Haunted Waiting Room

Now You See Me, Now You Don't

Several of the members are walking around without shirts on like it doesn’t even faze them. I feel my face grow immensely warm and I avert my eyes to the floor. I promptly go and stand in an empty corner as to not get in the way of any of the staff or the group, couldn’t have them running into something that isn’t there.

I only take a few glances up to 1) make sure no one is coming near me and 2) I’m a teenage girl, I couldn’t help myself after I got over being shocked. I observe what Changjo is doing which really only consisted of sitting in the styling chair and looking at his reflection. Little did I know, my feet were bringing me across the room and towards the chair Changjo was sitting on. When I got to his side I just looked at his reflection in the mirror, he was literally the most flawless human being I had and will probably ever see in my life. There was only a slight scratch on his chin which would probably be covered up nicely with makeup.

“Yah~ Changjo, look how cool the staff made these skateboards we get to use in our performance!” A boy with pretty blue hair all done up already came bouncing over to the boy in the chair with a skateboard in hand. I took several steps towards the wall as to not be in the way.

Changjo takes the skateboard in his hands and traces the colorful swirls and dots on it. After a minute or so he hands it back to the blue haired boy who was watching for Changjo’s reaction. The boy giddily took it back and bounced up and down with excitement.

“That’s pretty cool that the staff did that for us, isn’t it Ricky?” Changjo smiles towards the mirror.

“Yeah I know! We have the best staff ever!” Ricky shouts and throws out his hands for exaggeration while still holding the skateboard. I was so distracted by Changjo’s dazzling smile that I didn’t notice the skateboard coming straight at me. It connected painfully with my jaw and I spun around and fell harshly to the ground. I grab onto the table before my face can collide with the tiled flooring which ends up causing the most amount of noise ever.

“Yah! Ricky, what did you just hit?” Changjo jumps up out of the chair to stand next to Ricky who is holding the board closely to his chest with the most frightened look on his face.

“I-I don’t know, there’s nothing there for me to have hit.” His voice shakes. I slowly crawl my way away from the scene as a few drops of blood splatter to the floor leaving a trail. I finally get to the far side of the room and sit on the ground breathing heavily. I lightly try to touch my jaw but a searing pain shoots through my lip.

“Oh my god,” I hear Changjo say to himself as he follows the drops of blood towards me. No one else in the room besides him seems to notice the spots of blood. He’s around ten feet away from me as his eyes grow wider with every step towards me. Fear takes over me as I quickly pull my sleeve down around my hand and try to wipe the blood away before he figures out someone’s here but not really. I quickly lean back into the corner as Changjo crouches right in front of me looking at the smeared blood that fell from my mouth. He takes a finger and touches the left over blood to look at.

“Is…is someone there…?” He whispers insanely quietly and my breath gets caught in my throat. He’s about to reach out to me---the corner to him---when Chanhee and Sami come busting in, stealing his attention away from me.

“Hey guys!” Chanhee greets s happily as Sami shyly waves and smiles at them. I take this moment and quickly move away from him. I do it quite clumsily though because of the hit to the face. I stumble and run into a chair which catches everyone’s attention. The only non-shocked face was Sami, she knew it was me but had to play along as to not let anyone else know.

She pipes up just then, “I think your dressing room is haunted, oppa.” Everyone turns to her with huge frightened eyes. 

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I know it's been a while but i finally am gonna start the next chapter, sorry for the long wait! D:


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janale6 #1
Chapter 6: this story is actually cute. :3 and funny. hehe cant wait for update..
The-reality-I-wanted #2
Chapter 5: I like your story :D And the way you write ^^
Its funny :3 Please update soon!
Im so curious about what happens to Yuri next *w*
I'm so curious!^^ what happens next?!? PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!^^ It's really good! :D