the teachers seem ok with it. I liked that about him besides his ears, I loved Chanyeol’s ears.


“Ah. . . I don’t know, cover for me please if I don’t come?”


“Are you coming Yeollie?” One of his friends called out. I think his name was Xiumin, he was kind of chubby but his cheeks were adorable. Sometimes I would dream about his cheeks, they seemed so bite-able. Chanyeol gave a finger to Xiumin and hugged me tightly.


“Stay safe ok, Han Na,”


“You too, Yeollie hyungnim~” Chanyeol blushed slightly and rubbed my forehead. I smiled as he left to go be with his friends. I gripped my sketchpad and walked to class, the opposite direction to where Chanyeol was heading. Looking down, I walked and then I bumped into a very tall guy. I looked up to him. He was very scary but at the same time really adorable in a fierce way. I dropped my stuff and fell to the ground, papers flew everywhere. He was very sturdy, he didn’t move a bit.


“Are you ok, Miss?”


“Oh, me . . haha, I’ll be ok. Are you ok? Did I hurt you in anyway??”


“Not a scratch, don’t worry yourself.” He starts picking up the papers from my sketchbook.  He found one picture and I think it may have caught his eye because he focused completely on it. I got up and dust myself off. I collected my papers from him.


“Thank you. .” He seemed really out of it. I looked at him and smiled at him. I don’t know why I did, it just breaks an awkward moment, I moved closer to him to see what he was looking at.


“Excuse me, w-what are you staring at?”


“You draw really well, where’d did you find the inspiration to draw this?”


“Ah... well, I saw it in a dream. It was particular. The tree in the picture, spoke to me. I wasn’t sure what he was trying to say. I don’t really understand Korean or Mandarin.”


“You are a transfer student?”


“From the United Kingdom, I know as much as Korean and Mandarin as a 12 year old japanese person”


“Oh. . . that’s peculiar.” Suddenly, the sky turned dark. Water dripped from outside. What is Suho doing, was he looking for me? I heard the guy say softly.


“If someone is looking for you, you should go to them. Don’t waste time with me, I’ll be ok, fighting~” I put my fist up and smiled. He smiled back at me.


“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Tao ok? So if you ever see me around, or if you ever need my help, I’m here for you.”


“Tao sunbae, I’ll see you around, yes.” He kissed my forehead and ran off to the same direction that Chanyeol and his other friends were. I guess he was another friend of Chanyeol. He seemed really nice. It started to drizzle a bit. I ran inside the school. I couldn’t afford to get wet.  



Tao just got back to the rest of Legends. Everyone was waiting for him to come back. Suho stopped his rain and had a seat on the bench.


“Tao, so late?” asked a very worried Luhan. He seemed a bit stressed.


“I’m sorry, I bumped into this girl. Amazing she was, she drew really well. It’s funny however, one of her pictures was a picture of father.”


“Maybe, she could be the Legend of Love.” Chen mentioned.


“I don’t know. . .maybe. . . I have a really great feeling it might be her.”


“Well, what’s her name?”


“Uh. . . . umm. . . I don’t remember.”


“Damn, Tao. . .YOU ONLY HAD ONE JOB” Sehun patronized Tao. He felt very guilty for it. She, whoever she was knew his name.


“It’s ok Tao, we’ll find her. I guess it’s safe to go back to class, but we should be in the look out.” D.O comforted Tao. The 12 men went into their separate academies in their school. The academies were broken up into 4 divisions. Arts and Music, Math and Sciences, Literature and History, and Humanitarian work. These academies were set on the tests it took to get in. Those who did better than other classes were sentence into one academy, those who are equally doing well in their studies did Humanitarian work. The 12 broke up into 3 groups and went into their separate academy. Chanyeol, Chen and D.O went to Humanitarian Work, Tao, Kai, and Sehun went to Math and Sciences, Kris, Luhan and Xiumin went to Literature and History while Suho, Lay and Baekhyun went to Arts and Music. As Kris was walking into Literature and History, he remembered something.  Tao’s time controlling powers only worked on people who didn’t have a power inside them as well as Luhan’s telekinesis. What if they used their powers to sense out the girl? Kris kept that idea in his mind.  


Chanyeol entered into class. I secretly waved to him as Professor Nam read to us the story of the 12 legends. This story is mildly popular amongst the world and there were rumours going around that the 12 legends might be here, closer than we thought.  Whenever I would talk to Chanyeol about the 12 legends, he would laugh and tell me that it was stupid and he didn’t believe in it. I think the idea is pretty cool. To think there was a group of people connected to the tree of life that protected the earth from harm.


