Boys Bathroom

Now You See Me, Now You Don't

            The doctor gave me a prescription for some painkillers which I gladly took. My mom drops me off at school and I walk into the office and tell them where I was and they hand me an excuse slip. I state my name and grade as soon the office lady looks up at me.

            “Alright, here you are darling; we’re almost in third period right now if you didn’t know.” The lady smiles up at me and I look at the clock to see that I have just enough time to go to my locker before the third period bell goes off dismissing people from their second period classes.

            I get to my locker which happens to be at the other end of the school from my third period class as the bell goes off. I hurriedly throw my books in my bag and run to my class.

            Kids come piling out of classrooms in search of their new one. I dodge several students arguing with each other and take the steps two at a time. I make my way to the fourth floor in no time, which is until I turn a corner and my legs practically give out. I have stopped completely in the hallway and kids begin to shove me aside so they can get by. I continue standing there not knowing what to do.

            About ten or so feet away from me walks a confused and lost boy with a schedule card in his hands and his eyes occasionally looking up towards the room numbers. I try to make a run for it but as soon as I turn around to scurry away I hear someone yell, “Hey you! Sami’s friend, right?”

            I turn around slowly to face him, my eyes searching for somewhere I could maybe possibly slip through a crack, but even with the mightiest of willing I’d never make it through of course.

            He comes up to me like a ball of energy holding out his schedule card. “I didn’t know I’d be going to school with you and Sami, that’s pretty cool. At least I know some people now!” His voice comes out overly chipper.

            I give a small awkward laugh in agreement, still avoiding his eyes.

            “So, do you think you could help me find my third hour class? This school’s got me all turned around.” He admits in embarrassment. I look up just in time to see him smile and rub the back of his neck which makes my heart instantly melt again and I remember how gorgeous he is even though he isn’t wearing any make up nor is hair all done up.

            “Can I see your schedule then?” I ask timidly.

            Gah! I can’t believe I’m acting like such a…such a girl in front of him!       

            I cough while I straighten up more as I take his schedule into my hands. I scan over all his classes which makes my jaw fall open.

            “What, is something wrong?” He asks.

            I shake my head back and forth. “N-no, nothing’s wrong, but we do have all the same classes from this hour on.” My voice comes out small, my stomach feels suddenly hollow and I immediately want to switch schools.

            But of course that’ll never happen, don’t be silly.

            Without meaning to, I bite my lower lip exactly where my stitches are and wince painfully when I’ve realized/felt the pain in my lip.

            “Hey, are you alright?” I look up to him and wince slightly as I try to play the slight throb in my lip off like it’s no big deal even though it hurts like a . “Oh man, you don’t look alright.” He reaches into a side pocket of his backpack and pulls out a small bundle of tissues and hands it to me. “You know what; here let me help you out.” Before I can completely grab the tissues from him, he pulls them back and takes one out and starts right away at dabbing my lower lip.

            It takes all of my will not to let my knees give out then and there. By now the flow of students has become increasingly less which tells me the bell will ring soon.

            I take a step back to get out of his reach then and he gives me a quizzical look. “We should get going to our third hour; it’s about to start” I start for the classroom which is only several doors down when I’m spun around while my wrist is taken a hold of and dragged in the opposite direction.

            “What’re you doing?! We need to get to class.” I try prying his hand off of my wrist but it’s no use and I let myself be taken away. A few seconds later we find ourselves in front of the restrooms, specifically the boys bathroom.

            Changjo lets go of my wrist then and turns to look at me. “Swear you won’t go anywhere while I’m in there, okay?” He looks at me with sincere eyes and I feel my head nod without my permission. He quickly disappears into the restrooms while I’m left standing there trying not to look like a peeping tom.

            Suddenly Changjo pops his head out and “psst”’s me to get my attention. I turn towards the door when I’m hastily pulled into the bathroom where I stumble almost practically falling to the ground while he flips the lock shut on the door. Immediately my thoughts start to jump to conclusions and I get extremely nervous and start preparing myself for a possible defensive fight with him.

            “Would you unclench your fists, I’m not that kind of guy.” He gestures to my fists which I had no idea made themselves into balls at my sides as he goes to stand in front of a sink.

            “Oh, uh sorry.” Shaking my hands out I look anywhere but at his face.  

            “So why exactly did you take us to the boys bathroom? If I may ask.”

            He gives me this are-you-kidding-me look and I raise an eyebrow at him in question. “Are you serious right now? Just…come here.” He says as he pats the edge of the sink impatiently for me.         

            When I get to the sink, I try earnestly to get on to the rim of the sink but taking into account of my height, it was easier said than done. I struggle a few more times to no avail.

            “I guess I’m too short.” It comes out more like a question rather than a statement but before I know it, two firm hands are at my hips and are lifting me up until my is on the sink where I then promptly slide down into it. Changjo gives a small chuckle as he watches me struggle to sit correctly the way he intended me to.

            “Here, grab my arm and I’ll pull you out.” He smiles crookedly at me and I do as I’m told.           Soon enough after the mild interferences of falling into a sink, I’m sitting on the edge as Changjo takes out a first aid kit and pops it open.

            “Why do you carry that with you?”

            “I don’t know, for instances like this?” He retorts and I frown at his back. He pulls out several pieces of gauze and liquid antiseptics. He brings the newly damp gauze of antiseptic to my lip and as light as possible, dabs and cleans away either the already dried blood or the stuff still running down my chin still.

            After several more minutes go by and a knock on the door that made both of us jump, he declares my wound to be done bleeding and helps me off the sink. Changjo quickly puts his stuff back into his bag and slings it over his shoulder and goes to unlock the door where we both dart out of the restroom making sure no one sees us.

            “Alright then!” He throws his fist in to air above his head seeming proud as can be. “Now that we’re probably fifteen minutes late to class, we should get going.” I sigh and shake my head at him.   

            “Just follow me, okay?”

            “No problem! But I was wondering,” his voice does a 180 in change from chipper to concern as he asks; “how did you hurt yourself so badly?”                      

            I gulp to myself and feed him the same lie I’ve been telling everyone else; “Oh I fell when I was skateboarding and hit a railing with my face.” He gives me this shocked look as his mouth falls open.    

            “Wait, you skateboard? Really?” That’s what he got out of that?

            “Uh-huh, I do.” I shyly say. Telling people I skateboard can go two ways, either they think it’s super cool that I do so or they think it’s not correct for a “lady” to do that sort of thing. Usually it’s the second option people choose to react to my hobby of skateboarding.

            “So do I, we should totally skate sometime soon together…if you want that is.” It’s his turn to sound shy and timid when he asks this.

            But instead of saying what I thought I’d say, I agree to it.

            Oh…my…god. Could this be considered a date or am I blowing this hangout-to-be out of proportion? 





I'm sooooo sorry for taking so long but when my laptop crashed, a lot of what i was working on for this story got erased and that really made me sad and very unmoitvated to continue but i did anyways! Even if it has been over a month since i updated this story. I'm glad to be back and i hope you enjoy this chapter and the chapters to come after this~

Toodles my dears~ ^^

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I know it's been a while but i finally am gonna start the next chapter, sorry for the long wait! D:


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janale6 #1
Chapter 6: this story is actually cute. :3 and funny. hehe cant wait for update..
The-reality-I-wanted #2
Chapter 5: I like your story :D And the way you write ^^
Its funny :3 Please update soon!
Im so curious about what happens to Yuri next *w*
I'm so curious!^^ what happens next?!? PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!^^ It's really good! :D