
Now You See Me, Now You Don't


I am in dreamland when suddenly I feel pain shoot through me and I wonder what could be hurting so bad until I fully wake up and realize what it is.

            I try sitting up in my bed but something soft is thrown violently at my face and my head hits my pillow. Giggles are heard throughout the house and I know exactly who it is.

            “Insu! I am going to---” I stop midway through my sentence and ball my fists up as another wave of pain strikes me. I groan loudly in annoyance when I feel blood slowly slip down my chin from my lip. I get up off my bed and head to the dining room to show my parents.

            “Yuri!” My mother gasps as soon as she sees me. I can only assume that the bruising has gotten worse over the night. “What happened to you darling?” She rushes over to me and lightly brushes my cheek and I wince in pain.

            I ignore what she has just asked and instead ask, “Can I get stiches?”

            My mother quickly has me dress in my school uniform and has me brush my hair and to the best of my ability brush my teeth. It didn’t go so well though.

            We soon end up sitting in a waiting room in a clinic that my family takes us to when we’re sick and we sit down and wait.

            I pick up a magazine and as soon as I start reading an article a doctor calls my name and we head towards the nurse who leads us to a room and we do some more waiting until they bring back the utensils to stich a wound up.

            My mom sits in a corner of the room looking at the various awards this doctor has managed to get. “Honey, are you ever going to tell me how you got hurt or not?” She asks without looking at me.

            “I fell. It hurt.” I say bluntly. Partially it’s true; I did fall except the falling didn’t cause anything. She gives me a lame look and I just shrug. Just then the door opens and the doctor walks in with a metal clip board and one assistant behind who carries a tray. I gulp nervously.

            He looks up from the board and beams at me showing off his glistening white teeth. I feel a wave of heat crawl across my face and my eyes immediately find their way to the ground.

            “So what do we have here.” The doctor says as he inspects my face. “Swelling of the left cheek and a quite badly busted lip.” He scribbles a few notes down on his board before asking me what exactly happened.

            “I—uh---fell. When I was skateboarding. Hit a railing with my face. It hurt.” I try to give away as little information as possible. I receive a glare as the doctor writes what I said down from my mother. She disapproves greatly of me skateboard, she says it’s not very womanly and she thinks guys won’t like me because of it. She’s just weird like that.

            “Alright then, let’s get you stitched up and out of here and then off to school.” He says with a giant smile on his face as he leans towards my face with the needle and string in one hand. I grip the chair I’m sitting on tightly as I feel him begin. 

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I know it's been a while but i finally am gonna start the next chapter, sorry for the long wait! D:


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janale6 #1
Chapter 6: this story is actually cute. :3 and funny. hehe cant wait for update..
The-reality-I-wanted #2
Chapter 5: I like your story :D And the way you write ^^
Its funny :3 Please update soon!
Im so curious about what happens to Yuri next *w*
I'm so curious!^^ what happens next?!? PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!^^ It's really good! :D