Fine, We Can Sneak In!

Now You See Me, Now You Don't

                “Come on, Yuri. Please? I hardly ever get to see him because of his schedule and him always being on tour.” Sami begged me. I sighed loudly in defeat and she threw her arms around me and squealed. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you! This means so much to me, you have no idea. It’s been practically a month since I’ve seen Chanhee.”

            “You owe me big time for this; if we get caught my secret’s out and we’ll probably be thrown in jail or something.” I drop my voice down to a whisper and look around us. Sami nods her head giddily at me and gives me a dazzling smile. “When is the concert though?” I question.

            Sami’s eyes drop to the floor and her shoulders slump a little. “It’s…it’s tonight at the center downtown.” My mouth falls open in disbelief and my eyes widen.

            “Sami! You know I work tonight all the way up to ten!” My mind begins to process all the possibilities, if any, to get us there in time for Sami to see Chanhee.

            Sami begins to pout at me and I feel bad for yelling at her. “Okay, we can do this, we can do this…I hope. Can you just hang around the café until around closing time and then I can just drive us to the center and that’ll be much quicker than me having to go pick you up half way across town and then driving back to go downtown, okay?” I give her a stern look and she nods her head and salutes me. “Okay, so meet me here after school and I can drive the both of us to the café.”

            “Aye, aye sir!” Sami salutes me again and gives me a tight hug afterwards. “I’ll see you after school then!” She waves as she walks away with a giant smile on her face. I shake my head at her and head off to my own classes.

            As I sat in my classes I began to drift off into thought. Sami was a cute girl with a beautiful face and long flowing hair that she often curled. Boys often fawned over her but she never paid them any attention because of her secret relationship with Chanhee. No boy ever paid me the time of day because I was just so ordinary and just not that girly. Me on the other hand, well I was not the cutest, skinniest or tallest girl, I was just me. My hair is cut pretty short and I tend to do various styles with it. My face was a little chubby and I had various scraps and cuts due to skateboarding or just falling in general all the time. I tended to look up more towards the tomboy girl in the kpop group I liked, such as Amber from F(x). She was the inspiration for me to cut my hair short.

Sami and Chanhee met at school a long while ago, they were best friends until he left to pursue his love of music until he got into a group known as Teen Top, the group I’ll be seeing without permission and being surrounded by security on all sides with no escape except for my secret. I haven’t told my secret to anyone besides Sami, not even my parents. I don’t want them to know that they have a freak for a daughter.

            My thoughts were interrupted when the bell signaling the end of the day rung and kids started bustling out the door as quickly as they can.

            I quickly put my things away and sling my backpack over my shoulder and head towards my meeting spot with Sami.

            I stand around waiting for her for a while until I feel someone jab me in my sides and I scream in response which draws several stares from students walking by. I whip around and find Sami laughing her off at my reaction. I end up resorting to punching her in her arm to get her to stop.

            “Ow! That hurt Yuri.” She complains as her arm turns red where I punched her. I didn’t mean to hit her that hard.

            “Aish, sorry Sami, we should get going though, my shift starts in half an hour.” I say as we walk off towards my car.

            As we approach my car, I can feel Sami’s reaction to it. It’s always the same. She slows her pace down and you can practically feel the distaste coming off of her. When we finally get to my car she hesitantly walks around to the passenger side and stares at me from across the hood.
            “What?” I question as I open my door and slide in. She does the same but much slower.

“Come on, you’re taking forever!” I complain to her.

            “I don’t like your car, Yuri.” She says bluntly with her arms crossed. I attempt to hug the steering wheel and start patting the dash and whisper, “Sh, she didn’t mean it. You’re beautiful the way you are.”

            “Shut up, Yuri!” Sami laughs and slaps my arm as I pull out of the parking space and head to the café I work at.

            It took us a little over thirty minutes to get there because Sami insisted that we go to her house so she can grab some “necessities” which were: new clothes (a couple different pairs of clothes), a comb, hair straightener and a curler, perfume, several pairs of different shoes she could choose from, make-up and lastly, her phone charger.

            I swear this girl was acting like it was the end of the world so she feels the need to bring a lot of pointless things with her. I sigh loudly as we leave her room and walk out of her house; all the while I was shaking my head. Somehow she also managed to fit all that stuff into a medium size purse. How she managed to do that, I will never know.

            We’re at a stop light when she turns to me looking like she just had the most crazy epiphany. I look over to her and give her a look of what’s-up and she just gives me this decisive smile with a hint of mischievousness.

            “You know, the rest of Chanhee’s group will be there along with other big name groups, don’t you want to look…” She trails off as she scans me up and down. I clutch the steering wheel making my knuckles go white. I knew exactly where this was going and I was terrified I wouldn’t be able to get out of it. I was never one of those girls that enjoyed playing dress up and that’s exactly what Sami wants to do to me. “Better? A little more flashy? Eye catching? More feminine?

            More feminine? What!

            In front of us, the light changed to green and cars began to move and I accidentally slammed my foot on the gas too hard and we shot forward so abruptly, Sami let out a squeak as she was forced to sit back in her seat from the motion.

            “Sami, I’m perfectly happy with my appearance and I am more than certain that none of those guys will pay me the time of day anyways because…I probably look like one of them! Also they’ll probably be distracted by you to ever see me. I mean, look at you! You fit their ideal girl that they’d want.”

            Little did I know, I would give in to Sami’s childish pout and let her do some things to me sadly. 

I'm tryin' guys, I really am. 

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I know it's been a while but i finally am gonna start the next chapter, sorry for the long wait! D:


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janale6 #1
Chapter 6: this story is actually cute. :3 and funny. hehe cant wait for update..
The-reality-I-wanted #2
Chapter 5: I like your story :D And the way you write ^^
Its funny :3 Please update soon!
Im so curious about what happens to Yuri next *w*
I'm so curious!^^ what happens next?!? PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!^^ It's really good! :D