Off To Infiltrate

Now You See Me, Now You Don't

I was just finishing up clean the tables when she ambushed me by tugging on the sleeve of my work uniform and giving me those big pouty round eyes. She followed me around for a while until I said fine in defeat. She made me drop the rag I was using to clean the tables behind the cash register and pulled me into the back of the building where all the employees put their personal items. She sat me down on a small stool that happened to be set in front of a mirror and plugged in her straightener and curler.

            “Sami, not too much now, okay?” I practically pleaded to her and she just patted the top of my head.

            Oh dear god…

            By the end of this tortures moment in my life, Sami had me stand up but look away from the mirror until she told me it was okay to look at myself. I could feel the make-up on my face and I immediately thought I would resemble a clown because it felt like so much.

            “Yuri, I’m going to be leaving the room to get something so don’t you dare look at yourself yet! I’m almost done, my master piece.” She added quickly and disappeared out into the hall before I could chuck something at her for calling me a “master piece”.

            I stand perfectly still with my back facing the mirror. Temptation to look in the mirror is killing me and I almost give in when Sami reappears back in the room with a cup of water. I give her a quizzical look and she shrugs to me. “I got thirsty.” I practically face palm myself but before I do, Sami yells at me and tells me to drop my hand to my side and to not touch my face.

            “I just need to finish your hair and we’ll be good to go!” She gives me a thumbs up and drinks her cup of water. I gulp and nod at her in nervousness.

             The next ten minutes seem to drag on until Sami lets out a loud squeal of happiness. I hope my reaction will be the same.

            “Okay, I’m finally done!” She spins me around by my shoulders and has me look into the mirror.

            If my jaw was not attached to the rest of my face, I’m certain it would be on the floor right now.

            “Do you like it? I kept in mind that you said to not overdo it and I don’t think I did, did I?” Instead of replying to her I examined myself in the mirror by stepping closer to it and then backing away. Through the mirror I could see Sami jumping up and down with excitement but I continued to touch my face and lightly touch my hair as to not mess it up.

            Finally I turned around to acknowledge her presence. “Wow, I look…I look different. Not in a bad way though of course.” A big dumb smile drew across my face as I was quite happy with the outcome.

            I threw off my apron into my locker and started to walk out into the hallway leaving Sami to do herself up. In the time span Sami took to get ready, I had successfully cleaned the rest of the tables, washed the dishes and mopped the floor when she finally walked out wearing a dusty pink dress that went down to her knees. Her hair hung in ringlets that reached the middle of her back, on her feet she wore shoes I didn’t even know she had which were shiny black heels that made her taller than me. The only thing we had in common right now was her make-up was roughly like mine but more edgy. I could tell she had put on false eyelashes but they looked beautiful because it made her eyes pop out even more with the help of the lenses in her eyes.

            I looked down at myself and saw I was just wearing tattered skinny jeans with a white shirt tucked in with a vest. Instead of heels on my feet I had battered converse shoes. I totally look like one of the idols. Fabulous.

            “Well uh---are you ready to go now?” Sami nods her head in excitement. I push the mop and bucket into the utility closet and quickly go to grab my bag out of the employee room. “Okay, le’s go girly, you got a boyfriend to go see.” I say as I spin my keys around my fingers.

I'm still really trying guys.

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I know it's been a while but i finally am gonna start the next chapter, sorry for the long wait! D:


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janale6 #1
Chapter 6: this story is actually cute. :3 and funny. hehe cant wait for update..
The-reality-I-wanted #2
Chapter 5: I like your story :D And the way you write ^^
Its funny :3 Please update soon!
Im so curious about what happens to Yuri next *w*
I'm so curious!^^ what happens next?!? PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!^^ It's really good! :D