“Studies were being held that there might be 13 legends and not 12. This legend was stated to be stronger than all 12 legends combined. She was to be pure and innocent, the light and the dark, to be able to hurt yet feel no pain.”


“Ha, that’s funny, no ones stronger than me.” Chanyeol whispered into my ear, “Not even the other mages can come close to my powers.”


“Hehe, yea Chanyeol, you are pretty cool.”


“Han Na, you are really something you know?”




“Park Chanyeol, Lee Han Na, stop talking during the middle of my lesson.”


“But Professor.. do you really believe it?” Chanyeol got up. Oh, here we go again. Chanyeol is one of the few people who would just talk to another person informally. He would say whatever was on his mind. He was bold and daring. But still, teachers don’t mind and actually engage in conversations with him. Chanyeol was really smart even though he goofs around a lot.


“I only believe it too an extent.”


“How far would you go in order to find the Legend of Love, I’ve been looking for her myself actually.”


“Oh? Is that soo? Why is that?”


“Well, if its the Legend of Love, and its a girl, wouldn’t she be beautiful?”


“Well, Chanyeol, beauty is only in the eye of the beholder. So, she can be, an average Jane to one but Miss Universe to another. “ A phone rang, it was Chanyeol’s.


“Excuse me, I have to take this.” and he just left the classroom for a moment. And the worst thing is, is that he can get away with something like that and not get in trouble. How is that possible? I don’t know. As he exits, Professor Nam continues speaking, “ Well, anyways... more to Earth’s history and Legends, the tree of li-”


“Krease, you smart idiot!” Was all we heard outside. Some of the students snickered, I shook my head, oh Chanyeol.. I put my head down. There was silence, footsteps then chanting. Weird chanting.... the chanting I heard in my sleep. I looked up and around. Everything was frozen. Time stopped, everyone stopped moving, no one was talking. I got up, and I looked around. I walked up to Professor Nam’s board and drew on his walls with the chalk. I drew the tree from the dream, then I heard its voice.


You, you’re alive, and you’re here. You survive a purpose in this world..


Who are you?”

I am what I am, you are.. Lee Han Na, am I right?


“I am. . why?”


Legend of Love, Lee Han Na, we’ve found you.


“Wait, Legend of Love? No, no, no.. mystical speaking chalkboard, I’m just Han Na, I can’t be... No... you’re wrong. “


Why do you think you are not frozen Han Na, you’ve withstand the power of the Legend of Time Control, Huang Zitao.


“But, I-I thought it was only a myth.”


This is happening.


“Hello, is anyone in here?” I looked at the door. Tao opened the door. I ran to Tao and hugged him around his neck.


“Tao? What’s going on??”


“Oh, it’s you.. . .. ... ..  I didn’t even get your name.”


“It’s Hana, Lee Hana. “


“Lee Hana, I’ve found you.”


“Found me?”


“GUYS, I’VE FOUND HER!!!!” The first to show up was Kai, he kind of teleported here, Chanyeol and Kris ran here while the other 8 casually walked here. They all looked like movie stars. Sehun moved his hair from his face and try to hold Luhan’s hand. Everyone lined up in front of me.


“What’s going on? I’m scared. Chanyeol. . . W-what’s happening?”  Everyone gets one their knees and bowed. All 12 of them. I didn’t believe it was true. I didn’t believe the legend was true. The legends of Life, Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Teleportation, Light,  telepathy, flight, healing, time control, lightning and frost, stood in front of me, bowing down. I stepped back and bumped into the wall and fell.


“Legend of Love, are you ok?” D.O asked politely.


“I’m not the legend of love. . .”


“Ah... but you are,” said Xiumin, he helps me up.


“But, it’s not real, Chanyeol said. He told me. .”


“Because, I didn’t want you to look for us. We are real.”

“You are the Legend of Love, Lee Han Na.” Tao looked at me. He smiled so sweetly. He snapped his fingers and time started moving. I heard the teacher talk inside of his room.  I looked at all 12 of them. The legend of Love was supposedly stronger than all of them combined. I was not stronger than anyone of these guys one on one. I feel them playing a game with me. I couldn’t get myself to think this was real. It’s not real. It’s not real. But it was. . .

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kayepop #1
Chapter 2: cool updateeeeeee~